
Source: Wikipédia
Les Hypsilophodontidés (Hypsilophodontidae ou Hypsilophontidae) forment une famille éteinte de dinosaures ornithopodes qui comprenait des espèces de taille modeste (de 1 à 4 m), possédant des mains minuscules à 5 doigts et des pieds à 4 orteils. Les hypsilophodontidés ont vécu sur une longue période, du Jurassique moyen à la fin du Crétacé (entre environ 165 et 66 millions d'années, du Callovien au Maastrichtien), en Europe, Australie, Asie et Amérique du Nord.
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- Attibution: ?
- Statut: Valide
- Environnement de découverte: terrestrial
- Mode de vie: terrestrial
- Mode de locomotion: actively mobile
- Vision: ?
- Alimentation: herbivore
- Mode de reprodution: oviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile
- Classification: Clypeodonta >> Ornithopoda >> Cerapoda >> Genasauria >> Ornithischia >> Dinosauria
- Période: Bathonian - Maastrichtian (de -168.20 Ma à -66.00 Ma)
- Descendance(s):
- Genres: Daurosaurus Hypsilophodon Vectidromeus Ouvrir - Fermer
- Découverte(s): 75 occcurrences
Ouvrir - FermerArgentine
- Hebei
- Chengde
- Formation Houcheng
- Hypsilophodontidae16852
- Formation Houcheng
- Chengde
- Hebei
- Aragón
- Castilla y Leon
- Castilla y León
- Teruel
- Galve
- Formation El Castellar
- Hypsilophodontidae19749
- Formation El Castellar
- Galve
- Valenciana
- Shewa
- ?
- Formation Mugher Mudstone
- Hypsilophodontidae13013
- Formation Mugher Mudstone
- ?
- Shewa
- ?
- ?
- Formation ?
- Vectidromeus insularis86560
- Formation ?
- ?
- England
- ?
- Michoacán
- Lázaro Cárdenas
- Formation Chuta
- Hypsilophodontidae82051
- Formation Chuta
- Lázaro Cárdenas
- Michoacán
- Ash Shamaliyah
- ?
- Formation Wadi Milk
- Hypsilophodontidae10388
- Formation Wadi Milk
- ?
- Ash Shamaliyah
- Sogd
- ?
- Formation Yalovach
- Hypsilophodontidae16510
- Formation Yalovach
- ?
- Sogd
- Montana
- ?
- Formation Cloverly
- Hypsilophodontidae14710
- Formation Cloverly
- Beaverhead
- Formation Blackleaf
- Hypsilophodontidae44003
- Formation Blackleaf
- Garfield
- Glacier
- McCone
- Formation Hell Creek
- Hypsilophodontidae13103
- Formation Hell Creek
- Petroleum
- Formation Judith River
- Hypsilophodontidae54849
- Formation Judith River
- Pondera
- Formation Two Medicine
- Hypsilophodontidae14221
- Formation Two Medicine
- Teton
- Formation Two Medicine
- Hypsilophodontidae56011
- Formation Two Medicine
- Wheatland
- Formation Judith River
- Hypsilophodontidae25472
- Formation Judith River
- ?
- South Dakota
- Meade
- Formation Lakota
- Euornithopoda identifié comme Hypsilophodon n. sp. wielandi7478
- Formation Lakota
- Meade
- Texas
- Utah
- Wyoming
- Crook
- Formation Morrison
- Hypsilophodontidae44147
- Formation Morrison
- Crook
- Montana
- Navoi
- ?
- Formation Khodzhakul
- Hypsilophodontidae16510
- Formation Khodzhakul
- ?
- Navoi
- Historique des modifications:
- 2025-02-01: Champ(s) mis à jour : Rang Nom accepté
- 2024-09-07: Création d'une famille à partir des données de pbdb
La base comprend 63 publication(s).
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- ↑1 R. D. Martínez. 1998. Notohypsilophodon comodorensis gen. et sp. nov. un Hypsilophodontidae (Ornitischia: Ornithopoda) del Cretácico Superior de Chubut, Patagonia central, Argentina [Notohypsilophodon comodorensis gen. et sp. nov., a Hypsilophodontidae (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Chubut, central Patagonia, Argentina]. Acta Geologica Leopoldensia 21(46/47):119-135
- ↑1 R. A. Coria and L. Salgado. 1996. A basal iguanodontian (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Late Cretaceous of South America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(3):445-457 (https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.1996.10011333)
- ↑1 L. Salgado, R. A. Coria, and S. E. Heredia. 1997. New materials of Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis (Ornithischia, Ornithopoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina. Journal of Paleontology 71(5):933-940 (https://doi.org/10.1017/s0022336000035861)
- ↑1 I. A. Cerda. 2008. Gastroliths in an ornithopod dinosaur. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53(2):351-355 (https://doi.org/10.4202/app.2008.0213)
- ↑1 M. J. Ryan and A. P. Russell. 2001. Dinosaurs of Alberta (exclusive of Aves). Mesozoic Vertebrate Life
- ↑1 F. Fanti and T. Miyashita. 2009. A high latitude vertebrate fossil assemblage from the Late Cretaceous of west-central Alberta, Canada: evidence for dinosaur nesting and vertebrate latitudinal gradient. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 275(1-4):37-53 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.02.007)
- ↑1 S. A. Whitebone, G. F. Funston, and P. J. Currie. 2023. An unusual microsite from the Upper Cretaceous Horseshoe Canyon Formation of Alberta, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 43(5):e2316668 (https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.2024.2316668)
- ↑1 M. M. Gilbert, E. L. Bamforth, and L. A. Buatois, R. W. Renaut. 2018. Paleoecology and sedimentology of a vertebrate microfossil assemblage from the easternmost Dinosaur Park Formation (Late Cretaceous, Upper Campanian,) Saskatchewan, Canada: reconstructing diversity in a coastal ecosystem. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 495:227-244 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.01.016)
- ↑1 M. Matsukawa, M. G. Lockley, and J. Li. 2006. Cretaceous terrestrial biotas of East Asia, with special reference to dinosaur-dominated ichnofaunas: towards a synthesis. Cretaceous Research 27(1):3-21 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2005.10.009)
- ↑1 A. H. Schwermann, L. Schöllmann, and C. Pott. 2018. Vertebrate fauna of a fissure filling from the Lower Cretaceous (BarremianeAptian) of Balve, Westphalia, Germany. Terra Nostra 1:111-112
- ↑1 S. Sachs. 1997. Mesozoische Reptilien aus Nordrhein-Westfalen [Mesozoic reptiles from Nordrhein-Westfalen]. In S. Sachs, O. W. M. Rauhut, & A. Weigert (eds.), Terra Nostra. 1. Treffen der deutschsprachigen Paläoherpetologen Düsseldorf
- ↑1 J. I. Ruiz-Omeñaca and J. I. Canudo. 2001. Dos yacimientos excepcionales con vertebrados continentales del Barremiense (Cretácico Inferior) de Teruel: Vallipón y La Cantalera [Two exceptional localities with continental vertebrates in the Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) of Teruel: Vallipón and La Cantalera]. Naturaleza Aragonesa 7:8-18
- ↑1 J. I. Ruiz-Omeñaca, J. I. Canudo, and G. Cuenca-Bescós. 1996. Dientes de dinosaurios ornitópodos en el Barremiense superior de Castellote y Mas de las Matas (Teruel) [Ornithopod dinosaur teeth in the Upper Barremian of Castellote and Mas de las Matas (Teruel)]. Tomo Estraordinario, 125 Aniversario de la RSEHN. Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Madrid
- ↑1 J. I. Ruiz-Omeñaca, J. I. Canudo, and G. Cuenca-Bescós. 1997. Primera evidencia de un área de alimentación de dinosaurios herbívoros en el Cretácico Inferior de España (Teruel) [First evidence of a feeding area of herbivorous dinosaurs in the Lower Cretaceous of Spain (Teruel)]. Monografias de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, Quimicas y Naturales de Zaragoza 10:1-48
- ↑1 J. I. Canudo, O. Amo, and G. Cuenca-Bescós, A. Meléndez, J. I. Ruiz-Omeñaca, A. R. Soria. 1997. Los vertebrados del Tithónico-Barremiense de Galve (Teruel, España) [The Tithonian-Barremian vertebrates of Galve (Teruel, Spain)]. Cuadernos de Geologia Ibérica 23:209-241
- ↑1 J. M. Gasca, J. I. Canudo, and M. Moren-Azanza. 2009. ientes aislados de dinosaurio de la Formación El Castellar en Miravete de la Sierra (Cretácico Inferior, Teruel, España) [Isolated dinosaur teeth from the El Castellar Formation in Miravete de la Sierra (Lower Cretaceous, Teruel, Spain)]. Actas de las IV Jornadas Internacionales sobre Paleontología de Dinosaurios y su Entorno. Salas de los Infantes, Burgos
- ↑1 A. D. Buscalioni and J. L. Sanz. 1984. Los Arcosaurios (Reptilia) del Jurásico superior – Cretácico inferior de Galve (Teruel, España) [The archosaurs (Reptilia) from the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous of Galve (Teruel, Spain)]. Teruel 71:9-30
- ↑1 2 3 F. Torcida Fernández-Baldor. 2006. Restos directos de dinosaurios en Burgos (Sistema Ibérico): un balance provisional [Dinosaur bone remains of Burgos (Iberian System): a provisional evaluation]. III Jornadas Internacionales sobre Paleontología de Dinosaurios y su Entorno
- ↑1 2 J. I. Ruiz-Omeñaca and J. I. Canudo. 2003. Dinosaurios (Saurischia, Ornithischia) en el Barremiense (Cretácico Inferior) de la península Ibérica [Dinosaurs (Saurischia, Ornithischia) in the Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) of the Iberian peninsula]. Dinosaurios y Otros Reptiles Mesozóicos de España
- ↑1 F. Torcida Fernández-Baldor. 2005. Los dinosaurios de Castilla y León [The dinosaurs of Castilla y León]. Patrimonio Histórico de Castilla y León 6(23):23-34
- ↑1 J. I. Ruiz-Omeñaca. 2000. Dientes de ornitópodos extraños en el Barremiense inferior (Cretácico Inferior) de Teruel (Cordillera Ibérica, España) [Strange ornithopod teeth from the lower Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) of Teruel (Iberian Range, Spain)]. 5th European Workshop on Vertebrate Palaeontology. Program. Abstracts. Excursion Guides
- ↑1 M. Suñer, B. Poza, and B. Vila, A. Santos-Cubedos. 2008. Síntesis del registro fósil de dinosaurios en el Este de la Península Ibérica [Synthesis of the fossil record of dinosaurs in the eastern Iberian Peninsula]. Palaeontologica Nova 8:397-420
- ↑1 J. M. Gasulla, F. Ortega, and F. Escaso, A. Pérez-García. 2011. Los yacimientos de vertebrados de la Formación Arcillas de Morella (Aptiense inferior) [The vertebrate localities of the Arcillas Formation of Morella (lower Aptian)]. Viajando a Mundos Pretéritos
- ↑1 M. B. Goodwin, W. A. Clemens, and J. H. Hutchison, C. B. Wood, M. S. Zavada, A. Kemp, C. J. Duffin, C. R. Schaff. 1999. Mesozoic continental vertebrates with associated palynostratigraphic dates from the northwestern Ethiopian plateau. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19(4):728-741 (https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.1999.10011185)
- ↑1 J. Kriwet, O. W. M. Rauhut, and U. Gloy. 1997. Microvertebrate remains (Pisces, Archosauria) from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of southern France. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 206(1):1-28 (https://doi.org/10.1127/njgpa/206/1997/1)
- ↑1 L. Rozada, R. Allain, and R. Vullo, J. Goedert, D. Augier, A. Jean, J. Marchal, C. Peyre de Fabrègues, M. Qvarnström, R. Royo-Torres. 2020. A Lower Cretaceous Lagerstätte from France: a taphonomic overview of the Angeac‐Charente vertebrate assemblage. Lethaia 54:141-165 (https://doi.org/10.1111/let.12394)
- ↑1 J. Le Loeuff, E. Buffetaut, and P. Méchin, A. Méchin-Salessy. 1992. The first record of dromaeosaurid dinosaurs (Saurischia, Theropoda) in the Maastrichtian of southern Europe: palaeobiogeographical implications. Bulletin de la Société géologique de la France 163(3):337-343
- ↑1 N. R. Longrich, D. M. Martill, and M. Munt, M. Green, M. Penn, S. Smith. 2024. Vectidromeus insularis, a new hypsilophodontid dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight, England. Cretaceous Research 154:105707 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105707)
- ↑1 P. M. Galton. 1975. English hypsilophodontid dinosaurs (Reptilia: Ornithischia). Palaeontology 18(4):741-752
- ↑1 P. M. Galton. 1974. The ornithischian dinosaur Hypsilophodon from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History 25:1-152 (https://doi.org/10.5962/p.313819)
- ↑1 E. Buffetaut and R. L. E. Ford. 1979. The crocodilian Bernissartia in the Wealden of the Isle of Wight . Palaeontology 22(4):905-912
- ↑1 T. H. Huxley. 1870. On Hypsilophodon foxii, a new dinosaurian from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight. Quarterly Review of the Geological Society of London 26:3-12 (https://doi.org/10.1144/gsl.jgs.1870.026.01-02.07)
- ↑1 J. W. Hulke. 1874. Supplemental note on the anatomy of Hypsilophodon foxii. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 30:18-23 (https://doi.org/10.1144/gsl.jgs.1874.030.01-04.18)
- ↑1 J. Radley and S. Hutt. 1993. The Isle of Wight sauropod. Earth Science and Conservation 33:10-12
- ↑1 S. E. Evans and A. R. Milner. 1994. Middle Jurassic microvertebrate assemblages from the British Isles. In the Shadow of the Dinosaurs: Early Mesozoic Tetrapods, N. C. Fraser and H.-D. Sues (eds.), Cambridge University Press
- ↑1 S. E. Evans, M. Manabe, and E. Cook, R. Hirayama, S. Isaji, C. J. Nicholas, D. Unwin, Y. Yabumoto. 1998. An Early Cretaceous assemblage from Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Lower and Middle Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 14:183-186
- ↑1 Y. Hasegawa, M. Okura, and M. Manabe. 1990. Smaller dinosaur, Hypsilophodon tooth from Gifu Prefecture. 139th Regular Meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, June 30-July 1, 1990
- ↑1 S. Isaji, H. Okazaki, and R. Hirayama, H. Matsuoka, P. M. Barrett, T. Tsubamoto, M. Yamaguchi, I. Yamaguchi, T. Sakumoto. 2005. Depositional environments and taphonomy of the bone-bearing beds of the Lower Cretaceous Kuwajima Formation, Tetori Group, Japan. Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History, Series A 3:123-133
- ↑1 V. M. Bravo Cuevas. 2015. El registro de huellas de dinosaurios de los estados de Oaxaca, Michoacán y Puebla [The dinosaur track record of the states of Oaxaca, Michoacán and Puebla]. El Registro Paleobiológico del Estado de Puebla
- ↑1 D. Grigorescu, J.-L. Hartenberger, and C. Radulescu, P. Samson, J. Sudre. 1985. Découverte de Mammifères et Dinosaures dans le Crétacé supérieur de Pui (Roumaine) [Discovery of mammals and dinosaurs in the Upper Cretaceous of Pui (Romania)]. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris, Série II 301(19):1365-1368
- ↑1 E. Tallodi Posmosanu and E. Popa. 1997. Notes on a camptosaurid dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous bauxite, Cornet–Romania. Nymphaea: Folia Naturae Bihariae 23-25:35-44
- ↑1 P. Skutschas. 2006. Mesozoic amphibians from Siberia, Russia. 9th International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota, Abstracts and Proceedings Volume
- ↑1 2 3 A. O. Averianov, S. Leshchinskiy, and P. Skutschas, A. Fayngertz, A. Rezvyi. 2004. Dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous Ilek Formation in West Siberia, Russia. Second European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists Meeting, Moravian Museum, Brno. Abstracts of Papers
- ↑1 V. R. Alifanov and S. V. Saveliev. 2014. Two new ornithischian dinosaurs (Hypsilophodontia, Ornithopoda) from the Late Jurassic of Russia. Paleontological Journal 48(4):414-425 (https://doi.org/10.1134/S0031030114040029)
- ↑1 O. W. M. Rauhut. 1999. A dinosaur fauna from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of northern Sudan. Palaeontologia Africana 35:61-84
- ↑1 2 L. A. Nessov. 1995. Dinozavri severnoi Yevrazii: Novye dannye o sostave kompleksov, ekologii i paleobiogeografii [Dinosaurs of northern Eurasia: new data about assemblages, ecology, and paleobiogeography]. Institute for Scientific Research on the Earth's Crust, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
- ↑1 W. D. Maxwell. 1993. Neonate dinosaur remains and dinosaur eggshell from the Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formation, Montana. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 13(3, suppl.):49A
- ↑1 P. V. Ullmann, D. Varricchio, and M. J. Knell. 2012. Taphonomy and taxonomy of a vertebrate microsite in the mid-Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian) Blackleaf Formation, southwest Montana. Historical Biology 24(3):311-328 (https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2011.602405)
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 UCMP Database. 2005. UCMP collections database. University of California Museum of Paleontology
- ↑1 2 M. O. R. Database. 2006. MOR collections database.
- ↑1 L. S. Russell. 1968. A dinosaur bone from Willow Creek beds in Montana. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 5:327-329 (https://doi.org/10.1139/e68-034)
- ↑1 W. W. Stein and M. Triebold. 2013. Preliminary analysis of a sub-adult tyrannosaurid skeleton from the Judith River Formation of Petroleum County, Montana. Tyrannosaurid Paleobiology
- ↑1 K. Carpenter and K. Alf. 1994. Global distribution of dinosaur eggs, nests, and babies. Dinosaur Eggs and Babies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
- ↑1 J. R. Horner. 1984. Three ecologically distinct vertebrate faunal communities from the Late Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of Montana, with discussion of evolutionary pressures induced by interior seaway fluctuations. Northwest Montana and Adjacent Canada. Montana Geological Society, 1984 Field Conference and Symposium
- ↑1 P. Dodson. 1986. Avaceratops lammersi: a new ceratopsid from the Judith River Formation of Montana. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 138(2):305-317
- ↑1 P. M. Galton and J. A. Jensen. 1979. Remains of ornithopod dinosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous of North America. Brigham Young University Geology Studies 25(3):1-10
- ↑1 J. T. Thurmond. 1974. Lower vertebrate faunas of the Trinity Division on north-central Texas. Aspects of Trinity Division Geology. A Symposium on the Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Environments, and Fauna of the Comanche Cretaceous Trinity Division (Aptian and Albian) of Texas and Northern Mexico. Geoscience and Man 8:103-129
- ↑1 D. B. Weishampel and J. B. Weishampel. 1983. Annotated localities of ornithopod dinosaurs: implications to Mesozoic paleobiogeography. The Mosasaur 1:43-87
- ↑1 2 J. R. Garrison, Jr., D. B. Brinkman, and D. J. Nichols, P. Layer, D. L. Burge, D. Thayn. 2007. A multidisciplinary study of the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Mussentuchit Wash, Utah: a determination of the paleoenvironment and paleoecology of the Eolambia caroljonesa dinosaur quarry. Cretaceous Research 28:461-494 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2006.07.007)
- ↑1 J. I. Kirkland and J. R. Lively. 2023. MTE14 Mesozoic of Utah Field Trip (https://doi.org/10.3102/2004552)
- ↑1 J. I. Kirkland, D. Burge, and R. Gaston. 1993. A large dromaeosaur (Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of eastern Utah. Hunteria 2(10):1-16
- ↑1 C. A. Boyd, S. K. Drumheller, and T. A. Gates. 2013. Crocodyliform feeding traces on juvenile ornithischian dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Kaiparowits Formation, Utah. PLoS ONE 8(2):e57605:1-8 (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0057605)
- ↑1 J. R. Foster and A. B. Heckert. 2011. Ichthyoliths and other microvertebrate remains from the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of northeastern Wyoming: A screen-washed sample indicates a significant aquatic component to the fauna. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 305:264-279 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.03.007)
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