
Source: Wikipédia
Les Allosauroidea (les allosauroïdes en français) forment une super-famille ou clade de dinosaures théropodes qui comprend quatre familles : les Metriacanthosauridae, les Allosauridae, les Carcharodontosauridae et les Neovenatoridae.
Le plus ancien Allosauroidea connu, Sinraptor dongi, a vécu au Jurassique moyen (étage Bathonien) en Chine et le plus récent est le Neovenatoridae Orkoraptor qui a vécu à la fin du Crétacé (étage Maastrichtien). Les Allosauroidea avaient une tête longue et aplatie transversalement, de grands yeux, trois doigts aux pattes avant et généralement des « cornes » ou des crêtes ornementales sur la tête. Le plus célèbre et le mieux connu des Allosauroidea est le genre Allosaurus qui a vécu en Amérique du Nord.
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- Attibution: ?
- Statut: Valide
- Environnement de découverte: terrestrial
- Mode de vie: terrestrial
- Mode de locomotion: actively mobile
- Vision: ?
- Alimentation: carnivore
- Mode de reprodution: oviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile
- Classification: Tetanurae >> Averostra >> Neotheropoda >> Theropoda >> Dinosauria
- Période: Toarcian - Maastrichtian (de -180.40 Ma à -66.00 Ma)
- Descendance(s):
- Genres: Allosaurus Antrodemus Apatodon Asfaltovenator Creosaurus Epanterias Labrosaurus Monolophosaurus Saurophagus Ouvrir - Fermer
- Allosauria
- Allosauridae: Saurophaganax
- Antrodemidae (Synonyme subjectif de Allosauridae)
- Carcharodontosauria: Datanglong Lusovenator Siamraptor Ulughbegsaurus
- Carcharodontosauridae: Acrocanthosaurus Carcharodontosaurus Concavenator Eocarcharia Giganotosaurus Kelmayisaurus Lajasvenator Mapusaurus Sauroniops Shaochilong Taurovenator Unquillosaurus Veterupristisaurus
- Carcharodontosaurinae
- Giganotosaurinae (Synonyme subjectif de Carcharodontosaurinae)
- Metriacanthosauridae: Alpkarakush Erectopus Shidaisaurus Yangchuanosaurus
- Neovenatoridae: Chilantaisaurus Fukuiraptor Neovenator Rapator
- Sinraptoridae (Synonyme subjectif de Metriacanthosauridae)
- Découverte(s): 274 occcurrences
Ouvrir - FermerArgentine
- Chubut
- Neuquén
- Río Negro
- Salta
- Candelaria
- Formation Los Blanquitos
- Unquillosaurus ceibalii11803
- Formation Los Blanquitos
- Candelaria
- Castilla-La Mancha
- Cuenca
- Formation La Huérguina
- Concavenator corcovatus33846
- Formation La Huérguina
- Cuenca
- Castilla-La Mancha
- Jalal-Abad
- ?
- Formation Balabansai
- Alpkarakush kyrgyzicus89242
- Formation Balabansai
- ?
- Jalal-Abad
- Drâa-Tafilalet
- Errachidia
- Formation ?
- Formation Douira
- Carcharodontosaurus saharicus7098
- Formation Ifezouane
- Errachidia
- Drâa-Tafilalet
- Agadez
- ?
- Tchirozerine
- Zinder
- ?
- Formation Echkar
- Carcharodontosaurus83707
- Formation Echkar
- ?
- Agadez
- ?
- ?
- Formation Papo Seco
- Erectopus superbus identifié comme Megalosaurus superbus18719
- Formation Papo Seco
- ?
- Centro
- Leiria
- ?
- Zabaykal'ye
- Petrovsky-Zabaykalsky
- Formation Turgin
- Theropoda identifié comme Allosaurus n. sp. sibiricus14788
- Formation Turgin
- Petrovsky-Zabaykalsky
- Zabaykal'ye
- Kalasin
- Kham Muang
- Formation Phu Kradung
- Metriacanthosauridae identifié comme Sinraptoridae indet.83629
- Formation Phu Kradung
- Kham Muang
- Khon Kaen
- Phu Wiang
- Formation Sao Khua
- Siamotyrannus isanensis25804
- Formation Sao Khua
- Phu Wiang
- Mukdahan
- ?
- Formation Phu Kradung
- Metriacanthosauridae identifié comme Sinraptoridae indet.82062
- Formation Phu Kradung
- ?
- Nakhon Ratchasima
- Muang Nakhon Ratchasima
- Formation Khok Kruat
- Siamraptor suwati70916
- Formation Khok Kruat
- Muang Nakhon Ratchasima
- Kalasin
- Arkansas
- Howard
- Formation Holly Creek
- Acrocanthosaurus atokensis78417
- Formation Holly Creek
- Howard
- Colorado
- Fremont
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus15179
- Allosaurus12893
- Allosaurus49550
- Allosaurus10618
- Allosaurus12893
- Allosaurus fragilis10606
- Allosaurus fragilis12893
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme n. gen. Labrosaurus n. sp. ferox12248
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme Laelaps n. sp. trihedrodon15653
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme n. gen. Epanterias n. sp. amplexus9077
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme Laelaps trihedrodon16612
- Formation Morrison
- Grand
- Gunnison
- Jefferson
- Larimer
- Mesa
- Moffat
- Montezuma
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus lucasi15179
- Formation Morrison
- Montrose
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus jimmadseni71691
- Formation Morrison
- Otero
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus58659
- Formation Morrison
- Saguache
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus15179
- Formation Morrison
- Summit
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus15179
- Formation Morrison
- Fremont
- District of Columbia
- ?
- Formation Arundel Clay
- Tetanurae identifié comme Creosaurus n. sp. potens14173
- Formation Arundel Clay
- ?
- Idaho
- Bonneville
- Formation Wayan
- Neovenatoridae70246
- Formation Wayan
- Bonneville
- Maryland
- Montana
- New Mexico
- Oklahoma
- Atoka
- Cimarron
- McCurtain
- Formation Antlers
- Acrocanthosaurus atokensis7057
- Formation Antlers
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Parker
- Formation Twin Mountains
- Acrocanthosaurus atokensis13773
- Formation Twin Mountains
- Parker
- Utah
- Wyoming
- Albany
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus15179
- Allosaurus13281
- Allosaurus13281
- Allosaurus15179
- Allosaurus10618
- Allosaurus10606
- Allosaurus15179
- Allosaurus15179
- Allosaurus30946
- Allosaurus85332
- Allosaurus85332
- Allosaurus85332
- Allosaurus85332
- Allosaurus85332
- Allosaurus85332
- Allosaurus fragilis13281
- Allosaurus fragilis13281
- Allosaurus fragilis46207
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme Antrodemus valens10608
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme Allosaurus n. sp. ferox14074
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme Allosaurus n. sp. lucaris7813
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme n. gen. Creosaurus n. sp. atrox7813
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme Antrodemus valens10618
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme Creosaurus atrox13098
- Formation Morrison
- Big Horn
- Carbon
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus14822
- Allosaurus24837
- Allosaurus15179
- Allosaurus13281
- Allosaurus13281
- Allosaurus78581
- Allosaurus identifié comme Antrodemus sp.10618
- Allosaurus identifié comme Antrodemus sp.10618
- Allosaurus amplus identifié comme Camptonotus n. sp. amplus7814
- Allosaurus fragilis53863
- Allosaurus fragilis24837
- Allosaurus fragilis identifié comme Antrodemus valens10618
- Formation Morrison
- Converse
- Crook
- Hot Spings
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus5760
- Formation Morrison
- Hot Springs
- Johnson
- Washakie
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus jimmadseni identifié comme Allosaurus jimmadsoni41030
- Formation Morrison
- Weston
- Formation Morrison
- Allosaurus23484
- Formation Morrison
- Albany
- Arkansas
- Historique des modifications:
- 2025-02-09: Champ(s) mis à jour : Nombre d'occurences
- 2025-02-01: Champ(s) mis à jour : Rang Nom accepté
- 2024-12-08: Champ(s) mis à jour : Nombre d'occurences
- 2024-11-22: Champ(s) mis à jour : Nombre d'occurences
- 2024-09-07: Création d'une famille à partir des données de pbdb
La base comprend 163 publication(s).
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- ↑1 2 M. T. Carrano, R. B. J. Benson, and S. D. Sampson. 2012. The phylogeny of Tetanurae (Dinosauria: Theropoda). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 10(2):211-300 (
- ↑1 2 F. E. Novas, S. de Valais, and P. A. Vickers-Rich, T. H. Rich. 2005. A large Cretaceous theropod from Patagonia, Argentina, and the evolution of carcharodontosaurids. Naturwissenschaften 92:226-230 (
- ↑1 O. W. M. Rauhut and D. Pol. 2019. Probable basal allosauroid from the early Middle Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formation of Argentina highlights phylogenetic uncertainty in tetanuran theropod dinosaurs. Scientific Reports 9:18826:1-7 (
- ↑1 2 J. O. Calvo. 1999. Dinosaurs and other vertebrates of the Lake Ezequiel Ramos Mexía area, Neuquén-Patagonia, Argentina. Y. Tomida, T. H. Rich, and P. Vickers-Rich (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Gondwanan Dinosaur Symposium, National Science Museum Monographs 15:13-45
- ↑1 R. A. Coria and L. Salgado. 1995. A new giant carnivorous dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Patagonia. Nature 377:224-226 (
- ↑1 R. A. Coria and P. J. Currie. 2006. A new carcharodontosaurid (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina. Geodiversitas 28(1):71-118
- ↑1 J. I. Canale, S. Apesteguía, and P. A. Gallina, J. Mitchell, N. D. Smith, T. M. Cullen, A. Shinya, A. Haluza, F. A. Gianechini, P. J. Makovicky. 2022. New giant carnivorous dinosaur reveals convergent evolutionary trends in theropod arm reduction. Current Biology 32(14):3195-3202 (
- ↑1 R. A. Coria, P. J. Currie, and F. Ortega, M. A. Baiano. 2020. An Early Cretaceous, medium-sized carcharodontosaurid theropod (Dinosauria, Saurischia) from the Mulichinco Formation (upper Valanginian), Neuquén Province, Patagonia, Argentina. Cretaceous Research 111 (
- ↑1 J. G. Meso, L. Salgado, and J. Canale. 2016. Dientes de theropoda asociados a un esqueleto de un saurópodo titanosaurio hallado en la Formación Allen (Campaniano–Maastrichtiano) de la provincia de Río Negro, Argentina [Theropod teeth associated with a titanosaur sauropod skeleton in the Allen Formation (Campanian–Maastrichtian) of Río Negro province, Argentina]. Reunión de Comunicaciones Asociación Paleontológica Argentina. Libro de Resúmenes. Ameghiniana 53(4 (suppl.)):33
- ↑1 L. J. Pazo and S. Apesteguía. 2012. Nuevos restos craneanos de Carcharodontosauridae (Theropoda, Tetanurae) de “La Buitrera”: provincia de Río Negro, Argentina [New cranial remains of Carcharodontosauridae (Theropoda, Tetanurae) from “La Buitrera”: Río Negro province, Argentina]. XXVI Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontología de Vertebrados. I Jornadas Argentinas Técnicas en Paleontología de Vertebrados. Resúmenes. Ameghiniana 49(4 (suppl.)):R54-R55
- ↑1 M. J. Motta, A. M. Aranciaga Rolando, and S. Rozadilla, F. L. Agnolin, N. R. Chimento, F. Brissón Egli, F. E. Novas. 2016. New theropod fauna from the Upper Cretaceous (Huincul Formation) of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Cretaceous Period: Biotic Diversity and Biogeography. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 71:231-253
- ↑1 A. M. Aranciaga Rolando, M. J. Motta, and F. L. Agnolín, T. Tsuihiji, S. Miner, F. Brissón-Egli, F. E. Novas. 2024. A new carcharodontosaurid specimen sheds light on the anatomy of South American giant predatory dinosaurs. The Science of Nature 111(6) (
- ↑1 J. E. Powell. 1979. Sobre una asociacion de Dinosaurios y otras evidencias de vertebrados del Crétacico Superior de la region de La Candelaria, Prov. de Salta, Argentina. Ameghiniana 16(1-2):191-204
- ↑1 F. v. Huene. 1932. Die fossile Reptil-Ordnung Saurischia, ihre Entwicklung und Geschichte [The fossil reptile order Saurischia, their development and history]. Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie, serie 1 4(1-2):1-361
- ↑1 2 R. B. J. Benson, T. H. Rich, and P. Vickers Rich, M. Hall. 2012. Theropod fauna from southern Australia indicates high polar diversity and climate-driven dinosaur provinciality. PLoS ONE 7(5):e37122 (
- ↑1 M. A. Medeiros, S. H. Arcanjo, and I. d. S. Carvalho, A. A. Pereira, R. M. Lindoso, I. D. Mendes, E. P. de Sousa, J. F. Costa Filhao, W. d. S. Siqueira. 2015. Nova ocorrência de Diplodocoidea na Bacia de São LuÍs (Cretáceo, Cenomaniano), norte do Maranhão [New occurrence of Diplodocoidea in the São Luís Basin (Cretaceous, Cenomanian), northern Maranhão]. Anais do 14° Simpósio de Geologia da Amazônia. Recursos Minerais da Amazônia e suas Implicações Socioeconômicas. Livro de Resumos
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 R. Amiot, X. Wang, and C. Lécuyer, E. Buffetaut, L. Boudad, L. Cavin, Z. Ding, F. Fluteau, A. W. A. Kellner, H. Tong, F. Zhang. 2010. Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of middle Cretaceous vertebrates from North Africa and Brazil: Ecological and environmental significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297(2):439-451 (
- ↑1 L. L. Ribeiro, H. M. Moraes-Santos, and M. A. Medeiros. 2003. Ocorrência de Theropoda no Grupo Itapecuru da localidade de Coroatá, centro-leste do Maranhão [Occurrence of Theropoda in the Itapecuru Group in the locality of Coroatá, central-eastern Maranhão]. Paleontologia em Destaque 44:51
- ↑1 J. Mo, F. Zhou, and G. Li, Z. Huang, C. Cao. 2014. A new Carcharodontosauria (Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous of Guangxi, Southern China. Acta Geologica Sinica 88(4):1051-1059 (
- ↑1 2 S.-Y. Hu. 1964. [Carnosaurian remains from Alashan, Inner Mongolia]. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 8(1):42-63
- ↑1 X. He, S. Yang, and K. Cai, K. Li, Z. Liu. 1996. [A new species of sauropod, Mamenchisaurus anyuensis sp. nov.]. Papers on Geosciences Contributed to the 30th International Geological Congress
- ↑1 Z. Dong, Y. Zhang, and X. Li, S. Zhou. 1978. [A new carnosaur from Yongchuan County, Sichuan Province]. Ke Xue Tong Bao [Science Newsletter] 23(5):302-304
- ↑1 Z. Dong, S. Zhou, and H. Zhang. 1983. [Dinosaurs from the Jurassic of Sichuan]. Palaeontologica Sinica, New Series C, Whole Number 162(23):1-136
- ↑1 Y. Gao. 1992. Yangchuanosaurus hepingensis – a new species of carnosaur from Zigong, Sichuan. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 30(4):313-324
- ↑1 Y. Gao. 1993. [A new species of Szechuanosaurus from the Middle Jurassic of Dashanpu, Zigong, Sichuan]. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 31(4):308-314
- ↑1 Z. Dong. 1973. [Dinosaurs from Wuerho]. Reports of Paleontological Expedition to Sinkiang (II): Pterosaurian Fauna from Wuerho, Sinkiang. Memoirs of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Academia Sinica 11:45-52
- ↑1 X. Xu and J. M. Clark. 2008. The presence of a gigantic theropod in the Jurassic Shishugou Formation, Junggar Basin, western China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 46(2):157-160
- ↑1 X.-J. Zhao and P. J. Currie. 1994. A large crested theropod from the Jurassic of Xinjiang, People's Republic of China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 30(10-11):2027-2036 (
- ↑1 P. J. Currie and X.-J. Zhao. 1994. A new carnosaur (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Jurassic of Xinjiang, People's Republic of China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 30(10-11):2037-2081 (
- ↑1 X.-C. Wu, P. J. Currie, and Z. Dong, S. Pan, T. Wang. 2009. A new theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Lufeng, Yunnan, China. Acta Geologica Sinica 83(1):9-24 (
- ↑1 Z. Dong. 1979. Cretaceous dinosaurs of Hunan, China. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Red Beds of South China: Selected Papers from the "Cretaceous-Tertiary Workshop", Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology & Nanjing Institute of Paleontology (eds.), Science Press, Nanxiong, China
- ↑1 O. Gerke and O. Wings. 2016. Multivariate and cladistic analyses of isolated teeth reveal sympatry of theropod dinosaurs in the Late Jurassic of northern Germany. PLoS One 11(7):e0158334:1-52 (
- ↑1 C. Diedrich. 2011. Upper Jurassic tidal flat megatracksites of Germany—coastal dinosaur migration highways between European islands, and a review of the dinosaur footprints. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 91:129-155 (
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 A. Gabani, C. Mammeri, and M. Adaci, M. Bensalah, M. Mahboubi. 2016. Le Crétacé continental à vertébrés de la bordure sud du plateau de Tinhert: découvertes paléontologiques et considérations stratigraphiques [The continental Cretaceous vertebrates of the southern border of the Tinhert Plateau: paleontological discoveries and stratigraphic considerations]. Mémoire du service géologique de l’Algérie 19:39-61
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A. F. d. Lapparent. 1960. Les Dinosauriens du "Continental intercalaire" du Saharal central [The dinosaurs of the "Continental Intercalaire" of the central Sahara]. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, nouvelle série 39(88A):1-57
- ↑1 P. Taquet. 1977. Les découvertes récentes de Dinosaures du Jurassique et du Crétacé en Afrique, au Proche et Moyen-Orient et en Inde [Recent discoveries of dinosaurs from the Jurassic and Cretaceous in Africa, the Near and Middle East, and India]. Mémoire Hors Serie—Société Géologique de France 8:325-330
- ↑1 2 F. v. Huene. 1956. Paläontologie und Phylogenie der Niederen Tetrapoden [Paleontology and Phylogeny of the Lower Tetrapods]. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlang, Jena (
- ↑1 M. Benyoucef, A. Pérez-García, and M. Bendella, F. Ortega, R. Vullo, I. Bouchemia, B. Ferré. 2022. The “mid”-Cretaceous (Lower Cenomanian) continental vertebrates of Gara Samani, Algeria. Sedimentological framework and palaeodiversity. Frontiers in Earth Science 10:927059:1-19 (
- ↑1 E. Stromer. 1931. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stromers in den Wüsten Ägyptens. II. Wirbeltier-Reste der Baharîjestufe (unterstes Cenoman). 10. Ein Skelett-Rest von Carcharodontosaurus nov. gen. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Neue Folge 9:1-23
- ↑1 J. B. Smith, M. C. Lamanna, and K. J. Lacovara, P. Dodson, J. R. Smith, J. C. Poole, R. Giegengack, Y. Attia. 2001. A giant sauropod dinosaur from an Upper Cretaceous mangrove deposit in Egypt. Science 292:1704-1706 (
- ↑1 2 3 4 E. Stromer. 1934. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stromers in den Wüsten Ägyptens. II. Wirbeltierreste der Baharîje-Stufe (unterstes Cenoman). 13. Dinosauria [Results of the expeditions of Professor E. Stromer in the Egyptian deserts. II. Vertebrate animal remains from the Baharîje bed (lowest Cenomanian). 13. Dinosauria]. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Neue Folge 22:1-79
- ↑1 C. S. Churcher. 1999. A note on the Late Cretaceous vertebrate fauna of the Dakhleh Oasis. Reports from the Survey of the Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt, 1977–1987. Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph 2. Oxbow Monograph 99:55-67
- ↑1 F. Ortega, F. Escaco, and J. L. Sanz. 2010. A bizarre, humped Carcharodontosauria (Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain. Nature 467:203-206 (
- ↑1 2 H.-E. Sauvage. 1882. Recherches sur les reptiles trouvés dans le Gault de l'est du bassin de Paris [Research on the reptiles found in the Gault of the eastern Paris Basin]. Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, série 3 2(4):1-42
- ↑1 A. Gaudry. 1890. Les Enchainements du Monde Animal dans les Temps Geologiques. Fossiles Secondaires
- ↑1 F. v. Huene. 1926. The carnivorous Saurischia in the Jura and Cretaceous formations, principally in Europe. Revista del Museo de La Plata 29:35-167
- ↑1 2 P.-O. Mojon. 2001. Dinosauriens éocretacés des facies purbeckiens (Berriasien inférieur) du Jura méridional (S.-E. de la France) [Early Cretaceous dinosaurs from the Purbeck facies (lower Berriasian) of the southern Jura (SE France)]. Archives des Sciences Genève 54(1):1-5
- ↑1 F. v. Huene. 1923. Carnivorous Saurischia in Europe since the Triassic. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 34:449-458
- ↑1 W. T. Blows. 1978. Reptiles on the Rocks 2:1-60
- ↑1 S. Hutt, D. M. Martill, and M. J. Barker. 1996. The first European allosauroid dinosaur (Lower Cretaceous, Wealden Group, England). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1996(10):635-644 (
- ↑1 G. S. Paul. 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. Simon & Schuster, New York
- ↑1 Y. Azuma and P. J. Currie. 2000. A new carnosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Japan. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 37:1735-1753 (
- ↑1 R. E. Molnar, I. Obata, and M. Tanimoto, M. Matsukawa. 2009. A tooth of Fukuiraptor aff. F. kitadaniensis from the Lower Cretaceous Sebayashi Formation, Sanchu Cretaceous, Japan. Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University, Division of Natural Sciences 61:105-117
- ↑1 2 M. Tamura, Y. Okazaki, and N. Ikegami. 1991. [Occurrence of carnosaurian and herbivorous dinosaurs from upper formation of Mifune Group, Japan]. Kumamoto Daigaku Kyiku Gakubu kiy. Shizen kagaku 40:31-45
- ↑1 O. W. M. Rauhut, A. A. Bakirov, and O. Wings, A. E. Fernandes, T. R. Hübner. 2024. A new theropod dinosaur from the Callovian Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201(zlae090):1-51 (
- ↑1 E. Buffetaut. 1989. New remains of the enigmatic dinosaur Spinosaurus from the Cretaceous of Morocco and the affinities between Spinosaurus and Baryonyx. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1989(2):79-87 (
- ↑1 D. A. Russell. 1996. Isolated dinosaur bones from the Middle Cretaceous of the Tafilalt, Morocco. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 4e série, section C 18(2-3):349-402
- ↑1 P. C. Sereno, D. B. Dutheil, and M. Iarochene, H. C. E. Larsson, G. H. Lyon, P. M. Magwene, C. A. Sidor, D. J. Varricchio, J. A. Wilson. 1996. Predatory dinosaurs from the Sahara and Late Cretaceous faunal differentiation. Science 272:986-991 (
- ↑1 2 A. Hassler, J. E. Martin, and R. Amiot, T. Tacail, F. Arnaud Godet, R. Allain, V. Balter. 2018. Calcium isotopes offer clues on resource partitioning among Cretaceous predatory dinosaurs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285(876):20180197:1-8 (
- ↑1 A. Cau, F. M. Dalla Vecchia, and M. Fabri. 2013. A thick-skulled theropod (Dinosauria, Saurischia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Morocco with implications for carcharodontosaurid cranial evolution. Cretaceous Research 40:251-260 (
- ↑1 S. Brusatte and P. C. Sereno. 2007. A new species of Carcharodontosaurus (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Cenomanian of Niger and a revision of the genus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(4):902-916 ([902:ansocd];2)
- ↑1 A. F. d. Lapparent. 1953. Gisements de Dinosauriens dans le "Continental intercalaire" d'In Abangarit (Sahara méridional) [Dinosaur localities in the "Continental Intercalaire" of In Abangarit (southern Sahara)]. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris 236:1905-1906
- ↑1 P. C. Sereno and S. L. Brusatte. 2008. Basal abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid theropods from the Lower Cretaceous Elrhaz Formation of Niger. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53(1):15-46 (
- ↑1 P. C. Sereno, N. P. Myhrvold, and D. M. Henderson, F. E. FIsh, D. Vidal, S. L. Baumgart, T. M. Keillor, K. K. Formoso, L. L. Conroy. 2022. Spinosaurus is not an aquatic dinosaur. Elife 11:e80092:1-44 (
- ↑1 J. Rey. 1972. Recherches géologiques sur le Crétacé inférieur de l'Estremadura (Portugal). Serviços Geologicos de Portugal 21:1-477
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