Dinopedia - L'encyclopédie des dinosaures




Source: Wikipédia

Ornithomimoides ("bird mimic-like") is a dubious genus of theropod dinosaur, from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian stage, sometime between 70 and 66 mya) Lameta Formation of India. Two species have been identified, the type species O. mobilis and O. barasimlensis, were named by von Huene in 1932 and were described by Matley in 1933 though they are known only from isolated vertebrae. O. barasimlensis is known from five dorsal vertebrae, and O. mobilis from four smaller vertebrae, found at the same location.

It is possible that, based on three reviews, published in 1999, 2004 and 2024 respectively, Ornithomimoides may have been an abelisaur, which may have measured between 6.2 metres (20 ft) and 9 metres (30 ft) in length.


Source: The Paleobiology Database

  • Attibution: Huene 19337271
  • Statut: nomen dubium, voir Abelisauroidea
  • Nom commun:
  • Environnement de découverte: terrestrial
  • Mode de vie: terrestrial
  • Mode de locomotion: actively mobile
  • Vision: ?
  • Alimentation: carnivore
  • Mode de reprodution: oviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile
  • Classification: Abelisauroidea >> Ceratosauria >> Averostra >> Neotheropoda >> Theropoda >> Dinosauria
  • Période: ?
  • Trias Jurassique Crétacé -251.90 MA -201.40 MA -145.00 MA -66.00 MA
  • Espèce(s):
  • Specimen(s):

    Pas de spécimen dans la base de donnée.

  • Découverte(s): 3 occcurrences
    Ouvrir - Fermer
    • Inde
      • Madhya Pradesh
        • Jabalpur
          • Formation Lameta
            • Abelisauroidea identifié comme n. gen. Ornithomimoides n. sp. mobilis: ? 7271
            • Abelisauroidea identifié comme Ornithomimoides ? n. sp. barasimlensis: ? 7271
            • Abelisauroidea identifié comme Ornithomimoides mobilis ?: ? 7271
  • Historique des modifications:
  • Pas de modification récente.


La base comprend 1 publication(s).

Source: The Paleobiology Database

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Source: Wikimédia