Dinopedia - L'encyclopédie des dinosaures




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Lajasvenator (meaning "Las Lajas hunter" after the city of Las Lajas in Neuquén, Argentina) is a genus of carcharodontosaurid dinosaur from the Mulichinco Formation from Neuquén Province in Argentina. The type and only species is Lajasvenator ascheriae. It was probably one of the smallest known allosauroids, being approximately only half the length of Concavenator, about 2.9 m (9.5 ft).
Lajasvenator is known from two specimens, MLL-PV-005 (the holotype) and MLL-PV-007 (a referred specimen). The referred specimen includes the proximal end of a cervical rib that is identical to the seventh cervical rib of the holotype. It is possible that the early evolutionary stage for the Carcharodontosauridae started with medium-sized predators like Lajasvenator that later diversified into the heavily-built taxa such as Giganotosaurus and Mapusaurus. Lajasvenator is the oldest carcharodontosaur known from the Cretaceous of South America and is a key taxon for understanding the clade's evolutionary history.


Source: The Paleobiology Database

  • Attibution: Coria et al. 202077590
  • Statut: Valide
  • Nom commun:
  • Environnement de découverte: terrestrial
  • Mode de vie: terrestrial
  • Mode de locomotion: actively mobile
  • Vision: ?
  • Alimentation: carnivore
  • Mode de reprodution: oviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile
  • Classification: Carcharodontosauridae >> Allosauroidea >> Tetanurae >> Averostra >> Neotheropoda >> Theropoda >> Dinosauria
  • Période: Valanginian (de -139.80 Ma à -132.60 Ma)
  • Trias Jurassique Crétacé -251.90 MA -201.40 MA -145.00 MA -66.00 MA
  • Espèce(s):
    • Lajasvenator ascheriae (Valide)77590
  • Specimen(s):

    Pas de spécimen dans la base de donnée.

  • Découverte(s): 1 occcurrences
    Ouvrir - Fermer
    • Argentine
      • Neuquén
        • ?
          • Formation Mulichinco
            • Lajasvenator ascheriae: ? 77590
  • Historique des modifications:
  • Pas de modification récente.


La base comprend 1 publication(s).

Source: The Paleobiology Database

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Source: Wikimédia