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Source: The Paleobiology Database
- Attibution: ?
- Statut: Valide
- Environnement de découverte: terrestrial
- Mode de vie: terrestrial
- Mode de locomotion: actively mobile
- Vision: ?
- Alimentation: carnivore
- Mode de reprodution: oviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile
- Classification: Allosauroidea >> Tetanurae >> Averostra >> Neotheropoda >> Theropoda >> Dinosauria
- Période: Kimmeridgian - Turonian (de -152.20 Ma à -89.80 Ma)
- Descendance(s):
- Genres: Datanglong Lusovenator Siamraptor Ulughbegsaurus Ouvrir - Fermer
- Découverte(s): 7 occcurrences
Ouvrir - Fermer - Historique des modifications:
- 2025-02-01: Champ(s) mis à jour : Rang Nom accepté
- 2024-12-08: Champ(s) mis à jour : Nombre d'occurences
- 2024-09-07: Création d'une famille à partir des données de pbdb
La base comprend 4 publication(s).
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- ↑1 J. Mo, F. Zhou, and G. Li, Z. Huang, C. Cao. 2014. A new Carcharodontosauria (Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of Guangxi, Southern China. Acta Geologica Sinica 88(4):1051-1059 (
- ↑1 2 E. Malafaia, P. Mocho, and F. Escaso, F. Ortega. 2020. A new carcharodontosaurian theropod from the Lusitanian Basin: evidence of allosauroid sympatry in the European Late Jurassic. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 40(1):e1768106:1-8 (
- ↑1 D. Chokchaloemwong, S. Hattori, and E. Cuesta, P. Jintasakul, M. Shibata, Y. Azuma. 2019. A new carcharodontosaurian theropod (Dinosauria: Saurischia) from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand. PLoS ONE 14(10):e0222489 (
- ↑1 2 3 K. Tanaka, O. U. O. Anvarov, and D. K. Zelenitsky, A., S. Ahmedshaev, Y. Kobayashi. 2021. A new carcharodontosaurian theropod dinosaur occupies apex predator niche in the early Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan. Royal Society Open Science 8(9):210923:1-10 (
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