
Source: Wikipédia
Les Nodosauridae (nodosauridés en français), constituent une famille éteinte de dinosaures ornithischiens appartenant à l'infra-ordre des ankylosauriens qui ont vécu du Jurassique supérieur jusqu’à la fin du Crétacé. Le genre principal de cette famille est Nodosaurus qui lui a donné son nom.
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- Attibution: ?
- Statut: Valide
- Environnement de découverte: terrestrial
- Mode de vie: terrestrial
- Mode de locomotion: actively mobile
- Vision: ?
- Alimentation: herbivore
- Mode de reprodution: oviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile
- Classification: Ankylosauria >> Thyreophora >> Genasauria >> Ornithischia >> Dinosauria
- Période: Kimmeridgian - Maastrichtian (de -154.80 Ma à -66.00 Ma)
- Descendance(s):
- Genres: Acantholipan Animantarx Anoplosaurus Antarctopelta Borealopelta Chassternbergia Crataeomus Danubiosaurus Denversaurus Dongyangopelta Edmontonia Euacanthus Gargoyleosaurus Gastonia Glyptodontopelta Hoplitosaurus Hoplosaurus Hungarosaurus Hylaeosaurus Hylosaurus Invictarx Leipsanosaurus Mymoorapelta Niobrarasaurus Nodosaurus Panoplosaurus Patagopelta Pawpawsaurus Peloroplites Pleuropeltus Polacanthus Propanoplosaurus Sauropelta Sauroplites Silvisaurus Stegopelta Struthiosaurus Taohelong Tatankacephalus Texasetes Vectensia Ouvrir - Fermer
- Découverte(s): 161 occcurrences
Ouvrir - FermerAntarctique
- ?
- ?
- Formation Snow Hill Island
- Nodosauridae identifié comme n. gen. Antarctopelta n. sp. oliveroi17070
- Formation Snow Hill Island
- ?
- ?
- Río Negro
- ?
- Formation Allen
- Patagopelta cristata83606
- Formation Allen
- ?
- Río Negro
- ?
- Niederosterreich
- ?
- Formation Grünbach
- Struthiosaurus austriacus12997
- Struthiosaurus austriacus identifié comme Crataeomus n. sp. lepidophorus12806
- Struthiosaurus austriacus identifié comme n. gen. Crataeomus n. sp. pawlowitschii12806
- Struthiosaurus austriacus identifié comme n. gen. Danubiosaurus n. sp. anceps12997
- Struthiosaurus austriacus identifié comme n. gen. Pleuropeltus n. sp. suessii12806
- Formation Grünbach
- ?
- Nordrhein-Westfalen
- ?
- Formation Bückeberg
- Hylaeosaurus46127
- Formation Bückeberg
- ?
- Nordrhein-Westfalen
- England
- Cambridgeshire
- Dorset
- Formation Ashdown
- Hylaeosaurus31381
- Formation Ashdown
- East Sussex
- Isle of Wight
- Sussex
- West Sussex
- Formation Tunbridge Wells Sand
- Hylaeosaurus31500
- Formation Tunbridge Wells Sand
- England
- Coahuila
- ?
- Formation Pen
- Acantholipan gonzalezi66935
- Formation Pen
- ?
- Coahuila
- ?
- ?
- Formation Şard
- Struthiosaurus49557
- Formation Şard
- ?
- Alba
- Hunedoara
- ?
- Alaska
- Matanuska-Susitna
- Formation Matanuska
- Edmontonia14082
- Formation Matanuska
- Matanuska-Susitna
- Colorado
- Kansas
- Maryland
- Prince Georges
- Formation Patuxent
- Propanoplosaurus marylandicus39855
- Formation Patuxent
- Prince Georges
- Montana
- ?
- Big Horn
- Formation Cloverly
- Sauropelta13525
- Sauropelta13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme n. gen. Sauropelta n. sp. edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi ?13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi ?13525
- Formation Cloverly
- Carbon
- Chouteau
- Formation Judith River
- Edmontonia longiceps3008
- Formation Judith River
- Garfield
- Formation Hell Creek
- Edmontonia13103
- Formation Hell Creek
- Glacier
- Formation Two Medicine
- Panoplosaurus rugosidens identifié comme Palaeoscincus n. sp. rugosidens12057
- Formation Two Medicine
- Hill
- Formation Judith River
- Edmontonia13103
- Formation Judith River
- Stillwater
- Formation Bearpaw Shale
- Panoplosaurus17480
- Formation Bearpaw Shale
- Wheatland
- Yellowstone
- Formation Cloverly
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Formation Cloverly
- New Mexico
- San Juan
- Formation Kirtland
- Formation Menefee
- Invictarx zephyri66640
- Formation Ojo Alamo
- San Juan
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Utah
- Wyoming
- Albany
- Big Horn
- Formation Cloverly
- Sauropelta13525
- Sauropelta13525
- Sauropelta13525
- Sauropelta13525
- Sauropelta13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi44000
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi44000
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Sauropelta edwardsorum identifié comme Sauropelta edwardsi13525
- Formation Cloverly
- Carbon
- Fremont
- Formation Frontier
- Stegopelta landerensis7645
- Formation Frontier
- Niobrara
- Alaska
- Historique des modifications:
- 2025-02-26: Champ(s) mis à jour : Nombre d'occurences
- 2025-02-01: Champ(s) mis à jour : Rang Nom accepté
- 2024-09-07: Création d'une famille à partir des données de pbdb
La base comprend 94 publication(s).
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- ↑1 L. Salgado and Z. Gasparini. 2006. Reappraisal of an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of James Ross Island (Antarctica). Geodiversitas 28(1):119-135
- ↑1 F. Riguetti, X. Pereda-Suberbiola, and D. Ponce, L. Salgado, S. Apesteguía, S. Rozadilla, V. Arbour. 2022. A new small-bodied ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of North Patagonia (Río Negro Province, Argentina). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 20(1):2137441 (
- ↑1 X. Pereda Suberbiola and P. M. Galton. 2001. Reappraisal of the nodosaurid ankylosaur Struthiosaurus austriacus Bunzel from the Upper Cretaceous Gosau Beds of Austria. The Armored Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press, Bloomington
- ↑1 B. F. Nopcsa. 1918. Leipsanosaurus n. gen. in neuer thyreophore aus der Gosau [Leipsanosaurus n. gen. a new thyreophoran from the Gosau]. Földtani Közlöny 48:324-328
- ↑1 2 E. Bunzel. 1871. Die Reptilfauna der Gosauformation in der Neuen Welt bei Weiner-Neustadt. Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 5:1-18
- ↑1 2 3 H. G. Seeley. 1881. The reptile fauna of the Gosau Formation preserved in the Geological Museum of the University of Vienna. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 37(148):620-707 (
- ↑1 M. J. Ryan and A. P. Russell. 2001. Dinosaurs of Alberta (exclusive of Aves). Mesozoic Vertebrate Life
- ↑1 C. M. Brown, D. M. Henderson, and J. Vinther, I. F., A. Sistiaga, J. Herrera, R. E. Summons. 2017. An exceptionally preserved three-dimensional armored dinosaur reveals insights into coloration and Cretaceous predator-prey dynamics. Current Biology 27:2514-2521 (
- ↑1 2 3 J. Danis. 1986. Quarries of Dinosaur Provincial Park. In B. G. Naylor (ed.), Field Trip Guidebook to Dinosaur Provincial Park, 2 June 1986. Dinosaur Systematics Symposium, Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Alberta
- ↑1 P. Currie. 1994. ETE reference number 1703.
- ↑1 2 3 4 K. Carpenter. 1990. Ankylosaur systematics: example using Panoplosaurus and Edmontonia (Ankylosauria: Nodosauridae). Dinosaur Systematics: Approaches and Perspectives (
- ↑1 L. M. Lambe. 1919. Description of a new genus and species (Panoplosaurus mirus) of an armoured dinosaur from the Belly River Beds of Alberta. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, series 3 13:39-50
- ↑1 C. M. Sternberg. 1928. A new armored dinosaur from the Edmonton Formation of Alberta. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, series 3 22:93-106
- ↑1 W. Langston. 1975. The ceratopsian dinosaurs and associated lower vertebrates from the St. Mary River Formation (Maestrichtian) at Scabby Butte, southern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 12:1576-1608 (
- ↑1 2 J. E. Storer. 1993. Additions to the mammalian paleofauna of Saskatchewan. Modern Geology 18(4):475-487
- ↑1 J.-T. Yang, H.-L. You, and D.-Q. Li, D.-L. Kong. 2013. [First discovery of polacanthine ankylosaur dinosaur in Asia]. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 51(4):265-277
- ↑1 B. Bohlin. 1953. VI. Vertebrate Palaeontology 6. Fossil reptiles from Mongolia and Kansu. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-western Provinces of China under Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition Publication 37:1-113
- ↑1 R. Chen, W. Zheng, and Y. Azuma, M. Shibata, T. Lou, Q. Jin, X. Jin. 2013. A new nodosaurid ankylosaur from the Chaochuan Formation of Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 87(3):658-671
- ↑1 S. Sachs and J. J. Hornung. 2013. Ankylosaur remains from the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) of northwestern Germany. PLoS One 8(4):e60571:1-7 (
- ↑1 J. I. Kirkland, L. Alcalá, and M. A. Loewen, Espílez, L. Mampei, J. P. Wiersma. 2013. The basal nodosaurid Europelta carbonensis n. gen., n. sp. from the Lower Cretaceous (Lower Albian) Escucha Formation of northeastern Spain. PLoS One 8(12):e80405:1-40 (
- ↑1 X. Pereda Suberbiola, M. Meijide, and F. Torcida, J. Welle, C. Fuentes, L. A. Izquierdo, D. Montero, G. Pérez, V. Urién. 1999. Espinas dermicas del dinosaurio anquilosaurio Polacanthus en las facies Weald de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, España) [Dermal spines of the ankylosaurian dinosaur Polacanthus in the Weald facies of Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, Spain)]. Estudios Geológicos 55:267-272
- ↑1 2 X. Pereda-Suberbiola, H. Asibia, and X. Murelaga, J. J. Elzorza, J. J. Gomez-Alday. 2000. Taphonomy of the Late Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing beds of the Lano Quarry (Iberian Peninsula). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 157:247-275 (
- ↑1 J. Le Loeuff and E. Buffetaut. 1995. The evolution of Late Cretaceous non-marine vertebrate fauna in Europe. Sixth Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota, Short Papers
- ↑1 N. Hernández Medrano, C. Pascual Arribas, and P. Latorre Macarrón, E. Sanz Pérez. 2006. Contribución de los yacimientos de icnitas sorianos al registro general de Cameros [Contribution of the Sorian track localities to the general registry of Cameros]. Zubía 23-24:79-120
- ↑1 H. Astibia, E. Buffetaut, and A. D. Buscalioni, H. Cappetta, C. Corral, R. Estes, F. Garcia-Garmilla, J. J. Jaeger, E. Jiminez-Fuentes, J. Le Loeuff, J. M. Mazin, X. Orue-Etexebarria, J. Pereda-Suberbiola, J. E. Powell, J. C. Rage, J. Rodriguez-Lazaro, J. L. Sanz, H. Tong. 1990. The fossil vertebrates from the Lano (Basque Country, Spain); new evidence on the composition and affinities of the Late Cretaceous continental faunas of Europe. Terra Nova 2:460-466 (
- ↑1 J. Company Rodríguez, M. Feist, and D. Peyrot, E. Barron, F. Robles, J. Pereda-Suberbiola, J. I. Ruiz-Omenaca. 2005. Stratigraphic position and palaeoenvironmental traits of the Late Cretaceous vertebrate-bearing sites of Chera (Valencia, Spain), based on micropalaeontological data. Current Research in Vertebrate Palaeontolgy. 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (EAVP). Kaupia 14:76
- ↑1 J. I. Canudo, J. I. Ruiz-Omeñaca, and G. Cuenca-Bescós. 2004. Los primeros dientes de anquilosaurio (Ornithischia: Thyreophora) descritos en el Cretácico Inferior de España [The first ankylosaurian teeth (Ornithischia: Thyreophora) described from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain]. Revista Española de Paleontología 19(1):33-46
- ↑1 C. Barrois. 1875. Les reptiles du terrain crétacé du N.-E. du bassin de Paris [The reptiles of the Cretaceous terrain of the NE of the Paris Basin]. Bulletin Scientifique, Historique et Littéraire du Département du Nord et des Pays Voisins 7(4–5):73-83
- ↑1 Y. Laurent, J. Le Loeuff, and M. Bilotte, E. Buffetaut, G. S. Odin. 2001. Campanian-Maastrichtian continental-marine connection at the Aquitaine-Pyrenees-Provence area (S France). The Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 19:657-674 (
- ↑1 G. Garcia and X. Pereda-Suberbiola. 2003. A new species of Struthiosaurus (Dinosauria: Ankylosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Villeveyrac (southern France). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23(1):156-165 ([156:ansosd];2)
- ↑1 G. Garcia, S. Duffaud, and M. Feist, B. Marandat, Y. Tambareau, J. Villatte, B. Sigé. 2000. La Neuve, gisement à plantes, invertébrés et vertébrés du Bégudien (Sénonien supérieur continental) du bassin d'Aix-en-Provence [La Neuve, Aix-en-Provence Basin, SE France, a new fossil site bearing plants, invertebrates and vertebrates of Begudian age (continental Late Senonian)]. Geodiversitas 22(3):325-348
- ↑1 2 H. G. Seeley. 1879. On the Dinosauria of the Cambridge Greensand. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 35:591-636 (
- ↑1 R. Damon. 1860. Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland. With Notes on the Natural History of the Coast and Neighbourhood. Edward Stanford, London (
- ↑1 2 P. Austen, D. Brockhurst, and K. Honeysett. 2010. Vertebrate fauna from Ashdown Brickworks, Bexhill, East Sussex. Wealden News (8):13-23
- ↑1 2 3 W. P. Coombs. 1978. The families of the ornithischian dinosaur order Ankylosauria. Palaeontology 21(1):143-170
- ↑1 2 3 W. T. Blows. 1987. The armoured dinosaur Polacanthus foxi from the Lower Cretaceous of the Isle of Wight. Palaeontology 30(3):557-580
- ↑1 W. T. Blows. 1982. A preliminary account of a new specimen of Polacanthus foxi (Ankylosauria, Reptilia) from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight. Proceedings of the Isle of Wight Natural History and Archaeological Society 1980 pt. 5(7):303-306
- ↑1 2 W. T. Blows and K. Honeysett. 2014. New nodosaurid teeth (Dinosauria, Ankylosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous of southern England. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59(4):835-841 (
- ↑1 J. B. Delair. 1982. Notes on an armoured dinosaur from Barnes High, Isle of Wight. Proceedings of the Isle of Wight Natural History and Archaeological Society 7(5):297-302
- ↑1 J. W. Hulke. 1881. Polacanthus foxii, a large undescribed dinosaur from the Wealden Formation in the Isle of Wight. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 172:653-662
- ↑1 J. D. Radley. 1996. Type, figured and cited specimens in the Museum of Isle of Wight Geology (Isle of Wight, England). The Geological Curator 6(5):187-193 (
- ↑1 G. A. Mantell. 1854. The Medals of Creation; or, First Lessions in Geology, and the Study of Organic Remains 2:447-930 (
- ↑1 2 3 R. Lydekker. 1888. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History). Part I. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Proterosauria. British Museum (Natural History), London (
- ↑1 P. M. Galton. 1985. British plated dinosaurs (Ornithischia, Stegosauridae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 5(3):211-254 (
- ↑1 W. T. Blows. 1996. A new species of Polacanthus (Ornithischia: Ankylosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous of Sussex, England. Geological Magazine 133(6):671-682 (
- ↑1 P. M. Galton. 2009. Notes on Neocomian (Lower Cretaceous) ornithopod dinosaurs from England - Hypsilophodon, Valdosaurus, "Camptosaurus", "Iguanodon" - and referred specimens from Romania and elsewhere. Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève 28(1):211-273
- ↑1 A. Osi, X. Pereda-Suberbiola, and T. Foldes. 2014. Partial skull and endocranial cast of the ankylosaurian dinosaur Hungarosaurus from the Late Cretaceous of Hungary: implications for locomotion. Palaeontologia Electronica 17(1):1-18 (
- ↑1 A. Osi. 2005. Hungarosaurus tormai, a new ankylosaur (Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of Hungary. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(2):370-383 ([0370:htanad];2)
- ↑1 H. E. Rivera-Sylva, E. Frey, and W. Stinnesbeck, G. Carbot-Chanona, I. E. Sanchez-Uribe, J. R. Guzman-Gutierrez. 2018. Paleodiversity of Late Cretaceous Ankylosauria from Mexico and their phylogenetic significance. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 137(1):83-93 (
- ↑1 2 S. Brusatte, M. Vremir, and A. Watanabe, Z. Csiki-Sava, D. Naish, G. J. Dyke, G. M. Erickson, M. A. Norell. 2013. An infant ornithopod dinosaur tibia from the Late Cretaceous of Sebes, Romania. Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis 5:627-644
- ↑1 V. Codrea, M. Vremir, and C. Jipa, P. Godefroit, Z. Csiki, T. Smith, C. Farcas. 2010. More than just Nopcsa's Transylvanian dinosaurs: A look outside the Hateg Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 293:391-405 (
- ↑1 G. Botfalvai, E. Prondvai, and A. Ösi. 2021. Living alone or moving in herds? A holistic approach highlights complexity in the social lifestyle of Cretaceous ankylosaurs. Cretaceous Research 118:104633 (
- ↑1 M. Delfino, V. Codrea, and A. Folie, P. Dica, P. Godefroit, T. Smith. 2008. A complete skull of Allodaposuchus precedens Nopcsa, 1928 (Eusuchia) and a reassessment of the morphology of the taxon based on the Romanian remains. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(1):111-122 ([111:acsoap];2)
- ↑1 2 3 Z. Csiki, D. Grigorescu, and V. Codrea, F. Therrien. 2010. Taphonomic modes in the Maastrichtian continental deposits of the Haţeg Basin, Romania—palaeoecological and palaeobiological inferences. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 293(3-4):375-390 (
- ↑1 B. F. Nopcsa. 1915. Die dinosaurier der Siebenbürgischen landesteile Ungarns [Dinosaurs of the Transylvanian regions of Hungary]. Mitteilungen aus den Jahrbuch der Königlich Ungarnischen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 23:1-24
- ↑1 R. A. Gangloff. 1995. Edmontonia sp., the first record of an ankylosaur from Alaska. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15(1):195-200 (
- ↑1 2 K. Carpenter and D. B. Young. 2002. Late Cretaceous dinosaurs from the Denver Basin, Colorado. Rocky Mountain Geology 37(2):237-254 (
- ↑1 J. I. Kirkland, K. Carpenter, and A. P. Hunt, R. D. Scheetz. 1998. Ankylosaur (Dinosauria) specimens from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. Modern Geology 23:145-177
- ↑1 J. I. Kirkland and K. Carpenter. 1994. North America's first pre-Cretaceous ankylosaur (Dinosauria) from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of western Colorado. Brigham Young University Geology Studies 40:25-42
- ↑1 M. G. Mehl. 1936. Hierosaurus coleii: a new aquatic dinosaur from the Niobrara Cretaceous of Kansas. Journal of the Scientific Laboratories, Denison University 31:1-20
- ↑1 M. J. Everhart and S. A. Hamm. 2005. A new nodosaur specimen (Dinosauria: Nodosauridae) from the Smoky Hill Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of western Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 108(1/2):15-21 ([0015:annsdn];2)
- ↑1 T. H. Eaton, Jr. 1960. A new armored dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Kansas. The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions: Vertebrata 8:1-24
- ↑1 G. A. Liggett. 2005. A review of the dinosaurs from Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 108(1/2):1-14 ([0001:arotdf];2)
- ↑1 R. Stanford, D. B. Weishampel, and V. B. Deleon. 2011. The first hatchling dinosaur reported from the eastern United States: Propanoplosaurus marylandicus (Dinosauria: Ankylosauria) from the Early Cretaceous of Maryland, U.S.A. Journal of Paleontology 85(5):916-924 (
- ↑1 W. D. Maxwell, B. H. Hallas, and J. R. Horner. 1997. Further neonate dinosaurian remains and dinosaurian eggshell from the Cloverly Formation of Montana. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(3, suppl.):63A
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 J. H. Ostrom. 1970. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cloverly Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Bighorn Basin area, Wyoming and Montana. Peabody Museum Bulletin 35:1-234
- ↑1 A. Sahni. 1972. The vertebrate fauna of the Judith River Formation, Montana. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 147(6):321-412
- ↑1 2 UCMP Database. 2005. UCMP collections database. University of California Museum of Paleontology
- ↑1 C. W. Gilmore. 1930. On dinosaurian reptiles from the Two Medicine Formation of Montana. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 77(16):1-39 (
- ↑1 W. L. Parsons and K. M. Parsons. 2009. A new ankylosaur (Dinosauria: Ankylosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formation of central Montana. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 46:721-738 (
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S. E. Jasinski, R. M. Sullivan, and S. G. Lucas. 2011. Taxonomic composition of the Alamo Wash local fauna from the Upper Cretaceous Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. Fossil Record 3. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 53:216-271
- ↑1 A. T. McDonald and D. G. Wolfe. 2018. A new nodosaurid ankylosaur (Dinosauria: Thyreophora) from the Upper Cretaceous Menefee Formation of New Mexico. PeerJ 6(e5435) (
- ↑1 T. L. Ford. 2000. A review of ankylosaur osteoderms from New Mexico and a preliminary review of ankylosaur armor. Dinosaurs of New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 17:157-176
- ↑1 M. E. Burns. 2008. Taxonomic utility of ankylosaur (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) osteoderms: Glyptodontopelta mimus Ford, 2000: a test case. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(4):1102-1109 (
- ↑1 W. W. Stein. 2021. The paleontology, geology and taphonomy of the Tooth Draw Deposit; Hell Creek Formation (Maastrictian), Butte County, South Dakota. The Journal of Paleontological Sciences JPS.C.21:0001:1-108
- ↑1 R. T. Bakker. 1988. Review of the Late Cretaceous nodosaurid Dinosauria: Denversaurus schlessmani, a new armor-plated dinosaur from the latest Cretaceous of South Dakota, the last survivor of the nodosaurians, with comments on stegosaur-nodosaur relationships. Hunteria 1(3):1-23
- ↑1 F. A. Lucas. 1901. A new dinosaur, Stegosaurus marshi, from the Lower Cretaceous of South Dakota. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 23(1224):591-592 (
- ↑1 2 J. T. Sankey. 2010. Faunal composition and significance of high-diversity, mixed bonebeds containing Agujaceratops mariscalensis and other dinosaurs, Aguja Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Big Bend, Texas. New Perspectives on Horned Dinosaurs: The Royal Tyrrell Museum Ceratopsian Symposium. Indiana University Press, Bloomington
- ↑1 Y. -N. Lee. 1996. A new nodosaurid ankylosaur (Dinosauria: Ornithschia) from the Paw Paw Formation (late Albian) of Texas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(2):232-245 (
- ↑1 X. Pereda Suberbiola and P. M. Barrett. 1999. A systematic review of ankylosaurian dinosaur remains from the Albian-Cenomanian of England. Cretaceous Fossil Vertebrates. Special Papers in Palaeontology 60:177-208
- ↑1 W. P. Coombs. 1995. A new nodosaurid ankylosaur (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Lower Cretaceous of Texas. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15(2):298-312 (
- ↑1 K. Carpenter, J. Bartlett, and J. Bird, R. Barrick. 2008. Ankylosaurs from the Price River Quarries, Cedar Mountain Formation (Lower Cretaceous), east-central Utah. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(4):1089-1101 (
- ↑1 2 K. Carpenter, J. I. Kirkland, and D. Burge, J. Bird. 1999. Ankylosaurs (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, and their stratigraphic distribution. Vertebrate Paleontology in Utah, D. D. Gillette (ed.), Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99-1:243-251
- ↑1 2 J. I. Kirkland and J. R. Lively. 2023. MTE14 Mesozoic of Utah Field Trip (
- ↑1 2 J. I. Kirkland. 1998. A polacanthine ankylosaur (Ornithischia: Dinosauria) from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian) of eastern Utah. Lower and Middle Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems (S. G. Lucas, J. I. Kirkland, & J. W. Estep, eds.), New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 14:271-281
- ↑1 B. Kineer, K. Carpenter, and A. Shaw. 2016. Redescription of Gastonia burgei (Dinosauria: Ankylosauria, Polacanthidae), and description of a new species. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 282(1):37-80 (
- ↑1 N. M. Bodily. 1970. An armored dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Utah. Brigham Young University Geology Studies 16(3):35-60
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