
Skull diagram showing the known material of Aardonyx. Based on...

The sauropodomorph dinosaur Aardonyx celestae by Dr. Matthew Bonnan.

A = Efraasia
B = Plateosaurus
C = Lufengosaurus
D = Aardonyx
E =...

Stratigraphic succession of Spion Kop Farm, illustrating the faunal...

Reconstruction du Squelette de Abdarainurus barsboldi

Abdarainurus size comparison with human.

Cráneo de un Abelisaurus comahuensis. Fotografía obtenida de la...

Sketch of Abelisaurus comahuensis, a theropod Dinosaur which has been...

Abrictosaurus, a sort of dinosaur

Restauration the Abrosaurus
erivative works of this file:

''Abrosaurus'' skull

 (Cedar Mountain Formation, Lower Cretaceous; Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, USA) 2 (48694534456).jpg)
Abydosaurus mcintoshi (Chure et al., 2010) - sauropod dinosaur skull...

Life restoration of Acantholipan


Acanthopholis horrida specimen PV OR 47234, dermal scutes from the...

aproximation to the siluete an Acanthopholis would had. there is too...

Reconstruction of a Achelousaurus. Matches proportions indicated in...

Nasals of Achelousaurus horneri.
(A) MOR 591, articulated rostral,...

Cast of the fossil of Acheroraptor

Reconstruction of Acheroraptor

Artistic restoration of the giant dromaeosaur Achillobator.

Acrocanthosaurus skull

Skeletal reconstruction of Acrocanthosaurus atokensis.

Illustration of the carcharodontosaurid Acrocanthosaurus atokensis...

Digital endocranial endocast of the braincase of Acrocanthosaurus...

Restoration of Acrocanthosaurus. Mario Lanzas 2018
Mounted skeleton of Acrocanthosaurus specimen NCSM 14345 at North...

Acrocanthosaurus skeletons

line drawing of the skull of Acrocanthosaurus atokensis (NCSM 14345)...

Acrocanthosaurus, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.

Acrocanthosaurus atokensis

Size comparison of various theropods belonging to...

Some of the counties in Texas where Acrocanthosaurus tracks have been...

Figure 6: Reconstruction of Acrocanthosaurus engaged in scrape...

Acrotholus audeti restoration

Amniote humerus originally referred to Actiosaurus in anterior view...

Adamantisaurus mezzalirai model

Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous dromaeosaurid Adasaurus...

Adeopapposaurus mognai, Early Jurassic of Argentina. Digital.

Life restoration of ''Adratiklit''

Life restoration of Adynomosaurus arcanus based on the holotype...

Life reconstruction of Adynomosaurus arcanus

Illustration of a fossil of Aegyptosaurus


Fossil of Aepisaurus, an extinct dinosaur- Took the photo at Museum...

Metatarsals of Aepyornithomimus tugrikinensis. (a), in anterior, (b),...

Phalanges of Aepyornithomimus tugrikinensis. (a), in dorsal, (b), in...

Aerosteon, pencil drawing, digital coloring

Original caption: 'Figure 16. Summary of pneumatic features of the...

Original caption: 'Figure 12. Furcula of the theropod Aerosteon...
Life restoration of 'Afromimus'

An Afrovenator abakensis life restoration based on Jaime Headden's...

Afrovenator - 01

Skeletal restoration of Afrovenator abakensis based on the holotype...

Another reconstruction of Agathaumas

Agilisaurus, pencil drawing, version 2, based on the skeleton...

Agilisaurus fossil specimen excavated from the Dashanpu Formation in...

Skeletal reconstruction of Agilisaurus louderbacki

Agnosphitys speculative reconstruction

Agujaceratops mariscalensis, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous...

Agustinia ligabuei, a sauropod from the Early Cretaceous of...

Life restoration of ''Ahshislepelta''

Skeletal reconstruction of Heyuannia yanshini (previously...


Silhouette of Ajnabia odysseus showing its size relative to a human...

Holotype maxilla of the lambeosaurine hadrosaurid Ajnabia odysseus...

Late Maastrichtian dinosaur fauna of Morocco, including Ajnabia...

Comparison of cranial features between closely related southern...

Photographs of postcranial osteoderms of Akainacephalus johnsoni...

Photographs of distal caudal vertebrae (handle) and tail club of...

Akainacephalus johnsoni life reconstruction

Photographs of the mandibles and predentary of Akainacephalus...

Preserved elements and skeletal reconstructions of Akainacephalus...

Photographs of the sacrum, presacral rod, and caudosacral vertebrae...

Photographs of the skull of Akainacephalus johnsoni in (A), left...

Photographs of the right tibia of Akainacephalus johnsoni (UMNH VP...

Comparative line drawings highlighting major areas of cranial...

Teratophoneus curriei attacking Kosmoceratops richardsoni, surrounded...

Hypothetical restoration of Alamosaurus sanjuanensis, based on Scott...

Alamosaurus, autor - Bogdanov,2006


Life restoration of ''Albalophosaurus''.

Albertaceratops nesmoi, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Life restoration of ''Albertadromeus''.

Holotype Frontal of ''Albertavenator curriei''


Albertosaurus models, Royal Tyrell Museum. this is what greets you on...

Scale chart for Albertosaurus sarcophagus

Life reconstruction of Albertosaurus sarcophagus

Gorgosaurus (formerly Albertosaurus) libratus (specimen ROM 1247)...

Mounted skeleton replica of the theropod dinosaur Albertosaurus in...

Mounted skeleton replica of the theropod dinosaur Albertosaurus in...

Life restoration of ''Albinykus''

Alcmonavis holotype

Size comparison of the stegosaurid Alcovasaurus. Based on Bivens...

North American Stegosauridae. From upper left: Stegosaurus stenops,...

Alectrosaurus (ah-LEK-tro-SAWR-us; 'unmarried lizard') is a genus of...

Aletopelta coombsi

Algoasaurus bauri left femur, posterior dorsal vertebra and right...

Size comparison of the three species in the tribe Alioramini, a group...

Alioramus remotus life restoration. Based on...

Alioramus altai life restoration. Modified from originally being the...

Skeletal diagram showing the known pieces after the dinosaur...

A montage of select bones from Alioramus altai (IGM 100/1844), a...

The braincase of Alioramus altai (IGM 100/1844) (modified from fig. 2...

Position of nutrient foramina on the femur of Alioramus altai...

A montage of select bones from Alioramus altai (IGM 100/1844), a...

Restoration of Alioramus and Nomingia in the Nemegt Formation.

Alioramus remotus scale diagram,
• Showing some of the known...

A skull diagram of the tyrannosaurid Alioramus remotus.
• The...

Skeletal mount of Allosaurus at the American Museum of Natural...

Allosaurus endocast

Map of Morrison Formation allosaur quarry locations made using Blank...

Size of Huaxiazhoulong compared to a human

Digital drawing of the known skeletal remains of Chromogisaurus...

Clutches of an Allosaurus fragilis.

Antigua representación de un Allosaurus devorando carroña...

Overview of pathologies in Allosaurus specimen SMA 0005 ('Big Al...

Allosaurus skull: Showing the maximum possible gape of Allosaurus as...

Allosaurus Juvenile Reconstruction by Fred Wierum

Allosaurus fragilis reconstruction by Fred Wierum. Proportions align...

Allosaurus atrox (Marsh, 1878) theropod dinosaur (cast) from the...

Allosaurus atrox (Marsh, 1878) theropod dinosaur from the Jurassic of...

Allosaurus pounces

Skeletal reconstruction of Allosaurus jimmadseni MOR 693.

Lateral view of the skull of the referred specimen of Allosaurus...

Idealized skull of Allosaurus jimmadseni in lateral (A), dorsal (B)...

A size comparison of the theropod dinosaur genus Allosaurus. Showing...

Dessin de Barosaurus lentus dressé sur ses pattes arrière et...

Nearly complete skeleton of an Allosaurus fragilis known as 'Big Al'...

Dry season at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry showing Ceratosaurus and...

The pathological dentary of a Allosaurus fragilis specimen, the...

Skulls of Allosaurus in left lateral view.
(A) Allosaurus fragilis...

Bitten plate of Stegosaurus

(Big Al II)
This dinosaur lived during the Jurassic...

Life reconstruction of Almas, Tom Parker, 2017.

Life restoration of Alnashetri

Illustration of a fossil of Alocodon

Alpkarakush: 'Alpkarakush' Middle Jurassic, Asia

Life reconstruction of Alpkarakush kyrgyzicus.

Portraits of the theropod dinosaur Alpkarakush

Restoration of the ornithopod dinosaur Altirhinus, an Asian relative...

Size comparison between the ornithopod dinosaur Altirhinus.

Fossil of Altispinax, an extinct dinosaur-- Took the photo at...

Alvarezsaurus skeleton restoration, Copenhagen.

Alvarezsaurus calvoi

Illustration of Alwalkeria maleriensis by Karkemish

Restoration of the Therizinosauroid dinosaur Alxasaurus...

Skeletal reconstruction of Alxasaurus elesitaiensis.

Size comparison of ''Amanzia''

Fossils of Amanzia greppini (formerly Cetiosauruscus).

Amargasaurus cazaui

Amargasaurus mounted skeleton cast
Foyer - Melbourne Museum

Amargasaurus cazaui, a sauropod from the Early Cretaceous of...

Photographs and reconstructions of soft−tissues in the neck of...

Life restoration of ''Amargatitanis''.

Skeletal reconstruction of ''Amazonsaurus maranhensis''

Restoration of Ambopteryx longibrachium based on known fossil elements

Original figure caption: Right hind foot of Anchisaurus major, Marsh;...

DMNH 2021-05-02, holotype left dentary of Ampelognathus coheni,...

A hypothetical life restoration of Ampelosaurus atacis

Size of Ampelosaurus based off Greg Paul and File:AmpelosaurusDB.jpg

Amphicoelias altus reconstruction

Size of Amphicoelias altus (green) compared to Maraapunisaurus...

Life restoration of ''Amtocephale''

Illustration of a fossil of Amtosaurus

Reconstruction of an Amurosaurus.

Replica of Amurosaurus at Brussels

Life restoration of ''Amygdalodon''

Anabisetia - 01

Life restoration of ''Anasazisaurus''

Edmontosaurus annectens (formerly Anatotitan copei), a hadrosaur from...

Early 20th century artistic life restorations of the Edmontosaurus...

Anchiceratops skull cast, National Dinosaur Museum, Canberra

Anchiornis huxleyi, a maniraptoran from the Late Jurassic of China,...

A photo of a fossil of a specimen of Anchiornis Huxleyi. There are...

Illustration of the basal troodontid Anchiornis huxleyi, by Matt...

Size comparison of two small non-avian dinosaurs, Epidexipteryx hui...



A scale diagram showing the titanosaur Andesaurus compared to some...

Reconstructed mount of Irritator challengeri (jr synonym = Angaturama)

Life restoration of ''Angolatitan''

Reconstruction of the skull of Angulomastacator daviesi. All that is...

Skeletal reconstruction of Anhuilong diboensis

Femur and tibia of Aniksosaurus darwini.
Right femur (MDT-PV 1/3) in...

Animantarx - 01

Animantarx ( Name means 'Living fortress ' ) was a planteating...

Size comparison between the thyreophorna dinosaur Animantarx and a...

Restoration of the skeleton of Ankylosaurus AMNH 5895

Reconstitution 3D d'un Ankylosaurus.

Excavation of Ankylosaurus magniventris skull AMNH 5214 (centre,...

Skull of Ankylosaurus, an armoured ornithischian dinosaur of the late...

Tooth of Ankylosaurus (specimen AMNH 5895) in outside and inside view.

Holotype skull of Ankylosaurus (specimen AMNH 5895).

Morphology of ankylosaurid tail clubs. Note that all specimens...

CMN 8530, holotype of Anodontosaurus lambei, skull in dorsal and left...

Schwanzkeule eines Anodontosaurus, aus der späten Kreide.

Anomalipes pes


Life restoration of Antarctopelta oliveroi

Distribution map the Antarctopelta

A size comparison of three femurs (thigh bones) that were assigned to...

An illustration of the dentary bones assigned to Antarctosaurus...

Hypothetical size comparison of Antarctosaurus wichmannianus, a...
Fémures del dinosaurio Antarctosaurus giganteus. Formación Río...

Antrodemus valens holotype tail vertebra, 1, 2, and 3 compared with...

Restored skeleton of Anzu wyliei (previously labelled as a specimen...

Left: Postcranial skeleton of Anzu wyliei gen. et sp. nov. as...

Life restoration of Chirostenotes, pencil drawing, based mainly on...

Restored skull and neck vertebra of Anzu wyliei

My drawing of Aorun.

Apatoraptor pennatus
Apatoraptor pennatus holotype, Royal Tyrrell Museum

Apatosaurus skeletal mount at the American Museum of Natural History,...

Reconstitution d'un apatosaure par le paléoartiste Dimitri Bogdanov.

Holotype cervical of Apatosaurus ajax YPM 1860 in side (left) and...

Figure 1.—Sacrum of Apatosaurus ajax Marsh; seen from...

Apatosaurus ajax Marsh, 1877 sauropod dinosaur skull from the...

An Apatosaurus ilium with bite marks on the distal end, indicating...

Illustration of the diplodocid Apatosaurus louisae, a species related...

Scale chart comparing the sizes of the major species/specimens of the...

Brontosaurus, Joseph Smit, vers 1900

Mounted skeletons of Saurophaganax maximus and Apatosaurus sp. in the...

The most complete Apatosaurus specimen known to date (BYU 17096),...

Skeleton of Apatosaurus (Apatosaurus ajax, specimen NSMT-PV 20375,...

The skull from the original mount of Brontosaurus (= Apatosaurus...

Pronounced: APA-lay-CHEE-o-SAW-rus

Appalachiosaurus montgomeriensis.

Life restoration

Life restoration of Aquilops americanus.

Arackar model: blue and right . Saltasaurus model: white and left

Life restoration of ''Aragosaurus''.

Skull restoration of Aralosaurus tuberiferus. Based off [1] and [2]

The holotype (MPSC R 2089) of Aratasaurus museunacionali gen. et sp....

Artist reconstruction of Aratasaurus museunacionali

The holotype (MPSC R 2089) of Aratasaurus museunacionali gen. et sp....

Archaeoceratops oshimai, a ceratopsian from the Early Cretaceous of...

Archaeodontosaurus descouensi
Tooth - multiple views of the same...

Holotype of Archaeodontosaurus descouensi, Right mandible.

The hands of Deinonychus (left) and Archaeopteryx (right) compared.

The hands of Deinonychus (left) and Archaeopteryx (right) compared.

Anatomical illustration comparing the 'frond-tail' of Archaeopteryx...
Fossil specimen of a partial skeleton of Archaeopteryx (catalogue no....

Archaeopteryx, moulage réalisé à partir de différents spécimens,...

Archaeopteryx, vu par un artiste en 2012. Un plumage noir est...

Artist's restoration of Archaeopteryx following Carney's 2011 feather...
A photo of an original fossil of Archaeopteryx Lithographica. It is...

'Thermopolis Specimen' of Archaeopteryx lithographica. Original...

Schema d'Archaeopteryx

Schema d'Archaeopteryx

Reconstructed skull of Archaeornithoides, known material in brown.

A reconstruction of Archaeornithomimus asiaticus based on skeletal...

Archaeornithomimus skeleton displayed in Hong Kong Science Museum

Fig 1. Postaxial cervical vertebra of Archaeornithomimus (AMNH FARB...

A size comparison between a human male and an Archaeornithomimus...

Arcovenator escotae (Theropoda, Abelisauridae), braincase (MHNAix-PV...

Life restoration of ''Arcusaurus''.

Reconstrucción de Arenysaurus realizada en 2007 para el Centro de...

D. Dentary tooth crowns of Arenysaurus ardevoli (MPZ 2008/258) in...

Drawing of Europelta carbonensis n. gen., n. sp., skull...

Teeth from Morocco and Niger referred to Carcharodontosaurus. Teeth...

Life reconstruction of Bonapartesaurus rionegrensis

Skeletal reconstruction of the giant Argentine titanosaur...

A hypothetical life restoration of Argentinosaurus huinculensis, a...

A hypothetical scale diagram showing the holotype specimen of the...

Argyrosaurus superbus restoration based on known remains and related...

Forelimb and assigned femur of Argyrosaurus superbus.

Sacrum and pubes of Aristosuchus pusillus

Arkansaurus fridayi restoration

Arrhinoceratops brachyops, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...


Size comparison of Asfaltovenator. Based on Rauhut & Pol (2019)....

Selected skeletal elements of Asfaltovenator vialidadi, MPEF PV 3440....

Skeletal reconstruction and postcranial anatomy of Asfaltovenator...

Cranial anatomy of Asfaltovenator vialidadi, MPEF PV 3440. (A)...

Life reconstruction and scale comparison of Asiatyrannus xui
Fossil remains of Asiatyrannus xui (ZMNH M30360). (A) Skeletal...
Photograph (A) and line drawing (B) of the skull of Asiatyrannus xui...

Life reconstruction of Asiatyrannus xui

Astrodon johnstoni (aka Pleurocoelus) - macronarian from...

Life restoration of ''Astrophocaudia''

Life restoration of Asylosaurus yalensis

Skeletal composite of the chilean titanosaur Atacamatitan chilensis....

Thigh-bone of a huge dinosaur, Atlantosaurus. From a cast in the...

Sacrum of Atlantosaurus montanus; seen from below; one tenth natural...

Lithographic life restoration of the sauropod dinosaur Atlantosaurus...

Comparison of maxilla specimens of ''Galleonosaurus'' (1) and...

Model of Atlascopcosaurus in JuraPark, Solec Kujawski, Poland

Atrociraptor marshalli. Follows elements depicted in original...

Restoration of the head in the dromaeosaurid dinosaur Atrociraptor....

Photograph of the maxilla fossil of Atrociraptor marshalli of the...

Atsinganosaurus velauciensis (VBN 93.01), late Campanian, Velaux-La...

Illustrations of Aublysodon teeth by Leidy and O. C. Marsh, 4:A....

Aucasaurus skeleton on display.

Size comparison between the carnivorous dinosaur Aucasaurus and a...

Appendicular elements of a hadrosaurid dinosaur Augustynolophus...

Augustynolophus (formerly Saurolophus) morrisi skull.

Auroraceratops rugosus, a ceratopsian from the Early Cretaceous of...

Aurornis xui, a basal member of Avialae from northern China, which...

Holotype (HMN MB.R.2455, Cervical vertebra) of Australodocus.

3-D digital restorations of the holotype (EMF102) of the...

A size chart of Australotitan cooperensis (EMF 102) compared to a...

Photograph of the right femur of the holotype (EMF102) of the...

Artistic representations of Australovenator wintonensis

* Australovenator wintonensis gen. et sp. nov. (QMF 7292)

Life restoration of ''Austrocheirus''.

First dorsal vertebra (D1) of Austroposeidon magnificus gen. et sp....

Skeletal reconstruction of Austroraptor cabazai.

Austroraptor cabazai, a dromaeosaurid from the Late Cretaceous of...

Life restoration of Austrosaurus.

Austrosaurus McKillopi life reconstruction featuring some iridescent...

Avaceratops was a small Ceratopsian dinosaur which lived during the...

Known fossil pieces after Aviatyrannis jurassica (Dinosauria,...

Size comparison between the oviraptorosaurian dinosaur Avimimus and a...

Field locality of Avimimus bonebed

Illustration of Avimimus portentosus, a basal oviraptorosaurian...

Avimimus multiviews

Skeletal reconstruction of Avimimus portentosus.

Avimimus skull restoration by Jaime Headden

Jaw of Bonitasaura (bottom) compared to that of Baalsaurus (top)

Bactrosaurus skeleton displayed in Hong Kong Science Museum

Bagaceratops rozhdestvenskyi, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous...

Reconstrucuon of Bagaraatan ostromi gen. et sp. n. from the...

Diente de Bagualia hallado en la excavación del holotipo

Restoration of Bagualosaurus agudoensis.

Bagualosaurus agudoensis, known skeletal remains

Reconstitution de Bahariasaurus
Locality and geological maps of the Baiyinosaurus fossil locality....

Skeletal diagram of Baiyinosaurus baojiensis showing known fossil...

Reconstructed skull of Baiyinosaurus baojiensis showing the known...
(a–j) anterior dorsal vertebrae of Baiyinosaurus baojiensis...
Atlas of Baiyinosaurus baojiensis (IVPG-D021-07). (a) anterior, (b)...

Life reconstruction of Baiyinosaurus baojiensis.
Anterior caudal vertebra of Baiyinosaurus baojiensis (IVPG-D021-15)....
Dentary of Baiyinosaurus baojiensis (IVPG-D021-06). (a–d) left...
(a–x) middle or posterior dorsal vertebrae of Baiyinosaurus...
Skull bones of Baiyinosaurus baojiensis. (a) left premaxilla...

Outline of the frontal and other skull elements in dorsal view. (a)...

Life restoration of ''Bajadasaurus pronuspinax''

Skull of Bajadasaurus pronuspinax gen. et sp. nov (MMCh-PV 75)

Sauropod Dinozor Cinsi

Balaur bondoc, the new dromaeosaurid from late Cretaceous Romania,...

Fossil of Balaur

Fossil of Balaur, an extinct theropod- Took the photo at Fossil Show,...


Skeletal reconstruction of Bambiraptor feinbergi.

A reconstruction of Bambiraptor.

Profile of Banji long with known skull material, including...

Scaled reconstruction of Bannykus wulatensis. (Tom Parker, 2018)


Pelvis of Barilium dawsoni.

Giant plant eating dinosaur Barosaurus of the Sauropod group at Royal...

Size of the North American Upper Jurassic diplodocid sauropod...

Holotype Vertebrae of ''Barrosasaurus casamiquelai''

Barsboldia sicinskii gen. et sp.n., type specimen ZPAL...
Barsboldia sicinskii - lambeosaurid from early Maastrichtian of...

Baryonyx walkeri, a spinosaurid from the Early Cretaceous of England,...

Reconstruction of the holotype of Baryonyx walkeri - Natural History...

Reconstruction of the holotype carcase of Baryonyx walkeri, based on...

Reconstruction of the holotype carcase of Baryonyx walkeri, based on...

Restoration of Batyrosaurus rozhdestvenskyi from the Late Cretaceous...

Restoration of Bayannurosaurus perfectus, a basal ankylopollexian...

Becklespinax altispinax holotype BMNH R1828 (originally assigned to...

Représentation hypothétique du théropode Becklespinax altispinax.

Comparison of embryonic pose of Beibeilong (HGM 41HIII1219) (a) with...

Baby Louie - a Beibeilong fetus in the Children's Museum of...

Life restoration of the gigantic Late Cretaceous caenagnathid...

Photographic comparison of unprepared and prepared block of...

Photographs of the hindlimb region of Beibeilong sinensis (HGM...

Locality information for Beibeilong sinensis (HGM 41HIII1219). Map of...

Size diagram comparing estimated adult size and Macroelongatoolithus...

The drawing shows the approximate size of the Beibeilong embryo...

Life restoration of the therizinosaur Beipiaosaurus inexpectus, based...

Beishanlong grandis, Early Cretaceous of China. Digital.

Bellusaurus - 01

The bellusaurus, a beautiful graceful dinosaur, named after me aslo a...

Berberosaurus life restoration 2019

Interpretative line drawing of Berthasaura leopoldinae gen. et sp....

The recognition of ontogenetic edentulism in the Jurassic noasaurid...

Fossil of Betasuchus, a theropod dinosaur
Took the photo at Musee...

Highly speculative reconstruction of Betasuchus as an abelisaurid,...

Fig. 2. Selected cranial elements of Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen....

Thyreophoran dinosaur Bienosaurus lufengensis Dong, 2001 (IVPPV15311,...

Reconstructed skull of ''Bisticeratops froeseorum''

Skeletal diagram of ''Bisticeratops froeseorum''
Bisticeratops froeseorum holotype skull

Left dentary of Blasisaurus canudoi (MPZ 99/665) in medial view. B....

Artistic restoration of a hunting scene featuring Austroraptor...

Photographs and interpretive drawings of the titanosauroid...

Bonitasaura salgadoi compared to human

Restoration of Borealopelta markmitchelli.

Comparisons of the size of the bony core and keratinous sheath of the...

Borealopelta markmitchelli is a nodosaur (a kind of ankylosaur) found...

Plate 53. Borogovia gracilicrus gen. et sp. n.
1. Fragmentary right...

Bothriospondylus suffossus.
Fig. 1. Hind view of terminal centrum of...

Brachiosaurus altithorax. Matches proportions in skeletal diagram by...

Brachiosaurus ulna (bone from the lower part of the front leg) USNM...

Réplique du squelette holotype (FMNH P25107) de Brachiosaurus...

Brachyceratops montanensis, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Brachylophosaurus skull.

Brachytrachelopan, pencil drawing

Punatitan coughlini and Bravasaurus arrierosorum skeletal diagram....

Bravoceratops polyphemus

Head reconstruction of Breviceratops

Re-drawn version of my earlier less accurate Brighstoneus drawing

Skeletal inventory of the camarasauromorph sauropod Brontomerus...

Reconstruction of Brontosaurus excelsus.

Squelette reconstitué de Brontosaurus excelsus (YPM 1980),...


Left femur of czech ornithopod dinosaur Burianosaurus augustai, found...
Axial skeleton of the titanosaurian sauropod Bustingorrytitan shiva...
All fossil evidence found from Bustingorrytitan Shiva
Pelvic and hindlimb elements of the titanosaurian sauropod...

Bustingorrytitan: 'Bustingorry's giant' Late Cretaceous, South America

Restoration of Byronosaurus jaffei. Based on diagram by Jaime...

Caenagnathasia martinsoni Currie, Godfrey & Nessov, 1994....

Mandibles of caenagnathids from Dinosaur Park Formation. A, NMC 8776,...

Caieiria allocaudata anterior caudal vertebrae

Caieiria allocaudata middle caudal vertebrae

Caihong juji holotype specimen (PMoL-B00175). Photographs of the slab...

Cervical vertebra of Calamosaurus foxi

A replica tibia of cf. Calamospondylus oweni (=Coelurosauria indet.),...

Callovosaurus restoration

Calvarius: 'Suffering' Late Cretaceous, Europe

Crâne de Camarasaurus lentus au Smithsonian museum of Natural...

Camarasaurus reconstruido en el MUJA, Asturias, España.

Ceratosaurian theropod Camarillasaurus cirugedae gen. et sp. nov....

Reconstruction of Camelotia borealis

Depiction of the Triassic coelophysid Camposaurus

Carolina Leafroller Cricket (Camptonotus carolinensis) in Pennsylvania

Camptosaurus dispar.

Canardia garonnensis, the Larcan specimen. Right maxilla and quadrate...

Canardia garonnensis, MDE-Ma3–16 (holotype), right...

Canardia garonnensis, dentary dentition. A. Partial dentary dental...

Canardia garonnensis, selected appendicular elements.
A. Left...

Reconstruction of the Bahariya Formation ecosystem

Carcharodontosaurus reconstruction. Based on Giganotosaurus...

Posterior skull elements of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus (UCRC...

Jugal of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus (UCRC PV12). Left jugal in (A)...

Nasal and lacrimal of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus (UCRC PV12)....

Postorbital of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus (UCRC PV12). Left...

Carcharodontosaurus saharicus - tooth : face and profile of the same...

Pelvis, leg bones, and tail vertebra of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus...

Carcharodontosaurus saharicus skeletal reconstruction

Genotype skull and endocast of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus which...

Carcharodontosaurus saharicus skull reconstruction
 2 (15352983706).jpg)
Carcharodontosaurus saharicus (Depéret & Savornin, 1927)...
 3 (15375691822).jpg)
Carcharodontosaurus saharicus (Depéret & Savornin, 1927)...

Adaptation of Slate Weasel Size comparison of the two known specimens...

Endocasts of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus. Endocast (from UCRC PV12)...

Reconstruction of the cranium of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus in...

Right maxilla of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus. UCRC PV12 in (A)...

Skull of Carcharodontosaurus

Fig. 2. Side view of crown of tooth of Cardiodon rugulosus.
Fig. 3....

Illustration of Carnotaurus

Carnotaurus - reconstruction This is an altered version of an image...

Carnotaurus-Human size chart comparison

Carnotaurus Skull at the Kenosha Dinosaur Museum, Kenosha, WI.

Carnotaurus sastrei, skeletal model, Canadian Museum of Nature,...

The holotype of the herrerasaurian dinosauriform Caseosaurus...

Drapeau de l'état du Nouveau Mexique

Life reconstruction of Hesperonyx martinhotomasorum
IGM 6685, holotype Coahuilasaurus lipani. Rostrum with posterior...

Dahalokely tokana, holotype (UA 9855).
A, reconstructed silhouette...

Fig. 2. Cathartesaura anaerobica gen. et sp. nov.
Posterior cervical...

Original description: The diagram is based on strict consensus of...

Skeletal reconstructions of Caudipteryx.

Life restoration of the feathered dinosaur Caudipteryx zoui.

Size comparison of Caudipteryx to a human. Each grid segment...

Photograph of the holotype specimen of Caudipteryx zoui (NGMC...

Life restoration of Cedarosaurus weiskopfae. Based on Hartman (2014)

Size comparison of the Cretaceous brachiosaurid Cedarosaurus...

Cedarosaurus parts

Cedarpelta bilbeyhallorum skull, reconstructed from two partial...

Left ilium of Cedrorestes crichtoni (DMNH 47994, holotype).

Centrosaurus apertus, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North...

Centrosaurus (SEN-tro-sawr-us) meaning 'pointed lizard' (from Greek...

Cerasinops hodgskissi, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Size comparison of several parvicursorine dinosaurs. From left to...

Ceratonykus oculatus, Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. Digital.

Ceratops montanus holotype

Eoeratops canadensis (formerly Ceratops) horn cores.

Ceratosaurus_nasicornis reconstruction. Matches proportions shown in...

Ceratosuchops inferodios

Ceratosuchops inferodios life reconstruction

Skeletal reconstruction and scale of Riparovenator milnerae and...

The incomplete skeleton of Cetiosauriscus stewarti (BMNH R3078)...

Cetiosaurus right femur

Cetiosaurus, a primitive sauropod from England.

Cetiosaurus oxoniensis.

Cetiosaurus right scapula

Cetiosaurus right humerus

Cetiosaurus. New Walk Museum, Leicester. Tuesday, 17 July, 2012

Life restoration of an adult Chakisaurus with two juvenile...

Size comparison of ''Changmiania''

Changmiania liaoningensis, an ornithopod dinosaur from the Lower...

Reconstruction of the 2014 microraptorine dromaeosaur dinosaur,...

Chaoyangsaurus youngi, a basal ceratopsian from the Late Jurassic of...

Chasmosaurus belli, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North...

Illustration of the head of Chebsaurus.

Restoration of Chenanisaurus sprinting along a shoreline

Size comparison of Chenanisaurus barbaricus to human

Chialingosaurus kuani, a Late Jurassic stegosaur from China, pencil...

Illustration of a fossil of Chienkosaurus

Chilantaisaurus tashuikouensis.

Skeleton reconstruction of Chilesaurus.

Chimaera cubana reconstruction drawing

Chimaera monstrosa

Chimaera phantasma в Научном музее ДВФУ (г....

Chimère monstrueuse naturalisée (Chimaera monstrosa)

Specimen of Chimaera jordani

Chindesaurus bryansmalli

Skeletal reconstruction of Chirostenotes pergracilis showing the...

Left manus of Chirostenotes pergraclis. Type, No. 2367

Chondrosteosaurus gigas.
Fig. 1. Side view of centrum of an anterior...

Skeletal restoration of Chuandongocoelurus

Chuanjiesaurus fossil in China Science and Technology Museum. The...

Photograph and outline drawing of the skeleton of Chuanqilong...

Holotype skull and mandibles of Chuanqilong chaoyangensis.

Life restoration of Chubutisaurus

Size comparison of Chucarosaurus diripienda with a human for...

Skeletal diagram of Chucarosaurus diripienda showing known fossil...

Skeleton of Chungkingosaurus jiangbeiensis displayed in Hong Kong...

Big Auntie Citipati osmolskae specimen, IGM 100/1004

Photograph of a nesting oviraptorid dinosaur Citipati osmolskae,...

Oviraptorid specimen IGM 100/42, Citipati sp., on exhibit at...

Tarsometatarsi of caenagnathids from the Upper Campanian Dinosaur...

Images of the cross-section of a sectioned metatarsal bone from the...

Metatarsal bone of the caenagnathid genus Citipes, UALVP 59606, shown...

Skeletal reconstruction of Citipes elegans

Size comparison of all three caenagnathid genera from the Dinosaur...

Partial skeleton of Claosaurus agilis (holotype YPM 1190).
(A) Right...

Dead hadrosaur Claosaurus floating in Western Interior Sea of...


The theropod dinosaur Coelophysis bauri by John Conway [1]

Illustration of a fossil of Coeluroides

Coelurus fragilis, a coelurosaur from the Late Jurassic of North...

Life restoration of Colepiocephale

Coloradia pandora

Canjuers military camp : Compsognathus fossil

Compsognathus longipes reconstitué par le paléoartiste Nobu Tamura.

Compsognathus longipes, a coelurosaur from the Late Jurassic of...

Compsognathus longipes skeleton.

Compsognathus longipes cast, Oxford University Museum of Natural...

Compsognathus longipes cast, Oxford University Museum of Natural...

Compsognathus longipes (conjectural restitution). Note: absolutely...

Two specimens of Compsognathus longipes compared in size with each...

Illustration of a fossil of Compsosuchus

Life reconstruction of Comptonatus chasei

Aspecto del fósil del dinosaurio carnívoro Concavenator corcovatus...

The carcharodontosaurid Concavenator corovatus ambushing the...

A reconstruction of the dinosaur Concavenator corcovatus combining...

Concavenator in a pond

Skull of Conchoraptor

Skull of Conchoraptor

Conchoraptor - 01

Condorraptor currumili.

Convolosaurus skeleton as found

Convolosaurus forelimb

Convolosaurus pelvis

Convolosaurus skull

Coronosaurus brinkmani

Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous oviraptorid Corythoraptor...

The cranial casque of Corythoraptor jacobsi and recent cassowaries....

Radius microstructure of the holotype of Corythoraptor jacobsi gen....

Fossil of Craspedodon, a ceratopsian dinosaur
Took the photo at Musee...

Illustration of a fossil of Craterosaurus

Cristatusaurus lapparenti (holotype, MNHN GDF 366) jaw fossils,...

Cristatusaurus lapparenti claw fossil, Muséum national d'Histoire...

Cristatusaurus lapparenti life reconstruction

Skeletal diagram of Cristatusaurus lapparenti combining several...

Life restoration of Crittendenceratops

Size diagram of Crittendenceratops compared to human.

Tetanuran theropod Cruxicheiros newmanorum gen. et sp. nov. axial...

Tetanuran theropod Cruxicheiros newmanorum gen. et sp. nov. pelvic...

Moulding of a skeleton of Cryolophosaurus ellioti (skull) in the...

Cryolophosaurus ellioti

Incomplete skeleton of Camptosaurus prestwichii, now referred to as...

Daanosaurus (大安龍屬) artist's conception. Basic outline until a...

Pencil drawing of Dacentrurus by en:Smokeybjb

Skeletal Reconstruction of Dacenturus armatus

Artist's impression of Dacentrurus with speculative filaments.

Skeletal reconstruction of the skull of Daemonosaurus chauliodus.

Anterior portion of the skull of Dakotadon lakotaensis (SDSM...

Size of Dakotaraptor steini (green) compared to a human.

Life restoration of the giant dromaeosaurid Dakotaraptor steini, with...

Daliansaurus life reconstruction by Tom Parker, pencil 2017.

Skeleton of the tyrannosaur Daspletosaurus (specimen FMNH PR308) at...

Skeleton of the tyrannosaur Daspletosaurus (specimen FMNH PR308) at...

Daspletosaurus torosus


Originally believed to be a specimen of Gorgosaurus libratus this...

Daspletosaurus torosus life restoration,
• Based proportionally...

Daspletosaurus torosus restoration,
• Based proportionally on a...

Scale chart for Daspletosaurus torosus
Geological and geographical contexts for the type locality of Datai...
The skulls of the type specimens of Datai yingliangis. A–F: YLSNHM...
The type specimens of Datai yingliangis gen. et ap. nov. (individual...

Datai: 'Sensible and Stable' Late Cretaceous, Asia

Datousaurus. Fossil in Shanghai Science & Technology Museum

Holotype of Daurlong wangi (a), whole specimen. (b), skull. (c),...

Daurlong wangi life restoration

Skeletal reconstruction of Daurlong wangi. Scale bar = 10 cm

Reconstructed skeleton of Daxiatitan binglingi.

bones of Deinocheirus, self taken photo in Natural History Museum,...

Reconstruction of Deinocheirus mirificus.

Life restoration of Deinocheirus

Drawing of the holotype forelimb and shoulder girdle of Deinocheirus...

Deinocheirus mirificus holotype in the exhibition 'Dinosaures....
Deinocheirus mirificus restoration. Based on the skeletal diagram and...

Lithography of the original syntypes of Deinodon: the small tooth...

Size comparison of Deinonychus to a human. Each grid segment...

Skull of Deinonychus antirrhopus - Montana USA(33x21cm)
Reconstruction of Deinonychus antirrhopus engaging in the prey...

Squelette monté d'un Deinonychus antirrhopus, exposée au Musée...

Artistic restoration of Deinonychus antirrhopus

Deinonychus restoration,
• Based proportionally on Gregory Pauls...

Ventral view of Deinonychus foot (MOR 747) in flexion.
D-I is not...

Life restoration model of a Deinonychus as a feathered animal in the...

Cast of left hind foot of Deinonychus antirrhopus (holotype YPM 5205)...

Size chart of different well known dromaeosaurs:
Microraptor gui,...

Illustration of the iberian iguanodontian Delapparentia turolensis.

Deltadromeus skeleton reconstruction, Montshire Museum.


Denversaurus skull

Mounted skeleton of a Denversaurus, having a run-in with a juvenile...

Diagram showing the size of Denversaurus schlessmani.


Life restoration of Diamantinasaurus

Diamantinasaurus matildae gen. et sp. nov. (AODF 603)
A. Right...

Dicraeosaurus hansemanni, Late Jurassic of Tanzania. Digital.

Dicraeosaurus skeleton at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin.

Dicraeosaurus hansemanni

Type specimen of Dilong - 01

Reconstruction of the small theropod dinosaur Dilong paradoxus, with...


Red Fleet Dinosaur Tracks Park, Utah
Dilophosaurus footprint By Phil...


Size comparison of Dilophosaurus wetherilli, and a human. Modified...

Dilophosaurus sinensis skeleton displayed in Hong Kong Science Museum

Restoration of Early Jurassic environment preserved at the SGDS, with...

Model of Dilophosaurus wetherilli in the Geological Museum of the...
Dilophosaurus footprint in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area....

Figure 36: Artist’s interpretation of the early Albian,...

Figure 7: Diluvicursor pickeringi gen. et sp. nov. holotype (NMV...

Figure 6: Partial postcranium, NMV P221080, assigned to the holotype...

Skeletal reconstruction of Dineobellator notohesperus gen. et sp....

Size comparison between Dinheirosaurus lourinhanensis and a human....

Illustration of a fossil of Dinodocus


Chevron bone of a Diplodocus

Diplodocus longus skull at the Smithsonian museum of Natural History

Diplodocus Allosaurus & Apatosaurus

Diplodocus carnegiei, the well known sauropod from the Late Jurassic...

Diplodocus as depicted by Hay in 1910.

Sauropode, Diplodocidae ; Vue d'artiste de Diplodocus carnegii avec...

Scientific Reconstruction of Diplodocus carnegii

Diplodocus rearing in a painting by Charles Knight,

Diplodocus head

Diplodocus replica at the Paris Musée d'Histoire Naturelle

Diplodocus (or Diplodocinae indet.) skull USNM 2672 at the...

Diplodocus skull based on specimen USNM 2673, which is now...

Diplodocus heads, pencil drawing. They are based on skull specimen...

Skull of Diplodocus longus (AMNH 969) from Bone-Cabin Quarry, north...

Hatcher's restoration of a Diplodocus carnegii skeleton from his 1901...

Presentation of the first replica of Diplodocus to the trustees of...

Skeleton of a Diplodocus in the Dinosaur Hall of the Museum für...

Dessin de Diplodocus hallorum (anciennement connu comme Seismosaurus...

Illustration of a fossil of Diplotomodon

Le drapeau du New Jersey
Autapomorphies proposed for Diuqin lechiguanae gen. et sp. nov....

Diuqin: 'Bird of prey' Late Cretaceous, South America

Diuqin locality/discovery

Illustration of a fossil of Dolichosuchus

Skeleton outline of Dracoraptor hanigani.
Bones highlighted green...
This is the Wales flag

Dracorex hogwartsia, a pachycephalosaur from the Late Cretaceous of...

This Dracorex skeletal reconstruction (Dracorex hogwartsia) is in...

Dracovenator on display at the Royal Ontario Museum.
Dreadnoughtus Mass Comparison Chart (Imperial)

Life reconstruction of Dreadnoughtus schrani
Dreadnoughtus Tail Composite Image (by Kenneth Lacovara)

Dr. Kenneth J. Lacovara and the fibula (center) and humerus (right)...

Hypothetical restoration of Dromaeosauroides bornholmensis, based on...

Dromaeosaurus, pencil drawing
Author: Nobu Tamura...

Dromiceiomimus skeleton and Sinotnithosaurus model. Photo taken at...

Skeletal mount of Dryosaurus altus

Skeletal mount of Dryosaurus altus. Beneski Museum of Natural History.

Dryosaurus elderae (holotype, formerly assigned to D. altus) mounted...
 Baltow (1).JPG)
Modèle de Dryosaurus altus au JuraPark Bałtów en Pologne.

Size comparison of the Jurassic North American ornithopod dinosaur...

Illustration of a fossil of Dryptosauroides

Late Cretaceous basal tyrannosaur Dryptosaurus

Leaping Laelaps by Charles R. Knight, 1897


Dubreuillosaurus restoration by Nobu Tamura (Flipped and png for use...

Reconstruceted skull of Dubreuillosaurus illustrating known (white)...

holotype humerus of Duriatitan in posterior (top), cross section...

Duriavenator life restoration, with hypothetical body proportions...

Incomplete middle caudal centrum of Dynamoterror dynastes

Reconstructed frontal complex of Dynamoterror dynastes

Photographs and 3-D models of frontals of Dynamoterror dynastes in...

Photographs and 3-D models of frontals of Dynamoterror dynastes in...

Photographs and 3-D models of frontals of Dynamoterror dynastes in...

Interpretive illustration of the tail of Zuul crurivastator compared...

Diagram of tail terminology used in this paper.

ROM 784, holotype of Dyoplosaurus acutosquameus, skull in dorsal view...

Ossified tendons in ROM 784 (Dyoplosaurus acutosquameus), oblique...

Dzharatitanis kingi, USNM 538133 (holotype), anterior caudal vertebra...

Lithograph showing teeth and jaw fragments referred to Echinodon,...

Edmontonia rugosidens skull (original). From the Dinosaur Park...

Edmontonia rugosidens.


Edmontonia armour

Fossil skeleton of Edmontosaurus with evidence of a Tyrannosaurus...

Edmontosaurus regalis, a hadrosaur from the Late Cretaceous of North...

USNM 3814, a skull of the hadrosaurine hadrosaur Edmontosaurus...

Pelvic bones, hip joint and adjacent structures of the ornithischian...

Scale diagram of the large adult specimens of Edmontosaurus regalis...

Cast of a fossil Edmontosaurus annectens skull

View of the right side of an Edmontosaurus annectens mummy.

Réplique d'un squelette de Edmontosaurus annectens au musée...

Abdominal integument of Edmontosaurus annectens mummy.

Historical drawing of skeletal reconstruction of Edmontosaurus...

Edmontosaurus annectens skeleton YPM 2182 in Yale University Museum,...

Natural history museum Naturalis, Leiden. Exhibition Primeval parade....

Ventral view of Edmontosaurus annectens mummy.

1922 diagram of the skulls of Triceratops (at top) and Trachodon...

Thespesius (based on specimens now assigned to Edmontosaurus)

Einiosaurus procurvicornis, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Ekrixinatosaurus novasi.

Elaphrosaurus bambergi. Head and hands based on Limusaurus.

Drapeau de la République unie de Tanzanie.

Elmisaurus rarus. Modified to match recent skeletal interpretation...

Fossil of Elmisaurus, an extinct theropod- Took the photo at De...

Skeletal reconstruction of Elmisaurus rarus.

Part of Elopteryx nopcsai femur and tibio-tarsus in several views

Restoration of Elrhazosaurus nigeriensis

Femur of Elrhazosaurus (formerly Valdosaurus) nigeriensis

Emausaurus (Haubold, 1990), the basal thyreorphoran from Grimmen,...

Illustration of a fossil of Embasaurus

Enigmosaurus Mating Ritual by Sam Barnett (myself)
An adult male...

Fosiles del Eoabelisaurus mefi en el Museo Egidio Feruglio de Trelew,...

Restoration of Eoabelisaurus mefi (Reptilia, Dinosauria, Theropoda,...

Eobrontosaurus yahnahpin (Filla & Redman, 1994) sauropod dinosaur...

Eocarcharia dinops, a carcharodontosaurid theropod from the Early...

Eocursor parvus, a primitive ornithischian from the Late Triassic

Drawing of the theropod dinosaur Eodromaeus murphi ('Dawn runner'),...

Size of Eodromaeus murphi (Dinosauria, Theropoda) and a human.

Eodromaeus murphi

Silhouette of the theropod dinosaur Eodromaeus murphi.

Dentary of Eolambia.
Left dentary CEUM 34357 (Eo2) in (A) lateral,...

Reconstruction and restoration of the skull of Eolambia.
(A) Skull...

Life reconstruction of Eoneophron infernalis

Skeletal reconstruction of Eoneophron infernalis, known elements in...

Osteological thin section of right Metatarsal IV of Eoneophron...

Life reconstruction of Eoraptor lunensis

Backbone and upper limbs of an Eoraptor lunensis, outcropping from...

Squelettes d'Eoraptor (petit) et d'Herrerasaurus (grand) au Parc...

Eosinopteryx brevipenna, a basal paravian theropod from northern...

Life reconstruction of Eotrachodon orientalis

Right premaxilla of Eotrachodon orientalis (holotype MSC 7949).

Eotriceratops xerinsularis, a recently discovered (Wu et al., 2007)...

Size comparison between the theropod dinosaur Epotyrannus lengi and a...

Pieces known from the theropod dinosaur Eotyrannus lengi (the...

Skeleton of Epachthosaurus, from National Museum, Prague, Czech...

Allosaurus Recreation altered to make it Epanterias, but can be used...

Skeletal reconstruction of Epichirostenotes curriei.

Skull reconstruction of Epidexipteryx hui.

Epidexipteryx hui, a scansiopterygid from the Late Jurassic of China....

Skeletal reconstruction of Epidexipteryx hui.

A cementum ‘jacket’ toot 321 h morphology is also present in the...

Variable development of the epipophyseal-prezygapophyseal lamina...

Erliansaurus - 02

Restoration of Erliansaurus bellamanus in the sitting posture...

Erlikosaurus (feathered version)
Author: User:ArthurWeasley

Erythrovenator jacuiensis reconstruction

Digital drawing of the known skeletal remains of Erythrovenator...

Known material after the dinosaur Eshanosaurus. Originally descirbed...

Specimen BMNH R90a, Neosauropoda indet. It is cataloged as...

Sacral vertebrae of Eucercosaurus tanyspondylus.

Illustration of a fossil of Eucnemesaurus

Euhelopus - Bogdanov

Reconstructed Scolosaurus thronus skeleton (based on holotype ROM...

fossil Europasaurus, Aathal Dinosaur Museum.

Dorsal vertebra (MDS-OTII,1) from Europatitan eastwoodi n. gen. n....

Quarry map of the partial skeleton of Europatitan eastwoodi n. gen....

Fossil of Europelta, an ankylosaur, an extinct dinosaur- Took the...

Drawing of Europelta carbonensis n. gen., n. sp., skull...

Skeletal reconstruction of Europelta carbonensis n. gen., n....


Illustration of a fossil of Fabrosaurus

Falcarius skeleton reconstruction, Utah Museum of Natural History.

Falcarius - 03

Preserved elements of RBCM P900, holotype of Ferrisaurus sustutensis,...

Life reconstruction of Fona herzogae

Life restoration of Foraminacephale brevis, with postcrania based on...

Foraminacephale brevis (formerly Stegoceras and Prenocephale) type...

Fosterovenator compared to a human.

Fostoria dhimbangunmal (3D digital rendering of LRF 3050; holotype)...

Fruitadens haagororum , LACM 115747 (holotype) right dentary CT...

Life restoration of Fruitadens haagarorum.
Based on figure 1 of ...

Fujianvenator: 'Fujian hunter' Late Jurassic, Asia
, dorsal (b), and left-lateral (c) views. d Life restoration of Fukuipteryx prima.webp)
Reconstructions and restoration. a–c Skeletal reconstructions of...

Fukuiraptor kitadaniensis, an allosaurid from the Early Cretaceous of...

Skeletal mount of Fukuisaurus tetoriensis

Fukuititan nipponensis

Illustration of a fossil of Fulgurotherium

Furcatoceratops in dinosaur expo 2023

Furcatoceratops: 'Forked horned face' Late Cretaceous, North America

Futalognkosaurus dukei, a sauropod titanosaur from the Late...

Dentary of the hadrosauroid dinosaur Fylax thyrakolasus gen. et sp....

Galeamopus hayi skull (specimen AMNH 969), formerly referred to...

Galeamopus skull SMA 00011 nicknamed 'Max' (formerly referred to...

Skull cast based on specimen USNM 2673, which is now Galeamopus...

Galeamopus hayi (formerly Diplodocus) type specimen (HMNS 175,...

Comparison between the teeth of ''Atlascopcosaurus'', VOM4,...

Holotype maxilla specimen of ''Galleonosaurus'', rendered as a 3D...

Various maxillae and tooth specimens belonging to ''Galleonosaurus''

Gallimimus at the Natural History Museum, London. Photgraph by...
Gallimimus bullatus restoration.
• Based Proportionally on Scott...

Gallimimus bullatus

Size comparison between the ornithomimid Gallimimus and a human....

Gandititan: 'Ganzhou geology giant' Late Cretaceous, Asia

Skeletal restoration of Gannansaurus sinensis. Scale bar equals 4m.

Restoration of Ganzhousaurus nankangensis, proportions based on...

Gargoyleosaurus skeleton

Fossil skeleton of Gargoyleosaurus parkpinorum taken in 2007 at the...

Garudimimus brevipes reconstruction (GIN 100/13). (A), (C), (E),...

Garumbatitan: 'Garumba giant' Early Cretaceous, Europe

Full body reconstruction of Gasosaurus constructus.

Gasosaurus fossil specimen excavated near Dashanpu, Sichuan province,...

Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis, an ornithopod from the Late Cretaceous...

Gastonia skeletons, North American Museum of Ancient Life.

Maxilla of Geminiraptor suarezarum. (A)—Lateral view. (B)—Cranial...

Porción anterior del cráneo del dinosaurio terópodo Genyodectes...

Gideonmantellia Restoration

Life restoration of Giganotosaurus.
• The proportions of the...

Giganotosaurus skeleton replica, Australian Museum Sydney

Illustration of the carcharodontosaurid Giganotosaurus carolinii with...

Size comparison of Giganotosaurus and a human

Skeleton of Gigantoraptor

Gigantoraptor erlianensis, a giant oviraptorosaur from the Late...

Gigantoraptor - 03

Size chart for Gigantoraptor erlianensis. The size of the eggs are...

Gigantspinosaurus was a planteating dinosaur ( stegosaur ) from...

The skeleton of a Giraffatitan in the Berlin Naturkundemuseum (Museum...

Giraffatitan, Digital

Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde, Skelett Giraffatitan brancai

Sauropodomorph dinosaur Glacialisaurus hammeri gen. et sp. nov. from...

Neck osteoderm from the most complete known specimen (SMP VP1580) of...

Osteoderm from the most complete known specimen (SMP VP1580) of the...

A selection of medium sized osteoderms from the most complete known...

Discoverer Warwick Fowler points at a Glyptodontopelta osteoderm at...

Gobiceratops minutus, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Skull and mandible of Gobihadros mongoliensis.
Skull and mandible...

Skeletal reconstructions of Gobihadros mongoliensis.

Cranial elements of the holotype specimen (MPC-D 102/111) of...

This generalized image of the holotype skull of Gobisaurus has been...

Life reconstruction of Gobivenator mongoliensis

Gobivenator Restoration

Gojirasaurus quayi, a coelophysoid dinosaur

Head profile of the sauropod dinosaur Gondwanatitan.

Gongbusaurus wucaiwanensis. (IVPP 14559).

From source: Gonkoken nanoi gen. et. sp. nov., skeletal anatomy.

Gonkoken: 'Wild duck' Late Cretaceous, South America

Life reconstruction of Gonkoken nanoi

Biogeographic statistics suggest that Gonkoken's ancestors arrived...

Gorgosaurus libratus skeleton (AMNH 5458).

Gorgosaurus libratus skeleton (AMNH 5458).

Life reconstruction of Gorgosaurus libratus

Juvenile Gorgosaurus TMP 2009.12.14 preserving stomach contents....

Nearly complete skeleton of a subadult Gorgosaurus libratus (specimen...

Recreación de Gorgosaurus libratus

Gorgosaurus libratus [1] skeleton USNM 12814 (formerly AMNH 5428).

Size comparison chart for Gorgosaurus libratus

Gorgosaurus mount at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.

Gorgosaurus mount at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.

Skeleton of Gorgosaurus libratus, assigned to Deinodon.

A life restoration of the theropod dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex.
• ...

A life restoration of the theropod dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex.
• ...

Tyrannotitan chubutensis feeding on a Chubutisaurus insignis.

Udanoceratops tschizhovi, a basal ceratopsian from the Late...

Image based on the drawing by Jaime A Headden, with the artist's...

Juvenile Ugrunaaluk (formerly Edmontosaurus sp.), from the Prince...

Cranial reconstruction of Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis gen. et sp....

Holotype of Ulughbegsaurus as well as the holotype placed on a...

Unaysaurus tolentinoi eating a cycad.

Skeletal reconstruction of Unenlagia comahuensis.

Unenlagia comahuensis

Original caption: 'Skull reconstruction of Utahceratops gettyi n....


Graciliceratops mongoliensis, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous...

Graciliraptor lujiatunensis life restoration.

Skeletal reconstruction of Graciliraptor lujiatunensis.

TMP 72.27.01, Gravitholus albertus in dorsal view of erosive lesions
Title: Annals of the South African Museum. Annale van die...

The hadrosaurid dinosaur Gryposaurus notibilis

This photo shows the Gryposaurus Monumentsis Skull at the Raymond M....

Gryposaurus monumentensis skeleton

Guaibasaurus model in the Aristides Carlos Rodrigues Museum, in...

Fossil skeleton of Guaibasaurus, a basal Saurischian dinosaur genus

Skeletal reconstruction of Gualicho shinyae showing recovered...

The crowned dragon Guanlong wucaii from the Late Jurassic (160 mya)...

The crowned dragon Guanlong wucaii from the Late Jurassic (160 mya)...

Gyposaurus sinensis (formerly Anchisaurus) at the Geological Museum...

A restoration of Hadrosaurus foulkii based on various skeletal mounts...

Left humerus of Haestasaurus becklesii (NHMUK R1870). A, anterior...

Life restoration of Haestasaurus becklesii.

Left radius of Haestasaurus becklesii (NHMUK R1870).
A, anterior...

The skin impression of Haestasaurus becklesii (NHMUK R1868).

Left ulna of Haestasaurus becklesii (NHMUK R1870).
A, anterolateral...

Skeletal reconstruction of Hagryphus giganteus.

Fossil of a Halszkaraptor, originally thought to be an example of a...

Reconstruction of Halszkaraptor escuilliei with plumage and swimming...

Reconstruction of the titanosaur Hamititan xinjiangensis

Reconstruction of Hanssuesia sternbergi, a pachycephalosaur from...

Haplocanthosaurus skeletal mount at the Cleveland Museum of Natural...

Illustration of Haplocanthosaurus priscus sacrum.

Haplocanthosaurus delfsi

_IGP9947 国立科学博物館「恐竜博2011」。Haplocheirus。

Size comparison between the theropod dinosaurs Haplocheirus and a...

Illustration of Haplocheirus sollers, a basal Alvarezsauroid from the...

Life reconstruction of Harenadraco prima

Harpymimus restoration,
• Based proportionally on a skeletal...
Harpymimus restoration,
• Based proportionally on a skeletal...

A life restoration of Haya griva

Helioceratops brachygnathus.

Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis, pencil drawing after skeletal by C....

Scientific Reconstruction of Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis

Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis.

Skull of Herrerasaurus (PVSJ 407) in left lateral view (B) Left...

Cast of Gorgosaurus specimen ROM 1247 (sometimes labelled as...

Holotype of ''Fona herzogae''

Life reconstruction of Emiliasaura alessandrii

Hesperonychus elizabethae, Late Cretaceous of Canada. Digital.

Pelvis (fused ilia and pubes) of UALVP 48778, holotype of...

Hindlimb of an ornitopod dinosaur (Hesperonyx martinhotomasorum...

Primary blocks of Hesperornithoides specimen...

Size comparison between the small troodontid Hesperornithoides and a...


Photograph of a fossil cast of a Hesperosaurus mjosi skeleton taken...

Heterodontosaurus tucki Life restoration. Integument based on the...

Cast of the type specimen of Heterodontosaurus tucki from South...

A timelapse video of how muscles, skin, scales and quills are added...

Skeletal reconstruction of Hexinlusaurus multidens.

Skeletal reconstruction of Heyuannia huangi.

Restored profile of the oviraptorid dinosaur Heyuannia huangi by Matt...

Hierosaurus holotype.

Hierosaurus spine.

Yellow Cat Member Fauna

Life restoration of Hippodraco scutodens.

Hippodraco scutodens, discovered in Grand County, Utah, 2007, on...

Size comparison between the basal ankylopollexian Hippodraco and a...

Homalocephale calathocercos based on images of the fossil and...

Psittacosaurus (formerly Hongshanosaurus) houi, a ceratopsian from...

Hoplitosaurus femur.

Hoplitosaurus spined plate.

Huabeisaurus - 02

Huabeisaurus allocotus based on known remains and related genera.

Hualianceratops holotype IVVP V18641, Skull reconstruction

Life restoration of the head and neck of Huanansaurus.
 holotype skull 01.jpg)
Skull of Huanansaurus ganzhouensis (HGM41HIII-0443).

Reconstructed skeletons of Huanghetitan liujiaxiaensis and Daxiatitan...

''Huangshanlong anhuiensis'' skeletal diagram


Size comparison between the largest known and holotype specimens of...

Huaxiagnathus skeletal diagram.

Skull of Huayangosaurus taibaii, on display at the Paleozoological...

Huayangosaurus taibaii, a stegosaur from the Middle Jurassic of...

photo of Huayangosaurus taibaii

Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis, a hadrosauroid dinosaur from the...

Life restoration of ''Huinculsaurus''.

Size comparison of the Cretaceous Argentine elaphrosaur...

Right metatarsals II–IV and pedal phalanx p1-III of Hulsanpes...

Artists reconstruction of Hulsanpes with no background

A Hulsanpes running

Hungarosaurus tormai (Ankylosauria, Nodosauridae), right dentary (MTM...

Hylaeosaurus by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins (1807-1889) from Johnsons...

Holotype specimen of Hylaeosaurus armatus Mantell, 1833 (NMH R3775)...

Hylaeosaurus fossil in its matrix, lithograph. Portion of the...

Tentative reconstruction of the lateral cervico-thoracal armor in...

Hypacrosaurus altispinus drawing by me user debivort june...

Hypacrosaurus altispinus, American Museum of Natural History. This...

Skeletal mount of Hypacrosaurus altispinus, incorporating both...

Size comparison of the two species Hypacrosaurus, a genus of...

Hypacrosaurus altispinus, skull, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa,...

Hypacrosaurus - 01

Life reconstruction of Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum

Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum gen. et sp. nov. Blocks including the...

Locality maps and geology in Tambasasayama and Tamba cities, Hyogo...

Holotype material of Hypselosaurus priscus (Matheron 1868):
1 - Large...

Life reconstruction of Hypselosaurus priscus

Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence, France), the...


Hypselospinus metatarsal III foot bone (specimen NHMUK R1148), NHM

Vertebra of Hypsibema crassicauda from North Carolina Museum of...

Hypsilophodon (vue d'artiste).

Size of Hypsilophodon foxii, an ornithopod dinosaur from Lower...

Graphical representation of preserved skeletal elements of the...

Diagramme du squelette de Iberospinus natarioi

Life reconstruction of Iberospinus natarioi (ML1190) showing 3D...

Size comparison of the holotype specimen (LPP-PV-0200–0207) of...

Fossil of Ichthyovenator - theropod dinosaur

Ichthyovenator laosensis life reconstruction

Ichthyovenator laosensis restoration

Skeletal mount of the spinosaurid species ''Baryonyx walkeri'' at the...

Ichthyovenator laosensis skeletal diagram

Ichthyovenator laosensis tail vertebrae

Ichthyovenator vertebrae.

Irritator challengeri life reconstruction

Life restoration of ''Adelolophus''

Ampelognathus: 'Grapevine jaw' Late Jurassic, North America

Oxalaia quilombensis life reconstruction

Comparison between the pelvic region and neural spine sails of three...

A graphical representation and comparison of six different...

Life restoration of Iguanacolossus fortis.

Reconstruction of Iguanacolossus fortis.

Workmen mounting the first Iguanodon bernissartensis skeleton in the...

Woodcut of the famous banquet in Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins'...

Dollodon bampingi restoration based on IRSNB 1551; more recent...

Hand of Iguanodon shown in the Natural History Museum.

Hand of Iguanodon shown in the Natural History Museum.

Iguanodon bernissartensis reconstruit par le paléoartiste Nobu...

Iguanodons at Crystal Palace
July 1995
photo - Cas Liber

Gideon Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.

Iguanodon Bernissartensis skeleton.

Wood model of Iguanodon

Illustration of a fossil of Iliosuchus

Line diagram featuring the holotype (UCMP 276000) of Imperobator...

Reconstruction squelettique d'Inawentu oslatus
Incisivosaurus reconstruction by Tom Parker (Tomopteryx/Tomozaurus).

Life reconstruction of Incisivosaurus gauthieri

Skull reconstruction of Incisivosaurus gauthieri.

Illustration of a fossil of Indosaurus

Indosuchus raptorius, body based on related genera.

Morphobank media number: M739720
Taxonomic name: †...

Size diagram of Ingentia prima compared to human.

Original figure caption: Stratigraphic occurrences of Invictarx...

Size comparison of the Chinese basal sauropodomorph Irisosaurus, with...

Irisosaurus yimenensis life restoration.

Outline of Irisosaurus yimenensis displaying the preserved material....

Full body life reconstruction of Irritator, based on the mounted...

Skull reconstruction of Irritator challengeri.

fossil of Isanosaurus attavipachi, an extinct sauropod

Size comparison of Isasicursor santacrucensis (specimen MPM 21535a)...

Life depiction of Isasicursor santacrucensis.

Skeletal reconstruction of Isasicursor

Holotype of Ischioceratops zhuchengensis (ZCDM V0016) in dorsal...

Caudal vertebrae of holotype of Ischioceratops zhuchengensis (ZCDM...

Right femur of holotype of Ischioceratops zhuchengensis (ZCDM V0016)....


Ischia of holotype of Ischioceratops zhuchengensis (ZCDM V0016). Left...

Ossified tendons of holotype of Ischioceratops zhuchengensis (ZCDM...

Pelvic girdle of holotype of Ischioceratops zhuchengensis (ZCDM...

Humerus of Ischyrosaurus manseli in (top) posterior, (middle, left to...

Isisaurus colberti_in_landscape - reconstruction
autor -...

Reconstructed cranial remains of ''Issi saaneq''

Skeletal diagram of ''Itapeuasaurus''

Illustration of a fossil of Itemirus

Iuticosaurus lectotype caudal vertebra.

Holotype of Jaculinykus yaruui gen. et sp. nov. (MPC-D 100/209). (A)...

Life restoration of sleeping posture of Jaculinykus yaruui (Artwork...

Life reconstruction of Jaculinykus yaruui

Geographic and stratigraphic occurrence of the Mongolian...

Holotype of Jakapil kaniukura (MPCA-PV-630), lower jaw bones. (a)...

Holotype of Jakapil kaniukura (MPCA-PV-630), postcranial bones....

Janenschia humerus, radius and ulna at the Museum für Naturkunde,...

Reconstructed skull of Jaxartosaurus aralensis Riabinin, 1937. Only a...

Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis skeleton reconstruction (Dinosaurland,...


A photograph of the skeleton of Jianchangosaurus yixianensis gen. et...

Jiangshanosaurus lixianensis (photoed in Zhejiang Museum of Natural...

Ricostruzione di Jiangxisaurus

Jiangxititan: 'Jiangxi giant' Late Cretaceous, Asia

Figure 1: Jianianhualong tengi holotype DLXH 1218.
(a) Photograph and...

Life reconstruction of Jianianhualong tengi.

Size of Jianianhualong

Skeletal reconstruction of Jinfengopteryx elegans.

Jinfengopteryx elegans fossil displayed in Hong Kong Science Museum

Life restoration (graphite) of Jinfengopteryx elegans.

Full body reconstruction of Jingshanosaurus xinwaensis.

Life restoration of Jinyunpelta sinensis

The skull and mandible of Jinyunpelta sinensis holotype ZMNH M8960....

The tail club Jinyunpelta sinensis paratype ZMNH M8963 in dorsal (a)...

Jobaria tiguidensis restoration,
• Based proportionally on a...

Illustration of a fossil of Jubbulpuria

Judiceratops tigris

Estimated size of the theropod dinosaur Juratyrant langhami, compared...

Juratyrant langhami

Diagram showing the bones of the brittish dinosaur species Juratyrant...

Size comparison of Juravenator to a human. Each grid segment...

Kaatedocus at the Museum voor Natuurwetenschappen in Brussels, Belgium

Skull of Kaatedocus siberi SMA 0004.

Skelettrekonstruktion von Kaatedocus

Life restoration of Kaijiangosaurus lini, a Chinese theropod...

The known material of Kakuru kujani. Based on the holotype, SAM...

The holotype skeleton of Kamuysaurus japonicus gen. et sp. nov. (b)...

Reconstitution de l'apparence probable du Kamuysaurus japonicus...

Selected skull elements of Kamuysaurus japonicus gen. et sp. nov. (a)...

Kangnasaurus holotype tooth

Life restoration of Kansaignathus sogdianus. Modified from drawing of...

Cervical vertebrae of rebbachisaurid sauropod Katepensaurus...

Left maxilla (A) and left dentary (B) of carcharodontosaurid theropod...

Diagram depicting the currently named Dinosauria from the Late...

Life restoration of Kelumapusaura.

Reconstitution de Kentrosaurus se levant sur ses pattes arrières...


Fossil of Kentrosaurus, an extinct reptile - Took the picture at...

Life reconstruction of Kerberosaurus manakini

Khaan fossil holotype IGM 100/1127.

Estimated size of the dinosaur Kileskus aristotocus (Dinosauria,...

Known fossil pieces after the Kileskus aristotocus (Dinosauria,...


Reconstruction of the terrestrial paleoenvironmental setting of the...

Kiyacursor longipes holotype, KOKM 5542

Life restoration of the noasaurid theropod Kiyacursor longipes
Life restoration of the noasaurid theropod Kiyacursor longipes


Klamelisaurus - 02

Kol ghuva feeding from a termite mound.

Koleken: 'From clay and water' Late Cretaceous, South America


Tooth of Koparion in “side” (A) and mesial (B) views, and a...

Koreaceratops hwaseongensis


The holotype specimen of Koreanosaurus boseongensis.
(A) Left...

Life reconstruction of Koshisaurus katsuyama


UMNH VP 17000, articulated holotype skull of Kosmoceratops...

Original caption: 'Phylogenetic relationships of Utahceratops gettyi...

Skull reconstruction of Kosmoceratops richardsoni n. gen. et n. sp....

Skeletal elements recovered for Utahceratops gettyi and Kosmoceratops...

Kritosaurus navajovius skull

Kritosaurus navajovius, an hadrosaur from the Late Cretaceous of...

Barnum Brown's initial reconstruction of Kritosaurus

The lower jaw of Kritosaurus navajovius in inner view.

Kryptops palaios, an abelisaurid from the Early Cretaceous of Niger,...

Feathered ornithischian Kulindadromeus zabaikalicus.

Locality map for Australian eurypodan thyreophoran fossils.

Size comparison of the holotype specimen (QM F18101) of...

Kunbarrasaurus ieversi (QM F18101; holotype) skeleton in dorsal view....

Cranial osteology of Kunbarrasaurus ieversi gen. et sp. nov....

Semitransparent skull of Kunbarrasaurus ieversi gen. et sp. nov. (QM...

Reconstruction of the skull of Kunbarrasaurus ieversi gen. et sp....

Reconstruction of the skull of Kundurosaurus nagornyi gen. et sp....

Dentaries of Kundurosaurus nagornyi gen. et sp. nov.
A-B: AENM 2/846...

Endocranial reconstruction of Kundurosaurus nagornyi gen. et sp. nov....

A depiction of the dinosaur Kuru Kulla.

Kurupi, a legendary creature from Guaraní mythology

Pièces retrouvées du squelette de Kurupi itaata

Labocania anomala

Fig. 11. Laevisuchus indicus (K20/613), cervical vertebra in A,...

Life reconstruction of Lajasvenator ascheriae.

Lambeosaurus skeleton, Royal Tyrrell Museum.

Lambeosaurus lambei

Lambeosaurus: 'Lambe's lizard' Late Cretaceous, North America

Skull of Lambeosaurus lambei specimen AMNH 5373 at the American...

Headshots of Lambeosaurus lambei for what is believed to be different...

An artist's rendering of the tall-crested dinosaur Lambeosaurus...

Size chart for Lambeosaurus lambei, scaled based on specimen 5131 Ct....

Juvenile lambeosaurine hadrosaur originally referred to...

Lamplughsaura dharmarasensis, a basal sauropodomorph from the Lower...

Lanzhousaurus magnidens, an iguanodont from the Early Cretaceous of...

The tibia & fibula of Laplatasaurus.

Foot bones of Lapparentosaurus (Bothriospondylus) madagascariensis

Drapeau de la République de Madagascar

Reconstruction of Laquintasaura venezuelae.

Life reconstruction of Latenivenatrix mcmastarae, the recently...

Cráneo de Latirhinus

Reconstrucción de Latirhinus en el Pabellon 1 del Museo del Desierto...

Reconstrucción de Lavocatisaurus, ejemplar adulto y dos juveniles en...

Rebbachisaurid sauropod Lavocatisaurus agrioensis gen. et sp. nov....

Leaellynasaura amicagraphica, a hypsilophodont from the Early...

Restoration of Ledumahadi mafube

Ledumahadi size chart with human; human silhouette courtesy of Andrew...

Photographs and half-tone drawings of the cervical and dorsal...

Fossil quarry where the remains assigned to Leinkupal laticauda were...

Photographs and half-tone drawings of the mid caudal vertebrae of...

Leonerasaurus taquetrensis

Leonerasaurus recreation

Cervical vertebrae 3–5 of Leonerasaurus taquetrensis (MPEF-PV...

Dentary of Leonerasaurus taquetrensis (MPEF-PV 1663). A-B, lateral...

Sacral vertebrae of Leonerasaurus taquetrensis (MPEF-PV...

Leptoceratops gracilis, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Leptoceratops gracilis forelimb.

Size of Leshansaurus qianweiensis.

Lesothosaurus diagnosticus reconstruction, showing it with...

Copy of a skeleton of a Lessemsaurus in the exhibition 'Gigasaurier -...

Eustreptospondylus attacking Lexovisaurus.

Lexovisaurus limb bones, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris.

Silhouette reconstruction of the skeleton of Leyesaurus marayensis...

Skull of the new basal sauropodomorph Leyesaurus marayensis (PVSJ...

Skull of the new basal sauropodomorph Leyesaurus marayensis (PVSJ...

Liaoceratops yanzigouensis, a ceratopsian from the Early Cretaceous...

Reconstruction of Liaoningvenator curriei by Tom Parker, 2017.

Liliensternus liliensterni

Fossil of Liliensternus, an extinct theropod

Limaysaurus tessonei and Giganotosaurus, Lorincze Geza: Hung Nat Hist...

Limaysaurus tessonei skeleton restoration, Copenhagen.

A skeleton restoration of Limaysaurus at an exhibition in National...

Size comparison between Limusaurus inextricabilis and a human.

Limusaurus inextricabilis, an herbivorous ceratosaur from the Late...

Skeletal reconstruction of Limusaurus inextricabilis. Matches...

Skeletal reconstruction and exemplar skeletal remains of Lingwulong...

Alvarezsauroid theropod Linhenykus monodactylus Xu, Sullivan,...

Holotype specimen of Linheraptor exquisitus, the blocks including...


Skeletal reconstruction of Linheraptor exquisitus.

Photograph of the holotype of Linhevenator tani (LH V0021)....

The titanosaurian sauropod Lirainosaurus astibiae Sanz, Powell, Le...

Representation of an Llukalkan aliocranianus. Own work by the loader...

Figura de Lohuecotitan pandafilandi de Lo Hueco. Museo...
Lokiceratops skeletal
Skull of Lokiceratops rangiformis (EMK 0012). (A) Skull of...
Sutural interpretation and completeness of Lokiceratops rangiformis...
Mounted skull of EMK 0012 (Lokiceratops rangiformis holotype). (A)...
Elements of the parietosquamosal frill of Lokiceratops rangiformis...
Major openings, pneumaticity and internal passageways in the skull of...

Life reconstruction of Lokiceratops rangiformis
Frill of Lokiceratops rangiformis (cropped from the original figure)...

Illustration of a fossil of Lophorhothon

Húmer, radi i ulna de Losillasaurus giganteus, Museu de Ciències...

Lourinhanosaurus antunesi in Museum of Lourinhã


Photo of a skeleton of Lufengosaurus magnus from the Beijing Museum...

Lurdusaurus arenatus, a huge ornithpod from Niger.

Restoration of Lusitanosaurus liasicus, a large basal thyreophoran...

Lusotitan atalaiensis. Photographs of right humerus (proximal half)...

natural silicone cast of the holotype of Lycorhinus angustidens (UCRC...

Skeletal reconstructions and postcranial elements of Utah...

Skull reconstructions and selected cranial elements of Lythronax...

Reconstruction of the skull of Lythranax (UMNH VP 20200).

Lythronax life reconstruction by Tomopteryx.

Machairasaurus life restoration

Holotype cranial Material and Cranial Reconstruction of...

Ilustração exclusivamtente feita para a publicação do artigo do...

Size comparison of the basal sauropodomorph dinosaur Macrocollum...

Digital drawing of the known skeletal remains of Macrocollum itaquii....

Life reconstruction of Macrogryphosaurus.

Summary of skeletal fossil representation and size range of...

Magnapaulia (formerly Lambeosaurus) laticaudus - giant lambeosaur...

Magnapaulia laticaudus, LACM 17712, integumentary...

Magnapaulia laticaudus, caudal vertebrae.
LACM 17705, proximal...
Skull of Magnirostris dodsoni, on display at the Paleozoological...


Representative taxa from the latest Campanian–Maastrichtian faunas...

Sizecomparison between the sauropod dinosaur Magyarosaurus and a...

Illustration of the dwarf-sized sauropod dinosaur Magyarosaurus...

Fossil of Magyarosaurus, a sauropod dinosaur
Took the photo at Musee...

Skeletal reconstruction of Mahakala omnogovae.

Mahakala omnogovae, a small basal dromaesaur from the Late Cretaceous...

Size comparison between the dromaeosaurid dinosaur Mahakala omnogovae...

Life reconstruction of Mahakala with no background

Maiasaura panorama drawing by me user debivort october 2007.

Maiasaura peeblesorum, a hadrosaur from the Late cretaceous of...

Maiasaura peeblesorum skeletal mount, Brussels Natural History museum...

Nid de Maiasaura (Maiasaura peeblesorum).

Size comparison of the holotype specimen of Maip macrothorax with a...

(A), silhouette of Maip macrothorax showing the preserved bones in...

Size chart for Majungasaurus crenatissimus, based on an illustration...

Malawisaurus on Display at the Royal Ontario Museum

A digital portrait of the early cretaceous titanosaur Malawisaurus...


Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis, Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois.

A scale diagram showing four different Mamenchisaurus species, M....

Mamenchisaurus youngi restoration

Duckbill dinosaur skeleton at Russian Geological Exploration Museum...

Life restoration of Manidens.

Partial skull of Manidens condorensis from the Middle Jurassic...

Restoration of Mansourasaurus shahinae.

Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis,
• Based proportionally on a...

Mapusaurus roseae, a carcharodontosaurid from the Late Cretaceous of...

Skull of Marshosaurus as displayed at the Carnegie Museum of Natural...

Life Restoration of Marshosaurus

Vertebrae, scapula, forelimb bones, and pelvic bones of Martharaptor...
Massospondylus carinatus: Fossil Skull on Display at the Royal...

Massospondylus carinatus, a prosauropod from the Early Jurassic of...

Massospondylus carinatus (juvenile), a prosauropod from the Early...

Figure 1
Right maxilla of Matheronodon provincialis gen. et sp. nov....

Replica of the skeleton of the Maxakalisaurus topai dinosaur...

, plate XXI - BL.jpg)
Dinosaurs fighting
'Ideal scene in the lower Cretaceous period,...

Megalosaurus (vue d'artiste).

Restoration of Marmarospondylus robustus from the Middle Jurassic of...

Megapnosaurus kayentakae (Syntarsus) feeding on Scutellosaurus

Megapnosaurus kayentakae (Syntarsus) feeding on Scutellosaurus

Reconstitution de Megaraptor

A cast of the claw of the first digit of Megaraptor namunhuaiquii,...


Illustration of the troodontid dinosaur Mei long, with feathers...

Melanorosaurus readi restoration

Size comparison of Mendozasaurus. Based on [1]

Size comparison of the holotype specimen of Menefeeceratops sealeyi...

Size comparison of the holotype specimen of Meraxes gigas with a...

Meraxes gigas was a large Carcharodontosaurid Dinosaur from the Late...

Meraxes gigas skull reconstruction


Mercuriceratops gemini

Right femur of Meroktenos, MNHN.F.LES16c.
(A) Anterior, (B) medial,...

Metriacanthosaurus parkeri.

Reconstruction of the ilium of Metriacanthosaurus parker, known...

Hypothetical restoration of the basal ceratopsian...

Cast of the squeleton of Microraptor. Warning: note that this cast...

Artistic restoration of Microraptor gui
dinosaur: Microraptor gui

Microvenator celer in brooding position.

Skeletal reconstruction of Microvenator celer.

The skull material (UMNH.VP.26004) of Mierasaurus bobyoungi gen. nov,...

Skeletal diagram of Migmanychion laiyang showing known fossil...

Migmanychion: 'Claw mixture' Early Cretaceous, Asia
Holotype of Minimocursor phunoiensis gen. et sp. nov., PRC 150, in...
Holotype of Minimocursor phunoiensis gen. et sp. nov., PRC 150, in...

Reconstruction of Minimocursor phunoiensis gen. et sp. nov. (PRC 150)...

Minimocursor: 'Smallest runner' Late Jurassic, Asia

Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Late Jurassic Phu Kradung...

Ilustration of a Minmi paravertebra (mainly based on a specimen now...

Minotaurasaurus ramachandrani, Late Cretaceous of Gobi desert....

Skull of Minotaurasaurus

Map showing localities that produced the fossil specimens described...

Late Maastrichtian dinosaurs of the latest Cretaceous Phosphates of...
Minqaria bata nov. gen. et sp., MHNM.KHG.1395, holotype, Sidi...
Minqaria bata nov. gen. et sp., MHNM.KHG.1395, holotype, Sidi...

Minqaria: 'Duck beak' Late Cretaceous, Africa

Skull elements of Minqaria bata nov. gen. et sp., MHNM.KHG.1395,...

Minqaria skull reconstruction

Synthetic stratigraphic column of the Phosphates of the Oulad Abdoun...

Miragaia longicollum, Late Jurassic of Portugal. Digital.

Fossil of Miragaia, an extinct stegosaur- Took the photo at Fossil...

Moabosaurus Tooth in Lingual View

Cranial remains of Mochlodon vorosi n. sp. from the Upper Cretaceous...

Chasmosaurus russelli (formerly Mojoceratops).

Illustration of a fossil of Mongolosaurus

Life reconstruction of Mongolostegus exspectabilis

svg version of Image:Monoclonius dinosaur.png. Monoclonius (meaning...

Sketch of Monolophosaurus jiangi, a theropod Dinosaur from the Middle...

Monolophosaurus - 03
, Elst (Gld), the Netherlands - 3.jpg)
Mononychus punctumalbum (Coleoptera sp.), Elst (Gld), the Netherlands


Montanoceratops cerorhynchus, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous...

Mounted Montanoceratops cerorhynchos (formerly Leptoceratops...

Dorsal vertebrae series of the holotype specimen of Morelladon...

Life restoration of Morrosaurus antarcticus. Integument based on...

Figure 1: Holotype and skeletal reconstruction of Mosaiceratops...

A) Skull reconstruction of Murusraptor barrosaensis, MCF-PVPH-411. B)...
Musankwa geography/sedimentology

Musankwa skeletal

Musankwa: 'Boy close to marriage' Late Triassic, Africa
Musankwa holotype

Life restoration of adult Mussaurus patagonicus based on the skeletal...

Muttaburrasaurus statue in Hughenden, outback Queensland, Australia


Size comparison of the Australian iguanodont Muttaburrasaurus. Based...

Muttaburrasaurus skeleton
Queensland Museum
Photo: Cas Liber

ミモオラペルタ / Mymoorapelta: 'The Wondrous World of...

Naashoibitosaurus skull.

Femur, tibia, and proximal tarsals of Nankangia (GMNH F10003).

Nanshiungosaurus is a genus of coelurosaurian dinosaur, and like...

Nanuqsaurus hoglundi portrait by Tom Parker.

Life reconstruction of Nanuqsaurus hoglundi

Nanuqsaurus hoglundi, holotype, DMNH 21461. A. Reconstruction of a...

Size of Nanuqsaurus compared to other theropods. A, Nanuqsaurus...

Nanyangosaurus is the name given to a genus of dinosaur from the...

Left pubis of Narindasaurus from Madagascar

Nasutoceratops and Diabloceratops,Natural History Museum Salt Lake UT

Nasutoceratops, Natural History Museum Salt Lake UT

Nasutoceratops titusi, n. gen et. sp., skeletal reconstruction with...

Nasutoceratops titusi, n. gen et. sp., skull reconstruction in (a)...

Nasutoceratops skull diagram

Natovenator polydontus (MPC-D 102/114, holotype). Photographs (a, c)...

Postcranial elements of Natovenator polydontus (MPC-D 102/114,...

Skull of Natovenator polydontus (MPC-D 102/114, holotype). a–d...

The reconstruction shows the proposed swimming behaviour of...
Body plan of Natovenator polydontus (MPC-D 102/114, holotype)....

Geological map of the southeast San Juan Basin showing localities of...

Navajoceratops sullivani holotype SMP VP-1500 parietal.
Dorsal (A)...

Photographs of the holotype of Nebulasaurus. A, the braincase...

A diagram showing known skull elements of the thalattosaur...

Thalattosaurus alexandrae (left) and Nectosaurus halinus (right) of...

Picture of Justin Hofmann holding the right hindlimb of his...

Diceratus/Nedoceratops hatcheri is a ceratopsian from the Late...

Lateral views of USNM 1201 and USNM 2142. A. Left lateral view of...

Neimongosaurus yangi.

Skeletal reconstruction of Neimongosaurus yangi.

Skeletons of Nemegtomaia barsboldi specimens (known elements in...

Skeletons of Nemegtomaia barsboldi specimens (known elements in...

Size comparison of the alvarezsaurid theropod Nemegtonykus. Based on...

Skeletal reconstruction of Nemegtonykus, showing known material

Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis.

Cast of the skull of Nemegtosaurus, on a mounted Opisthocoelicaudia...

Neosaurus cynodus (holotype HN004 2009‐00‐1). A, left maxilla...

tooth fossil of Neosodon, an extinct sauropod

Artistic reconstruction of Neovenator salerii. Proportions align with...

''Neuquenraptor argentinus'' life restoration

Neuquensaurus australis (originally Titanosaurus) holotypic caudal...

Digital drawing of the known skeletal remains of Nhandumirim...

Nhandumirim waldsangae, skeletal

Reconstruction of the carnivorous abelisaurid theropod Niebla antiqua.
Cast Skull of a Nigersaurus taqueti on Display at the Royal Ontario...

Partial skeleton of Nigersaurus taqueti (MNN GAD517) discovered...

Nigersaurus taqueti, a sauropod from the Early Cretaceous of Niger,...

Skull of Nigersaurus taqueti and head posture in...

Nigersaurus taqueti skeletal reconstruction by Mike Hanson.

Illustration of a fossil of Niobrarasaurus

Nipponosaurus - 01

Nipponosaurus is a lambeosaurine hadrosaurid from Asia. The holotype...

Illustration of Nodosaurus, an ankylosaurian dinosaur (North America,...

Nodosaurus textilis skeleton restoration

Nomingia gobiensis gen. et sp. n. GIN 1001119. A. Ten most anterior...

Skeletal reconstruction of Nomingia gobiensis.

Holotype specimen of Notatesseraeraptor frickensis, a theropod...

Модель динозавра-теропода Notatesseraeraptor...

Size comparison of the holotype specimen of Notatesseraeraptor...

Nothronychus mckinleyi, a therizinosaur from the Middle Cretaceous of...

Holotype mandible of Notoceratops (now lost)

Figure 1: Geographic provenance and speculative reconstruction of the...

Life restoration of Nqwebasaurus.

Skeletal reconstruction of Nullotitan

Artist’s impression of the Purbeck lagoon at dusk with Durlstodon...

Rendition of possible appearance of the dinosaur genus Nyasasaurus...

Oblitosaurus: 'Forgotten lizard' Late Jurassic, Europe

Skeletal reconstruction of Oceanotitan dantasi


Skeletal reconstruction of Ojoraptorsaurus boerei.

Olorotitan at the Museum voor Natuurwetenschappen in Brussels, Belgium

Restoration of Olorotitan.

Photo of skeleton of Omeisaurus tianfuensis from the Beijing Museum...

Restauration of Omeisaurus tianfuensis

Omeisaurus tianfuensis, Dinosaur exhibition at Cityplaza, Taikoo...

Restoration of Ondogurvel alifanovi

Skull of Oohkotokia horneri, gen. et sp. nov. (MOR 433, holotype)

Opisthocoelicaudia skeleton

Opisthocoelicaudia skeleton. Museum of Evolution in Warsaw.

Posture of Opisthocoelicaudia. A: Posture based on reconstruction by...

Skeletal restoration of Opisthocoelicaudia

Orkoraptor life restoration

Braincase of WSC 10058, holotype of Ornatops
Braincase of Ornatops...

Artistic and updated reconstruction of Ornitholestes.

Illustration of a fossil of Ornithomimoides

Life reconstruction of 'Ornithomimus' sp. based on specimens from the...
Life reconstruction of 'Ornithomimus' sp. based on specimens from the...

Ornithomimus edmontonicus (RTMP 95.110.1)

Cast skeleton of an Ornithomimus edmontonicus

Fossil vertebrae referred to the dinosaurs Ornithopsis or...

Illustration of a fossil of Ornithotarsus

Skeletal model of Orthomerus in the Natural History Museum in...

A humerus, specimen TM 11253, possibly belonging to Orthomerus, at...

Fossil of Orthomerus, an ornithopod dinosaur
Took the photo at Musee...

Oryctodromeus cubicularis in its burrow.

Silhouette of Ostafrikasaurus, based on Baryonyx

Ostromia reconstruction, previously known as the Haarlem...

Anatomical details of the manus of Ostromia crassipes and Anchiornis...

Skeletal reconstruction of Ostromia.

Life restoration of Othnielosaurus

Ouranosaurus nigeriensis, pencil drawing

Ouranosaurus nigeriensis, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario,...

Life restoration of Overosaurus.

Skeletal reconstruction of Oviraptor philoceratops.

Size comparison between the dinosaur Oviraptor and a human.

Right and left aspects of type skull of Oviraptor philoceratops...

Owenodon (Iguanodon) hoggii lower jaw, from original description....

Specimen MN 6117-V, holotype of Oxalaia quilombensis.
A, Left...

Size comparison of Oxalaia quilombensis.
Head shape based on...

Reconstruction of Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis with cranial lesion.

BMRP 2001.4.1, Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis in dorsal view with...

Hypothetical head-to-body interactions among...

Three Pachycephalosaurus skulls, showing the development from...

Size comparison of Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis and a human.

Skull of Pachycephalosaurus at the Oxford University Museum of...

Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Vertebrae of the holotype specimen of Padillasaurus leivaensis.

Palaeoscincus costatus tooth.

Paludititan nalatzensis (UBB NVM1-43), Maastrichtian, Haţeg Basin,...

Skeletal reconstruction of Pampadromaeus barberenai

Pamparaptor micros life restoration

Panoplosaurus mirus skull.


Fossil Panphagia

Silhouette reconstruction of the skeleton of Panphagia...

Preserved skull bones of the new basal sauropodomorph Panphagia...

Pantydraco caducus, a sauropodomorph from the Late Triassic or Early...

A photo of the concretion containing materials of...

Manual unguals and silhouette of Paralitherizinosaurus japonicus,...

Life reconstruction of Paralitherizinosaurus japonicus.

A scale diagram of the fragmentary titanosaur Paralititan stromeri...

Paralititan stromeri - giant titanosaurian from Albian-Cenomanian of...

Paranthodon africanus restoration. Body is hypothetical, based on...

Reconstructed skull of Paranthodon africanus (Broom, 1912) Nopcsa,...

Size comparison of Paranthodon africanus and a human. Paranthodon...

Pararhabdodon isonensis, maxillae.
A. Right maxilla (IPS 36327) in...

New Mexican 'Gorgosaurus sp.' (now classified as Teratophoneus)...

Hadrosaur skin and Parasaurolophus tubicen and Corythosaurus crests.

Size comparison between the hadrosaur Parasaurolophus and a human

Distribution map of the Parasaurolophus during Late Cretaceous Period

A picture of a Parasaurolophus, using a skeletal drawing by Luis V....

Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus skeleton, Field Museum.

Photo: Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus (possibly a female...

Parasaurolophus walkeri skull - Natural History Museum, London.

Diagram comparing the narial crests of Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus...

Parasaurolophus walkeri restoration,
• Images of Parasaurolophus...

Duckbill (Parasaurolophus walkeri) skeleton from the Evolution Museum...

Sketch of the hadrosaurid Parasaurolophus in tetrapod or quadrupedal...

Manual claw of the mexican deinocheirid, Paraxenisaurus normalensis.

Paraxenisaurus normalensis reconstructed as a deinocheirid

Diagram of the skeleton of the Mexican deinoqueirid, Paraxenisaurus...

Restoration of Pareisactus evrostos from the Late Cretaceous of Spain

Skull of a Parksosaurus

Parksosaurus warreni restoration,
• Based proportionally on a...

Parksosaurus scale diagram,
• Parksosaurus scaled to ~2.5m...

Tooth of Paronychodon

Illustrations of multiple troodontid teeth crowns.
A. Troodon...

Reconstruction of Patagonykus puertai. Based on Novas (1997); missing...

Patagopelta existed during the moment of the Kawas epeiric sea...

Life restoration of Patagosaurus fariasi.

A scale diagram showing the giant titanosaur Patagotitan mayorum,...

Volume-rendered CT-based reconstruction of the skull of the nodosaur...

Pawpawsaurus skull replica in the Museo del Mamut Chihuahua.

Tooth of cf. Pectinodon.

Restoration of Pedopenna daohugouensis as an Anchiornis- or...

Lower jaws of Pegomastax africana gen. n. sp. n. (SAM-PK-K10488) in...

An artistic reconstruction of Pegomastax africana

Illustration of the skull from the theropod dinosaur Pelecanimimus....

Life restoration of Pelecanimimus polydon, an ornithomimosaur that...

Peloroplites cedrimontanus, on display at the USU Eastern Prehistoric...

Peloroplites cedrimontanus, detail of skull. On display at the USU...

Peloroplites cedrimontanus skeletal mount. On display at the USU...

Peloroplites cedrimontanus skeletal mount. On display at the USU...

Peloroplites cedrimontanus skull. On display at the USU Eastern...

Reconstitution de Pendraig

Digital drawing of the known skeletal remains of Pendraig milnerae....

Pentaceratops sternbergi, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Type skull of Pentaceratops sternbergii, American Museum of Natural...

Philovenator curriei life restoration.

Sao Khua formation
Siamosaurus suteethorni and Phuwiangosaurus...

fossil femur of Phuwiangosaurus sirindhornae, an extinct sauropod

Restoration of the spinosaurid dinosaur Siamosaurus in the Sao Khua...

Illustration of a fossil of Phyllodon

Piatnitzkysaurus floresi - this agile and terrible predator of...

Skeletal reconstruction of Pilmatueia faundezi

Pinacosaurus - 01

Pinacosaurus - 03

Pinacosaurus mephistocephalus in the Royal Belgian Institute of...

Pinacosaurus grangeri in the exhibition 'Dinosaures. Tresors del...

Pisanosaurus on Display at the Royal Ontario Museum.

Reconstruction of Pisanosaurus mertii as a silesaur.

Fossil of Piveteausaurus, an extinct reptile- Took the photo at Musee...

Sketch of Piveteausaurus divesensis, a theropod Dinosaur from the...

Illustration of a fossil of Plateosauravus
Identifier: geologicalmagazi611914wood (find matches)

Muscle reconstructions on Plateosaurus trossingensis.
(A) Skeletal...

Plateosaurus engelhardti, collection number MSF 23 of the...

Plateosaurus engelhardti

Size comparison of ''Plateosaurus''

Plateosaurus engelhardti skeletons 'Skelett 1' (catalog number...

Plateosaurus engelhardti

Left lower arm and hand of Plateosaurus engelhardti IFGT 'Skelett

Map of important Plateosaurus localities. Red = likely type locality...

Fossil of Plateosaurus engelhardti, a dinosaur

Plateosaurus engelhardti. Reprinted from original,...

Plateosaurus engelhardti (cast of SMNS 13200), Knollenmergel der...

Plateosaurus engelhardti (previously P. quenstedti, also assigned to...
Plateosaurus skull cast, Toronto

Plateosaurus gracilis (jr synonym: Sellosaurus gracilis), a...

AMNH 5403, referred Platypelta coombsi (formerly Euoplocephalus...

Pelvis of Platypelta coombsi holotype AMNH 5337 (formerly assigned to...

AMNH 5337, holotype skull of Platypelta coombsi (formerly referred to...

Life reconstruction of Platytholus clemensi

Pneumatoraptor fodori (Theropoda, Paraves), left scapulocoracoid...

Interpretative drawing of the Podokesaurus holyokensis holotype.

Possible skull or tail bones of the Podokesaurus holyokensis holotype.

Polacanthus foxii restoration, based mostly on Gastonia.

Photograph of the right dentary of the holotype (MQ98-II-1) of the...

Restoration of Pradhania gracilis from the Early Jurassic of India

Cette scène représente le petit herbivore Prenocephale dans son...

A cast of a fossilized Prenocephale prenses skull (view from front),...

A cast of a fossilized Prenocephale prenes skull (view from front),...

Prenoceratops, pencil drawing, digital coloring

A Prenoceratops from Pondera Co., Montana now in the permanent...

Priconodon tooth in multiple views.

Proa valdearinnoensis. Cretácico. Mina Santa María (SAMCA), Ariño...
Close-up of the skull of a specimen of Probactrosaurus gobiensis on...

Mounted specimen of Probactrosaurus gobiensis on display at the...

Probactrosaurus hecho por Deibvort

Probrachylophosaurus bergei gen. et sp. nov. skull...

Probrachylophosaurus bergei gen. et sp. nov. nasals.
(A-D) Adult,...

Probrachylophosaurus bergei gen. et sp. nov. cervical and dorsal...


Holotype of Proceratosaurus bradleyi, taken at 'TheMunichShow'

Juvenile lambeosaurine hadrosaur originally referred to...

Restoration of Procompsognathus triassicus based on images of known...

Procompsognathus triassicus

Holotype fossil specimen SMNS 12591 of Procompsognathus


Daspletosaurus torosus restoration,
• Based proportionally on a...

Prosaurolophus maximus restoration,
• Created using the skull...

Prosaurolophus maximus, Institut de paléontologie humaine, Paris,...

Head of Prosaurolophus maximus, Institut de paléontologie humaine,...

Holotype skull of Prosaurolophus maximus AMNH 5836

Illustration of Protarchaeopteryx, a feathered dinosaur (or a...

Protarchaeopteryx holotype at the Geological Museum of China

Size comparison between the extinct oviraptorosaurian dinosaur (or...

Skeletal reconstruction of a spinosaur

Interpretative drawing of Protoavis after Chatterjee's initial...

Protoceratops andrewsi

An artist's rendering of a Velociraptor and Protoceratops locked in a...

Protorosaurus speneri, a prolacertiformes from the Upper Permian of...

Fossil of Protorosaurus, an extinct reptile - Took the photo at...

Fossils of the dinosaur Psittacosaurus (left) the turtle...

Size comparison of Psittacosaurus to a human. Each grid segment...

Head comparison of the different species of Psittacosaurus, a...

Psittacosaurus mongoliensis specimen AMNH 6254, which was previously...

Holotype of Psittacosaurus mongoliensis, American Museum of Natural...

Psittacosaurus mongoliensis. Note that the specimen with preserved...

Psittacosaurus sibiricus

Lateral and anterior view of Psittacosaurus mongoliensis skull

Pterospondylus life restoration

Back vertebra of Pterospondylus trielbae in several views.

Skeletal restoration of Puertasaurus. The holotype, MPM 10002,...

Sketch of Puertasaurus

Dorsal vertebra of Puertasaurus reuili.

Diplodocus, modified from elements in Hatcher (1901, plate 3),...

Pukyongosaurus Skeleton

Representative bones of Pulanesaura eocollum. (a) anterior-to-middle...

Hypothetical reconstruction of Pycnonemosaurus showing the soft...

Skeletal reconstruction of Pycnonemosaurus nevesi using Carnotaurus...

Size comparison between the dinosaur Pyroraptor olympius and a human....

Artistic reconstruction of Pyroraptor olympius

Skeletal diagrams (not to scale) of Qianlong shouhu; adult (a) and...

Qianzhousaurus sinensis life restoration


Skull of the sauropod dinosaur Quaesitosaurus ( Mongolia ). Missing...

Restoration of Quetecsaurus

Size comparison of Quetecsaurus. Based on [1]

Life restoration of Quilmesaurus curriei, a carnivorous dinosaur from...

Life restoration of Rahiolisaurus gujaratensis

Skeletal reconstruction of Rahonavis ostromi.


Reconstitution de la tête de Rajasaurus narmadensis

Preserved material of Rapator ornitholestoides, BMNH R3718, either...

Rapetosaurus skeleton, Chicago.

Rapetosaurus krausei, a titanosaur from the Late Cretaceous of...

Rapetosaurus krausei, cast skull, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto,...

Raptorex, digitale

Ratchasimasaurus suranareae skeleton at River City Bangkok

Ratchasimasaurus suranareae skeleton at River City Bangkok

Reconstruction of Rativates evadens by Tom Parker.

Vertebra of Rebbachisaurus garasbae.

Rebbachisaurus garasbae, Early Cretaceous of North Africa. Digital.

Regaliceratops peterhewsi was a ceratopsid dinosaur which lived 68...

Rhabdodon, pencil drawing

Rhoetosaurus brownei (QM F1659; holotype [part]) right crus and pes...


Tooth of cf. Richardoestesia gilmorei

A restoration of Rinconsaurus compared to a human ,
• Based...

Riparovenator holotype

Riparovenator milnerae life reconstruction

Caudal material of ''Riparovenator milnerae''

Rocasaurus muniozi. A and C, left femur (MPCA-Pv 46/16) in posterior...

Styracosaurus ovatus (formerly Rubeosaurus).

MOR 492, nasals of Rubeosaurus ovatus.
Fused left and right nasals...

USNM 11869, holotype of Rubeosaurus ovatus.
Caudal parietal bar in...

Life restoration of Rubeosaurus ovatus. Nasal and postorbital...

Ruehleia bedheimensis neck vertebrae, Naturkunde Museum, Berlin.

Rugops primus, pencil drawing

Rukwatitan RRBP 07409 proximal humerus anterior view

Skeletal and life restorations of the Ruyangosaurus giganteus...

Ruyangosaurus giganteus (Chine, Crétacé)

The hadrosaurid dinosaur Sahaliyania elunchunorum gen. et sp. nov....


Mounted skeleton of Pinacosaurus specimen MPC 100/1305 with skull...

Saltasaurus, a sauropod dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous Period

Preserved bones of Sanjuansaurus gordilloi (PVSJ 605), positioned as...

Maxilla of Sanjuansaurus gordilloi (PVSJ 605).

Sanjuansaurus life restoration

Silhouette reconstruction of the skeleton of Sanjuansaurus gordilloi.

Chevron (IVPP V156B) of Sanpasaurus.
(A) Anterior view; (B)...

Dorsal vertebra (IVPP V156AI) of Sanpasaurus.
(A) Anterior view; (B)...

Santanaraptor - 01

Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis, referred skull (MCZ 8893), in (a)...

Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis, holotype (TMM43646-2). Three-dimensional...

Sarahsaurus aurifontanalis, holotype (TMM 43646-2): (a) presacral...

Figure 1, 1a. Outer and oral aspects of the imperfect dentary bone of...

Sarcosaurus woodi restored as a basal neotheropod.

Cranium of Sarmientosaurus musacchioi gen. et sp. nov. (MDT-PV...

Estimated size of Saturnalia tupiniquim (Dinosauria, Saurichia,...

A diagram showing the cranial ontogeny of the hadrosaur Saurolophus...

Cast of skull of Saurolophus angustirostris Size 1 m.

Chorzowskie Zoo Saurolophus. Camera: Fuji FinePix S5500...

Fossil of Saurolophus, an extinct reptile- Took the picture at...

Panel mount of the holotype Saurolophus osborni skeleton, AMNH 5220.

Holotype skull of Saurolophus osborni, AMNH 5220

Saurolophus skulls, Palaeontological Institute RAS

The tyrannosaurid Tarbosaurus baatar pursuing the hadrosaurine...

Fig. 1 from Andrea Cau's, Fabio Marco Dalla Vecchia's and Matteo...

Sauropelta (shielded reptile)

The ankylosaurid dinosaur Sauropelta


Saurophaganax restoration 2019 by Mario Lanzas

Skeleton mount of Paluxysaurus jonesi (a synonym of Sauroposeidon...

Multiview skeletal reconstruction of Paluxysaurus jonesi

Sauroposeidon proteles (OMNH 53062), articulated cervicals 5-8 in...

Feeding envelopes of Brachiosaurus (left, model based on specimens...

Life restoration of Sauroposeidon proteles.

Skeletal reconstruction of Sauroposeidon proteles

A map of Oklahoma, showing the location of the Sauroposeidon quarry...

Sauropus albiflorus plant, Mount Archer National Park, Rockhampton

Saurornithoides holotype skull AMNH 6516 seen from the right, below,...

Size comparison between the dromaeosaurid dinosaur Saurornitholestes...

The maniraptoran dinosaur Saurornitholestes digging a...

Saurornitholestes langstoni foot.

Figure 4: Savannasaurus elliottorum gen. et sp. nov., holotype...

Skeletal reconstruction of Scansoriopteryx heilmanni (formerly...

Life restoration of the small dinosaur Scansoriopteryx heilmanni,...

Illustration of a hatchling Scansoriopteryx heilmanni as it may have...

Skeletal reconstruction of Scansoriopteryx heilmanni.

Cast of a nearly complete Scelidosaurus skeleton showing fossilsed...

The National history museum in Milan, Italy. Detail of head from the...

The National history museum in Milan, Italy. Detail from the fossil...

Reconstructed version of the small theropod dinosaur Scipionyx, a...

Fossil of Sciurumimus, an extinct theropod- Took the photo at Fossil...

AMNH 5405, referred Euoplocephalus tutus or Scolosaurus sp., skull...

Skull of specimen AMNH 5404, referred to Scolosaurus cutleri...

ROM1930, holotype skull of Scolosaurus thronus (formerly referred to...

TMP 2001.42.9, referred Scolosaurus cutleri skull in dorsal and right...

Life restoration of Scolosaurus cutleri. Proportions based on Paul...

USNM 11892, referred Scolosaurus cutleri skull in dorsal and right...

Scolosaurus mummy

Size of Scolosaurus an ankylosaur


Size comparison of a human & S. lawleri

Segisaurus halli, a coelophysoid theropod from the Early Jurassic of...

Restoration of the Segisaurus halli holotype skeleton

Segnosaurus galbinensis life restoration. Based on figures in the...

Right hemimandible of Segnosaurus galbinensis MPC-D 100/80 in (A)...

Position of the remains of Seitaad ruessi (UMNH VP 18040).


Skeletal reconstruction of Seitaad ruessi.

Life restoration of Serikornis sungei, feathered Paraves|paravian...

Shanag Restoration


Photograph of a fossil skeleton of Shantungosaurus on display in

Shaochilong feeding on Sinornithomimus.

Size comparison of Shaochilong, a small Asian carcharodontosaurid....

Shenzhousaurus Restoration

Skeletal reconsturion of alvarezsaurian dinosaur Shishugounykus...

Life restoration of Shri devi. Modified from drawing of generic...


Photo of skeleton of Shunosaurus lii from the Beijing Museum on view...

Shuvuuia deserti.

Skeletal reconstruction of Shuvuuia deserti

Tooth of Siamodon nimngami in the rock

Siamosaurus suteethorni model at Sirindhorn Dinosaur Museum

Siamosaurus suteethorni model

Drawing of the Siamosaurus holotype tooth[1] with a British penny for...

Siamosaurus suteethorni gazing off into the sunset. Siamosaurus is a...

Illustration of the pelvis from the theropod dinosaur Siamotyrannus...

Skeletal reconstruction of Siamraptor suwati.
Cranial elements were...

Life restoration of the neovenatorid Siats meekerorum.

Size comparison of Siats meekerorum to human.

Sibirotitan metatarsal I, PM TGU 16/0−8, from Averianov et al....

Model of Sibirotitan astrosacralis, genus of somphospondyl sauropod...

Sidersaura: 'Star lizard' Late Cretaceous, South America

Sierraceratops turneri

Sierraceratops turneri with cf. Tyrannosaurus and Alamosaurus from...

CMN 50791, mid-cervical vertebra (C6) of Sigilmassasaurus...

Named taxa of the Shengjinkou Formation

Reconstruction of the Silutitan sinensis holotype

Illustration of a fossil of Silvisaurus

Skeletal reconstruction of Similicaudipteryx yixianensis.

Holotype of Sinocalliopteryx gigas (JMP-V-05-8-01).

Sinocalliopteryx gigas (CAGS-IG-T1), partial skeleton. A, B; skull;...

Sinocalliopteryx gigas from the Early Cretaceous of China. Digital.

Sinocalliopteryx gigas as a stealth hunter feeding on the dromaeosaur...

Sinocalliopteryx gigas as a stealth hunter feeding on the primitive...


A drawing of the theropod dinosaur Sinornithoides youngi

Skeletal reconstructions of Sinornithoides youngi.

Sinornithomimus dongi.

Reconstructed skeletons of Sinornithomimus dongi gen. et sp. nov....

Skull of Sinornithomimus dongi gen. et sp. nov. (IVPP−V11797−10)...

Sinornithosaurus millenii.

Cast of the holotype specimen of Sinornithosaurus millenii (IVPP...

Size comparison between the dromaeosaurid Sinornithosaurus and a...

Here is a reconstruction of the skull of an early dromaeosaur...

Skeletal reconstructions of Sinornithosaurus millenii and the Dave...

Dettaglio di mandibola di Sinobaatar e due mandibole di...

Digital illustration of the coelurosaurian dinosaur Sinosauropteryx...

Fossile di Sinosauropteryx prima con in evidenza l'ultimo pasto...

Sinosauropteryx fossil, from our trip to Hohhot, Inner Mongolia,...
Sinosaurus sinensis (KMV8701)

Palaeopathological characters of the right maxilla of ZLJT01...

Fossil of Sinosaurus, an extinct reptile- Took the picture at Muse...

Known remains after the theropod dinosaur Sinotyrannus holotype.

Size comparison between the troodontid dinosaur Sinovenator and a...

Skeletal restoration of Sinovenator changii

Sinraptor dongi

Photo of Sinraptor hepingensis skeleton from the Beijing Museum of...

Illustration of the Troodontid Dinosaur Sinusonasus, found in China....

Right dentary (NRRU3001-167) of Sirindhorna.
In labial (A), lingual...

Skull of Sirindhorna khoratensis.
(A) A composite skull...

Size of Skorpiovenator, based on Grillo & Delcourt (Fig. 1B).

Full body reconstruction of Skorpiovenator bustingorryi.

Smitanosaurus agilis skull fragment and neck.

Smitanosaurus agilis skull shown from the back. Left with proatlas...

Size comparison of different genera of sauropod dinosaurs in the...

Sonorasaurus thompsoni

Life restoration of Soriatitan golmayensis.

Size of Soriatitan golmayensis compared to human.

While a bunch of adults surround and take down a young and a subadult...

Life restoration of the Spectrovenator ragei holotype (MZSP-PV 833)...

Skeletal reconstruction of the Spectrovenator ragei holotype (MZSP-PV...

AMNH 0044, Sphaerotholus buchholtzae, in dorsal view with arrows...

Skull reconstruction of Spiclypeus shipporum gen et sp. nov. (CMN...

Spiclypeus shipporum

NHMUK PV R37412, holotypic remains of ''Spicomellus afer''.

Skeletal reconstruction of Spinophorosaurus nigerensis.

Spinophorosaurus restoration. Matches the proportions of the skeletal...

Spinophorosaurus sauropod dinosaur excavation in the Middle Jurassic...

Reconstruction of the skull of Spinops sternbergorum gen. et sp. nov....


Cast of FSAC-KK-11888, currently classified as Spinosaurus, displayed...

Size comparison of Spinosaurus and a human.

Longest theropods comparison

Spinosaurus aegyptiacus; Morroco; Private collection

Mascella di Spinosaurus (MSNM V4047) fotografata al Museo di Storia...

Spinosaurus aegipticus with hands, tail and skull fixed.

Spinosaurus - Museu Blau - Octubre 2016

Skeletal reconstruction of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus

Spinosaurus marocannus jaw fossil (MNHN SAM 124), Muséum national...

Spinosaurus, photographed at an event at the Makuhari Messe...

Spinosaurus swimming underwater in its environment, with an...

Staurikosaurus - 02

Staurikosaurus pricei, a primitive dinosaur from the Late Triassic of...

Staurikosaurus with a rhynchosaur, by Dimitri Bogdanov.

Stegoceras skeletons, Royal Tyrrell Museum, Alberta, Canada.

A diagram showing the pachycephalosaur Stegoceras validum compared to...

Stegoceras skull

Stegopelta armor plates and teeth.

Stegopelta pelvic armor.

Illustration of Stegosaurus ungulatus

Early restoration of Stegosaurus with plates lying flat along the...

Stegosaurus stenops, a stegosaur from the Late Jurassic of North...

Cast of a Stegosaurus stenops skeleton (AMNH 650) in the Senckenberg...

squelette d'un stegosaure dans un musée américain

Stegosaurus at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago

Stegosaurus at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago

Plates on spine of Stegosaurus fossil at the National Museum of...

Stegosaurus tooth

Stegosaurus stenops specimen USNM 4934 as it was found.

Comparison of dermal skeleton between Stegouros elengassen gen. et...

Comparison of teeth and dentary of Stegouros elengassen gen. et sp....

pelvic girdle, hindlimbs and dermal armour of Stegouros elengassen...

Postcranial axial skeleton of Stegouros elengassen gen. et sp. nov....

Size comparison of the holotype specimen (CPAP-3165) of Stegouros...

Supplementary Fig. 1 Taphonomic information on the excavation of the...

Stegouros elengassen holotype and skeletal

1 Cranial bones of Stegouros elengassen gen. et sp. nov. a, skull in...

Fig.2 Caudal weapon of Stegouros elengassen gen. et sp. nov. a-c, 3D...

Nasal horncore of Stellasaurus ancellae holotype MOR 492 in right...

Left lateral parietal bar of Stellasaurus ancellae holotype MOR 492...

Left supraorbital ornamentation of Stellasaurus ancellae holotype MOR...

Life restoration of Stenonychosaurus inequalis

Head and neck of Dale Russell's Stenonychosaurus sculpture, from the...

Skeletal reconstruction of Stenonychosaurus, based on all known...

Ornithischian dinosaur Stenopelix valdensis Meyer, 1857, holotype...
 marginatus ulna and radius.png)
Ulna and radius of Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, now assigned to...

Left ilium of Stokesosaurus clevelandi, Madsen 1974 (UMNH VP 7473),...

Size comparison between the 2 known specimens of Stokesosaurus...

Life reconstruction of Stokesosaurus clevelandi. Proportions align...

This scene represents the theropod Streptospondylus feasting on the...

Fossil of Streptospondylus, a dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic...

Struthiomimus sedens skeleton in the Oxford University Museum of...

Struthiomimus altus is an ornithomimid from the Late Cretaceous of...

Size of the ornithomimid dinosaur Struthiomimus altus compared with a...

Struthiomimus altus complete reconstruction

Struthiomimus altus complete reconstruction in the Rocky Mountain...

Struthiomimus altus. Genotype specimen, Amer. Mus. 5339.
Struthiosaurus austriacus osteoderms, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien

Above: Reconstruction of Struthiosaurus austriacus indicating...

fossil humerus of Struthiosaurus occitanicus, an extinct nodosaur

Life reconstruction of Stygimoloch spinifer

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Fossil Stygimoloch spinifer skull....

Size comparison between the ceratopsid Styracosaurus and a human

Size comparison between the ceratopsid Styracosaurus and a human


Model of Styracosaurus in Bałtow Jurassic Park, Bałtów, Poland

Styracosaurus albertensis skeleton, American Museum of Natural...

Styracosaurus albertensis, American Museum of Natural History.

Styracosaurus skeleton at Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario....

Styracosaurus (meaning 'spiked lizard' from Greek styrax/στυραξ...

Styracosaurus (meaning 'spiked lizard' from Greek styrax/στυραξ...

Suchomimus skeleton mounted at the Children's Museum of Chicago. This...

Digital skeletal reconstructions of the African spinosaurid and...

Suchomimus tenerensis was a large spinosaurid dinosaur from Africa in...

Skeletal reconstruction of Suchomimus tenerensis and Baryonyx walkeri...

Suchomimus forelimb (cast), on display at the Museum of Ancient Life,...

Photo: cast of a Suchomimus tenerensis skull at the Australian...

Suchomimus tenerensis life reconstruction
 3 (15414778255).jpg)
Suchomimus tenerensis Sereno et al., 1998 theropod dinosaur from the...

Crown of a tooth of Suchosaurus cultridens ('lævidens'), side and...

'Jimbo' Supersaurus specimen DMJ-021, Wyoming Dinosaur Center.

Supersaurus (meaning 'super lizard') was a diplodocid dinosaur...

Photograph of a fossil cast of a Supersaurus vivianae dorsal vertebra...

Suuwassea emiliae cervicals 1-4 in right lateral view, Academy of...

Head of Suuwassea emiliae, Institut de paléontologie humaine, Paris,...

Suzhousaurus megatherioides based on related genera.

Talarurus plicatospineus, Dinosaurium exhibition, Prague, Czech...

Life depiction of Talenkauen santacrucensis.

Skeletal reconstruction of Talos sampsoni (UMNH VP 19479).
Talos is...

Axial elements of Talos sampsoni (UMNH VP 19479).
Dorsal vertebra in...

Tamarro holotype

Tambatitanis amicitiae gen. et sp. nov., holotype (MNHAH D-1029280)....

Tambatitanis amicitiae gen. et sp. nov., holotype (MNHAH D-1029280)....

Tangvayosaurus model (cropped version of...

Tanius sinensis restoration.

Tanycolagreus fossil holotype TPII 2000-09-29, North American Museum...

Life restoration of Tanycolagreus topwilsoni.
Based on Figure 2.16 of...

Skull of Tapuiasaurus macedoi, gen. n. sp. n.
Photographs and...


Vertebrae of Tapuiasaurus macedoi, gen. n. sp. n.
Dorsal vertebra of...

Fossil of Tarascosaurus salluvicus, an extinct theropod discovered in...

Tarbosaurus bataar skeleton. Museum of Evolution in Warsaw

Dessin d'un squelette de Tarbosaurus par VL.

Tarbosaurus, autor - Bogdanov, 2006

Scale chart for Tarbosaurus bataar. The adult is based on a skeletal...

Two specimens of Tarbosaurus bataar with a human for Scale.
• ...

Cast of a Tarbosaurus bataar skeleton on exhibition in Münster,...

Tarbosaurus skeleton

Size comparison between specimens attributed to the ankylosaurian...

Cast of a fossil skull, specimen PIN 3142/250, initially referred to...

Tastavinsaurus, pencil drawing, digital coloring


Preserved elements of Tataouinea hannibalis (ONM DT 1–48).

Skeletal reconstruction of Tataouinea hannibalis, with missing...

Caudal vertebrae 8 and 9 of Tataouinea hannibalis.
Vertebrae in...

Illustration of a fossil of Tatisaurus

Size comparison of Tawa hallae against a human silhouette.

Size comparison between the triassic theropod dinosaur Tawa hallae...

Tawa hallae, a primitive theropod dinosaur from New Mexico, North...

Representative vertebrae of Tazoudasaurus naimi

Size comparison of the basal sauropod Tazoudasaurus naimi. Based on...

Recreación de Tehuelchesaurus benetezii

Drawing of lectoholotype skull BMNH R.3386 (desigated by Weishampel...

fossil vertebrae of Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, an extinct...

Artistic reconstruction of the pathological individual of the...

Deinonychus antirrhopus and Tenontosaurus tilletti fossils. Exhibit...

Queue d'un fossile de Tenontosaurus montrant l'organisation des...

Tenontosaurus tilletti, an ornithopod from the Early Cretaceous of...

Fossil Tenontosaurus, on display in the Museum of the Rockies in...

Skull reconstructions and selected cranial elements of Teratophoneus...


Skeletal outline showing recovered elements of Teratophoneus curriei...

Parietal relative sizes among specimens of Pentaceratops, and related...

Stratigraphic positions of chasmosaurine taxa.
Morphospecies of...

Terminocavus sealeyi restoration (modified from the now dubious...

Terminocavus sealeyi holotype NMMNH P-27468 parietal.
Dorsal (A) and...


Fossil of Tethyshadros insularis, an extinct hadrosaur

Fossil of Tethyshadros insularis, an extinct hadrosaur

The holotype humerus and coracoid of Texasetes pleurohalio (USNM...

The holotype unguals (bottom) and phalanges (top) of Texasetes...

Life restoration of Thanatotheristes degrootorum, tyrannosaurid...

Size comparison of Homo sapiens and Thanos simonattoi

A size comparison of Thanos (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and Thanos...

Reconstruction of Thanos simonattoi based on PaleoJoe abelisaur...
Cervical vertebrae (CV6/8) of Tharosaurus indicus. (a) RWR-241-A,...

Tharosaurus: 'Tharo Desert lizard' Middle Jurassic, Asia

Cervical vertebra NHMUK PV R181 of the ornithomimosaur Thecocoelurus...

Thecodontosaurus reconstruction

Thecodontosaurus antiquus

Thecospondylus horneri neural canal cast

Theiophytalia kerri skull on Camptosaurus dispar skeleton, in Museo...

Theiophytalia kerri skull on Camptosaurus dispar skeleton, in Museo...

Theiophytalia kerri Brill & Carpenter, 2006 - ornithopod dinosaur...

Restoration of Therizinosaurus, Tylocephale (actually Prenocephale)...

Replica of a fossil claw of Therizinosaurus cheloniformis. Found in...

A scale diagram comparing three parksosaurid dinsosaur genera,...

Thescelosaurus neglectus, an hypsilophodont from North America,...

Thespesius occidentalis fossils

Skeletal diagram of Thyreosaurus atlasicus showing known fossil...

Mesopotamian god (with thunderbolts) battles Gryphon ; often...

Skull reconstructions of Heterodontosaurus and Tianyulong documenting...

Tianyulong confuciusi, from the Early Cretaceous of China. Digital.


A reconstruction of Tianyuraptor ostromi perched on a branch on a...

Tianzhenosaurus - 01

Skeleton of the ankylosaurid Tianzhenosaurus

Tianzhenosaurus - 02

Tianzhenosaurus skull

Illustration of a fossil of Tichosteus

Holotype scapula of Tienshanosaurus chitaiensis on display at the...

Skeletal diagram of Tietasaura derbyiana showing known fossil...

Holotypic left femur of Timimus hermani NMV P186303 in anterior (A),...

Restoration of Timurlengia euotica based on images of known remains...


Titanomachya: 'Titanomachy' Late Cretaceous, South America

Titanosaurus indicus holotypic distal caudal vertebra.

Tlatolophus galorum fue un hadrosaurio parasaurolofino que habitó el...

Tochisaurus nemegtensis gen. et sp. n. 1. Left metatarsus, anterior...

Tomodon dorsatus

The photograph (a) and line drawing (b) of the skull: Tongtianlong...

An artistic reconstruction, showing the last-ditch struggle of...

'Gigantosaurus' (=Tornieria): The Wonderful Paleo Art of Heinrich...

Head of Torosaurus, a ceratopian dinosaur

A photograph of the skull of Torosaurus latus (ANSP 15192) with...

Torosaurus latus, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North...

fossil of Torvosaurus

Life reconstruction of Torvosaurus tanneri. Based on Hartman.

Illustration of Trachodon mirabilis teeth

Tratayenia rosalesi restored in resting posture.

The skull of a baby Triceratops on display at the University of...

Size of the ceratopsian dinosaur Eotriceratops (green) compared with...

Size comparison between the famous ceratopsian Triceratops and a human

Triceratops, Smithsonian Museum.

Skull of Triceratops with visible teeth in the Naturhistorisches...

Triceratops - skeleton in London Natural History Museum. This is not...

Triceratops - skeleton in London Natural History Museum. This is not...

Triceratops horridus, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North...

Reconstruction of a Triceratops skeleton in the Senckenberg Museum in...

Triceratops skeleton at the Smithsonian museum of Natural History
Skull of Triceratops horridus (specimen MNHN 1912.20, originally...

Fauna of the Hell Creek Formation

Life reconstruction of Trierarchuncus prairiensis

Recreación de una Trinisaura

Scale diagram depicting the maniraptoran theropod Troodon inequalis...

Troodon teeth (Troodon formosus) in the permanent collection of The...

Troodon formosus holotype tooth.

Skeletal reconstruction of Tsaagan mangas.

Diagram featuring all the current named Dinosauria from the Bayan...

Skeletal diagram featuring the skull holotype of the ankylosaur...

Cranial diagram of the ankylosaurine Tsagantegia longicranialis,...

Left premaxilla of Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus (IVPP K107).

A Tsintaosaurus

Anatomical model of the cranium and supracranial crest of...

Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, a hadrosaurid from Late Cretaceous...

Reconstruction of Tuebingosaurus maierfritzorum gen. et sp. nov. as a...

Ilia, sacrum and anterior caudal vertebra of Tuebingosaurus...

Chinese dinosaurs from the Late Jurassic. The theropod...

Turanoceratops tardabilis.

Recreation of a Turiasaurus riodevensis

Head Reconstruction of Tylocephale

An overview of the known fossil material of Tyrannomimus fukuiensis....

Tyrannomimus: 'Tyrant mimic' Early Cretaceous, Asia

This is a scale model of a Tyrannosaurus rex exhibit which was...

Illustration of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex.
Most of this...

specimen of small tyrannosaurid (Nanotyrannus lancensis or a juvenile...

Reconstrucción de la cópula de dos Tyrannosaurus rex en el MUJA,...

Moulage du crâne d'un Nanotyrannus lancensis (dinosaure,...

Picture of a T-Rex head on display, in Palais de la Découverte, Paris

Tyrannosauripus pillmorei, probable Tyrannosaurus footprint from...

Considéré par certains comme l'un des plus grands carnassiers ayant...

Tyrannosaurus in outdated posture

Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural...

Illustration of the forelimb from a tyrannosaurid dinosaur....
Tyrannosaurus rex fossil at the National Museum of Natural History,...
Tyrannosaurus rex fossil at the National Museum of Natural History,...
Tyrannosaurus rex fossil at the National Museum of Natural History,...

Holotype de Tyrannosaurus rex

Tyrannosaurus rex forelimbs detail, in the Royal Belgian Institute of...

Scale chart for various specimens of Tyrannosaurus rex. Relative...

Skull of Tyrannosaurus rex, type specimen (CM 9380) at the Carnegie...

Original caption: 'Skull reconstruction of Utahceratops gettyi n....


Artistic restoration of Utahraptor ostrommaysorum

Utahraptor ostrommaysorum theropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous of...

Size comparison of Uteodon, a camptosaur from Jurassic North America....

Vagaceratops skeletal restoration.


Partial left metatarsus of Valdoraptor (originally Hylæosaurus)....

Valdosaurus sp. ilia from Upper Tunbridge Wells Sandstone of...

Vallibonavenatrix cani. Credits to Felipe Elias.

Fossiles de Variraptor présentés lors de l'exposition 'Sur les...

Fossiles de Variraptor présentés lors de l'exposition 'Sur les...

Représentation supposée du Variraptor Méchinorum visible au...

Estimated size of Variraptor mechinorum, compared to a human....

fossil of Variraptor mechinorum, an extinct dromaeosaur

Variraptor model, Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Nîmes

Vectidromeus: 'Isle of Wight runner' Early Cretaceous, Europe

Type specimen of Vectidromeus insularis, shown to scale with...

Type specimen of Vectidromeus insularis, Longrich et al. 2023, by...

Vectipelta at Dinosaur Isle

Vectipelta: 'Isle of Wight shield' Early Cretaceous, Europe

Silhouette of Vectiraptor greeni

Closeup of the camellate pneumaticity inside the vertebrae of...

Holotype posterior dorsal vertebra of the dromaeosaurid Vectiraptor...

Velafrons coahuilensis, a hadrosaur from the Late Cretaceous of...

Illustration of a fossil of Velocipes

Jurassic Park velociraptor direct input device

Size comparison of the two dinosaurs composing the famous Fighting...

Reconstructed skeleton of Velociraptor mongoliensis

Skull with mandible of Velociraptor mongoliensis MPC-D 100/25...

Metatarsus and pes of the dromaeosaurid Velociraptor (specimen MPC-D...

Artistic restoration of Velociraptor mongoliensis

Tooth of Velociraptor mongoliensis, ZPAL MgD-I/97a. Scale bars 2 mm.
Dentary of Velociraptor. Arrows point to downturned ‘chin’ at the...
Labelled holotype skull (AMNH 6515) of the dromaeosaurid Velociraptor...

Velociraptor mongoliensis, a dromaeosaur from the Late Cretaceous of...

Type skull and claw (Amer. Mus. 6515) of Velociraptor mongoliensis.

Comparison between the maxillar bones of Velociraptor osmolskae and...

The dromaeosaurid Velociraptor mongoliensis restraining a juvenile...
Rostral anatomy of Velociraptor in (A) lateral and (B) ventral views....

Size comparison between several individuals of the dromaeosaurid...

The velociraptor was a small, carnivorous dinosaur that lived during...
Inferred Dinosaur Behavior. The discovery of skeletons of...

Velociraptorine skeletons to scale.

Velocisaurus unicus life restoration. Based on figures of skeletal...

Digital restoration of Vespersaurus paranaensis.

Holotype right pes of Vespersaurus paranaensis gen. et sp. nov....

Size of Veterupristisaurus milneri compared to human.

Skeletal diagram of Veterupristisaurus milneri including all known...

Life restoration of Veterupristisaurus milneri in a woodland floor. '

Viavenator restoration.

Size comparison of Viavenator exxoni to human


Skeletal restoration of the titanosaurian sauropod Volgatitan. Only...

Middle cervical vertebra of Vouivria damparisensis (MNHN.F.1934.6 DAM...

Grössenvergleich zwischen Vulcanodon und einem Menschen


Reconstruction of the left pes of Vulcanodon. This foot was first...

The caudal vertebra of Walgettosuchus woodwardi, BMNH R3717, in...

Wannanosaurus yansiensis reconstruction for review.

Dessin hypothétique de Wellnhoferia grandis.

Wendiceratops weighted about one ton and had a length of about six...

Comparative reconstructions of centrosaurine ceratopsid parietals.

Life reconstruction of Wendiceratops pinhornensis

Skeletal reconstruction of Wendiceratops pinhornensis. Elements...

The head of megalosauroid Wiehenvenator albati in profile.

Reconstructed skull of Wiehenvenator albati based on holotype...

Size of Wiehenvenator compared to human

Reconstruction of Wiehenvenator, Das Monster von Minden, as Megalosaur

Artistic representations of Wintonotitan

* Wintonotitan wattsi gen. et sp. nov. (QMF 7292)
(Silhouette with...


The hadrosaurid dinosaur Wulagasaurus dongi gen. et sp. nov. from the...

Wulagasaurus revision

Wulatelong gobiensis.

Skeletal reconstruction of the skull of Wulatelong gobiensis.

Restoration of Wulong bohaiensis.

Xenoceratops foremostensis

Xenoposeidon holotype BMNH R2095, left lateral view. Detail of...

Xenoposeidon proneneukos holotype vertebra NHM R2095.

Articulated tibia, fibula, astragalus and calcaneum of...

Xiaotingia zhengi, an archaeopterygian which lived in China 150...

Size of the birdlike deinonychosaur Xiaotingia, compared to a human.

Skeletal reconstruction of Xiaotingia zhengi.

This fossil is the reason I ended up at the museum. It was the...

Xingtianosaurus holotype

Skeleton holotype Xingxiulong.

Figure 1: Geographic and geologic map showing the location of...

Figure 3: Skull, mandible and atlas-axis complex of Xingxiulong...

Figure 6: Comparison of sacral vertebrae of Xingxiulong chengi gen....

Size comparison of Xingxiulong. Based on File:Skeleton...

Xingxiulong fossil sacral vertebrae and pubic bone

Xinjiangovenator ( dinosaure) qui marche ( en dessin)
Xinjiangtitan life restoration


Fossil remains of Xiongguanlong baimoensis (Dinosauria, Theropoda,...

Size comparison between the theropod dinosaur Xiongguanlong (related...

Size of Xixianykus, an alvarezsaur. Based on [1] and [2].

Restoration of Xixiasaurus henanensis in bird-like resting pose....

Size of the troodontid theropod species Xixiasaurus henanensis...

A troodontid theropod Xixiasaurus henanensis gen. et sp. nov. (HGM...

Skull of troodontid theropod Xixiasaurus henanensis gen. et sp. nov....

A troodontid theropod Xixiasaurus henanensis gen. et sp. nov....

The type locality of Xixiasaurus henanensis gen. et sp. nov.; lower...

Scaled reconstruction of Xiyunykus. (Tom Parker, 2018)

Xuanhanosaurus qilixiaensis, a bizarre theropod dinosaur from China

Xuanhuaceratops head reconstruction based on [1].

英良迅猛龍(Xunmenglong yingliangis)的骨架模型

英良迅猛龍(Xunmenglong yingliangis)的化石


Yamaceratops dorngobiensis, a ceratopsian from the Early Cretaceous...

A visual representation of Yamanasaurus lojaensis, first dinosaur...

Right dentary of Yamatosaurus izanagii

Restoration of Yamatosaurus izanagii

Life reconstruction of Yanbeilong ultimus

Yandusaurus hongheensis (the little dinosaur in the mouth of bigger...

Yangchuanosaurus shangyouensis

Illustration of a fossil of Yaverlandia

Skeletal diagram of Yi qi showing the known material.

Restoration of the membrane-winged scansoriopterygid Yi qi

Size of the scansoriopterygid Yi qi (holotype specimen) compared with...

Yingshanosaurus: 'Golden Hills lizard' Late Jurassic, Asia

Life reconstruction of Yingshanosaurus jichuanensis

Yinlong downsi, a basal ceratopsian from the Late Jurassic of China,...

Yinlong - 01
A diagram showing the bones and feathering preserved in IVPP V 12638,...

Size comparison of Yizhousaurus sunae.[1] Unknown regions were...

Yizhousaurus sunae skull and jaw

Skeletal reconstruction of the preserved postcranial elements of the...

Fossil locations and quarry map of Yongjinglong datangi.
In the...

Ypupiara lopai, a member of Unenlagiinae.

Yulong mini (HGM 41HIII-0109) lower jaw. Scale bar = 1 cm.

Cervical vertebra of Yunganglong datongensis (SXMG V...

Photos of caudodorsal part of the skull of Yunganglong datongensis...

Distal end of left femur of Yunganglong datongensis (SXMG V...

Distal portions of ischia of Yunganglong datongensis (SXMG V...

Tibia and astragalus of Yunganglong datongensis (SXMG V...

Partial dorsal and two caudal vertebra of Yunganglong datongensis...

Yunnanosaurus, pencil drawing

Skeletal reconstruction of Yurgovuchia doellingi, with anachronistic...

Cervical and dorsal vertebrae of Yurgovuchia doellingi (UMNH VP...

An illustration showing a family of Yutyrannus hunting a subadult...

Head profile of Yutyrannus, the feathered tyrannosauroid from lower...

Life reconstruction of Yutyrannus huali (Tom Parker, 2016).

Zalmoxes was a genus of dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous. It is...

Fossil of Zalmoxes, an ornithopod dinosaur
Took the photo at Musee...

Reconstruction of the skull of Zalmoxes based on the parts of the...

Caudal vertebra of Zalmoxes, Deva Natural History Museum.

Zanabazar junior (formerly Saurornithoides).

Skeletal reconstruction of Zanabazar junior

Skeletal reconstruction of Saurornithoides junior (now Zanabazar)...

Tooth of cf. Zapsalis, with close up of denticles. Specimen UALVP...

Reconstruction and restoration of the skeleton of Zhanghenglong...

Figure 1: The holotype of the large-bodied, short-armed Liaoning...

The holotype of the large-bodied, short-armed Liaoning dromaeosaurid...

Figure 3: The postcranium of the large-bodied, short-armed Liaoning...

Scale chart of dromaeosaur Zhenyuanlong in reference to a human,...

Figure 2: The skull of the large-bodied, short-armed Liaoning...

Artist reconstruction of Zhongjianosaurus yangi

Mounted skeleton of Zhongyuansaurus


Right maxilla, jugal, quadratojugal, ectopterygoid, and mandible of...

Illustration of the remains after the theropod dinosaur...

Ziapelta sanjuanensis, gen. et sp. nov., (holotype NMMNH P-64484),...

Ziapelta sanjuanensis, gen. et sp. nov., (holotype NMMNH P-64484),...


Zuniceratops christopheri, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of...

Zuniceratops christopheri, cast of MSM P 4185, on display at the...

Zuolong salleei.

Zupaysaurus rougieri in resting pose

restoration of Zupaysaurus skull

Holotype of Zuul crurivastator, ROM 75860, skull in (a) left lateral,...

Overview of the tail of Zuul crurivastator ROM 75860 in dorsal view,...

Hesperonyx: 'Western claw' Early Jurassic, Europe
Holotype specimen of Caletodraco cottardi, MHNH 2024.1.1., in dorsal...
Squelette monté d’Allosaurus fragilis, exposé au musée...

Size comparison of the holotype specimen (ML 2700) of Hesperonyx...

Skeletal diagram of Caletodraco cottardi showing known fossil...

Life reconstruction of Caletodraco cottardi.
Mounted skeleton comprising a composite of specimens nicknamed...

Gorgosaurus chasing Corythosaurus and Chasmosaurus russelli, with...

Skeletal diagram of Hesperonyx martinhotomasorum showing known fossil...

Ardetosaurus Size Comparison
Ardetosaurus viator (life restoration)
Ardetosaurus viator (skeletal reconstruction)
Howe-Stephens Quarry (excavation map)

Skeletal reconstruction of Bajadasaurus pronuspinax gen. et sp. nov...

Exhibit in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, of...

Drapeau des États-Unis mexicains

Composite skeletal diagram of Fona herzogae based on fossil material...

Illustration of a fossil of Geranosaurus

Paleoarte feita por Matheus Gadelha representando Ibirania parva em...

flag of the Republic of India

Gorgosaurus libratus - 01

Gorgosaurus libratus skeleton, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology

Restoration of Dongbeititan dongi from the Early Cretaceous of China

Restitution paléoartistique de Lophostropheus airelensis, Maisrimer...

Life reconstruction of Huaxiazhoulong shouwen

Life reconstruction of Bashanosaurus primitivus

Wessex Formation dinosaurs, including Iguanodon, Neovenator,...

Life reconstruction of Amurosaurus riabinini

Femur of a giant hadrosaur discovered in North Carolina by Baird and...

A model of the dinosaur 'Burianosaurus Augustai' in Prague's Harfa...

Restoration of Bonapartenykus ultimus, an alvarezsaurid from the Late...

Skeletal diagram of Bashanosaurus primitivus showing known fossil...

Huallasaurus (formerly Kritosaurus australis), Museo de Ciencias...

Skeleton of 'Gadolosaurus', formerly assigned to Arstanosaurus sp.

Life restoration of Boreonykus

Restoration of Bradycneme draculae as an alvarezsaurid.

Bruhathkayosaurus matleyi updated

Illustration of a fossil of Cionodon

Illustration of a fossil of Cryptosaurus

Iani: 'Janus' Late Cretaceous, North America

Restoration of Draconyx loureiroi, an ankylopollexian ornithopod from...

Restoration of Drusilasaura deseadensis, a titanosaur from the Late...

Pube di Dystrophaeus.

Illustration of a fossil of Erectopus

Chakisaurus: 'Elder guanaco lizard' Late Cretaceous, South America

Life reconstruction of Campananeyen fragilissimus.

Restoration of Lucianovenator bonoi based on images of known remains...

Illustration of a fossil of Euskelosaurus

Life reconstruction of Igai semkhu

Jainosaurus septentrionalis life restoration

Life reconstruction of Jiangjunosaurus junggarensis

Reconstruction of Kazaklambia convincens, a hadrosaur known by...
Kuru is a velociraptorine theropod from the Late Cretaceous of...

Restoration of Ligabuesaurus leanzai from the Early Cretaceous of...

Apatodon vertebra

Life restoration of Kayentavenator

Life reconstruction of Chakisaurus nekul

The image of a humerus(?) of a Brachypodosaurus from Lameta Formation...

Illustration of a fossil of Macrurosaurus
Right postorbital OMNH 1771 referred to Saurophaganax maximus and...

A skeletal mount of the ankylosaur Akainacephalus in a traveling...

Life reconstruction of Diuqin lechiguanae

Life restoration of ''Lourinhasaurus'' based on the fossil elements...

Life restoration of Antarctopelta oliveroi

Life reconstruction of Ardetosaurus viator

Part of Elopteryx nopcsai femur in several views.

Life reconstruction of Koleken inakayali

Life reconstruction of Gandititan cavocaudatus
Axis and cervical vertebrae 3–10 (A–I) of Lishulong wangi in left...

Aristosaurus erectus holotype fossil, covering slab

Fossils of Massospondylus harriesi (18), Aetonyx palustris (19–23),...
Photograph (A) and interpretative line drawing (B) of the cranium of...

Lower leg of Hortalotarsus (posterior view), from Seeley, 1894

Drawing of the left foot of Aristosaurus (TM 130) by van Hoepen, 1920.

Skeletal diagram of Lishulong wangi showing known fossil material of...

Life reconstruction of Lishulong wangi

Aristosaurus erectus, specimen TM 130

Holotype of Coahuilasaurus lipani (Hadrosauridae: Kritosaurini) from...

Life reconstruction of Coahuilasaurus lipani

Figure 20. Life reconstruction of Coahuilasaurus lipani, by C. Díaz...

Jingiella: 'Jing' Late Jurassic, Asia

Left femur, left radius, and right metatarsals I and III of...

Tibia, metatarsals, and humerus of Dromicosaurus gracilis

Fibula and Ischia of Dromicosaurus gracilis

Vertebrae and pubis of Dromicosaurus gracilis
Life reconstruction of an individual of MPCN-PV 738, referred to cf....

Hortalotarsus, from Seeley, 1894. Anterior aspect of the leg showing...
Skull of Huanansaurus ganzhouensis (HGM41HIII-0443).

Specimens of Galleonosaurus dorisae n. gen. n. sp. from the Flat...

Skeletal diagram of ''Comahuesaurus''

Chimère monstrueuse naturalisée (Chimaera monstrosa)

Baminornis: 'Fujian Province bird' Late Jurassic, Asia

Life reconstruction of Jingiella dongxingensis

Skeletal diagram of Jingiella dongxingensis showing known fossil...
L01-HY999, the holotype left femur of Archaeocursor asiaticus...
Type locality and geological setting of Archaeocursor asiaticus (A)...

Size comparison of the holotype specimen (L01-HY999) of Archaeocursor...

Skeletal diagram of Archaeocursor asiaticus showing known fossil...

Archaeocursor: 'Old runner' Early Jurassic, Asia

Life reconstruction of Archaeocursor asiaticus

Skeletons of Bonatitan and Austroraptor at the Museo Argentino de...
Chadititan calvoi nearly complete right femur of MPCN-Pv 1038 in (A)...

Figure 1-2) Lost holotype teeth of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus