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Source: The Paleobiology Database
- Attibution: Cope 186615621
- Statut: Synonyme subjectif de Dryptosaurus
- Nom commun:
- Environnement de découverte: terrestrial
- Mode de vie: terrestrial
- Mode de locomotion: actively mobile
- Vision: ?
- Alimentation: carnivore
- Mode de reprodution: oviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile
- Classification: Tyrannosauroidea >> Coelurosauria >> Tetanurae >> Averostra >> Neotheropoda >> Theropoda >> Dinosauria
- Période: Albian - Maastrichtian (de -113.00 Ma à -66.00 Ma)
- Espèce(s):
- Laelaps cristatus (nomen dubium, voir Troodontidae)15651
- Laelaps falculus (Synonyme subjectif de Gorgosaurus libratus)15650
- Laelaps gallicus (Synonyme subjectif de Streptospondylus altdorfensis)14791
- Laelaps hazenianus (Synonyme subjectif de Gorgosaurus libratus)15490
- Laelaps incrassatus (Synonyme subjectif de Gorgosaurus libratus)15650
- Laelaps laevifrons (nomen dubium, voir Troodontidae)15651
- Laelaps trihedrodon (Synonyme subjectif de Allosaurus fragilis)15653
- Specimen(s):
- Laelaps aquilunguis recombined as Dryptosaurus aquilunguis: holotype ANSP 9995 - tibia, femur, humerus (both) , femur (left) , tibia (right) , fibula (right)
- Détail des Spécimens
- Autre(s) Taxon(s) trouvés dans la litterature:
- Laelaps subjective synonym of Dryptosaurus
- Laelaps aquilunguis recombined as Dryptosaurus aquilunguis
- Découverte(s): 6 occcurrences
Ouvrir - FermerÉtats-Unis
- Colorado
- Montana
- Blaine
- Formation Judith River
- Gorgosaurus libratus identifié comme Laelaps n. sp. falculus: ? 15650
- Formation Judith River
- Blaine
- New Jersey
- Gloucestershire
- Formation New Egypt
- Dryptosaurus aquilunguis identifié comme n. gen. Laelaps n. sp. aquilunguis: ANSP 9995: tibia, femur, humerus (both) , femur (left) , tibia (right) , fibula (right) 15621
- Formation New Egypt
- Gloucestershire
- Texas
- Irion
- Formation Paluxy
- Dryptosaurus identifié comme Laelaps sp.: ? 64460
- Formation Paluxy
- Irion
- Navoi
- ?
- Formation Khodzhakul
- Dromaeosaurus explanatus identifié comme "Laelaps" cf. explanatus: ? 16510
- Formation Khodzhakul
- ?
- Navoi
- Historique des modifications:
Pas de modification récente.
La base comprend 9 publication(s).
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- ↑1 2 E. D. Cope. 1866. [On the remains of a gigantic extinct dinosaur, from the Cretaceous Green Sand of New Jersey]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 18:275-279
- ↑1 2 E. D. Cope. 1876. On some extinct reptiles and Batrachia from the Judith River and Fox Hills Beds of Montana. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 28:340-359
- ↑1 2 3 E. D. Cope. 1876. Descriptions of some vertebrate remains from the Fort Union Beds of Montana. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 28:248-261
- ↑1 E. D. Cope. 1867. [An account of the extinct reptiles which approached the birds]. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 19:234-235
- ↑1 R. Steel. 1970. Part 14. Saurischia. Handbuch der Paläoherpetologie/Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart
- ↑1 2 E. D. Cope. 1877. On a carnivorous dinosaurian from the Dakota Beds of Colorado. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey 3(4):805-806
- ↑1 D. J. Chure. 2001. On the type and referred material of Laelaps trihedron Cope 1877 (Dinosauria: Theropoda). D. H. Tanke and K. Carpenter (eds.), Mesozoic Vertebrate Life, Indiana University Press, Bloomington
- ↑1 W. S. Adkins. 1933. The Mesozoic systems in Texas. The Geology of Texas. Volume I. Stratigraphy. The University of Texas Bulletin 3232:239-518
- ↑1 L. A. Nessov. 1995. Dinozavri severnoi Yevrazii: Novye dannye o sostave kompleksov, ekologii i paleobiogeografii [Dinosaurs of northern Eurasia: new data about assemblages, ecology, and paleobiogeography]. Institute for Scientific Research on the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
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