
Source: Wikipédia
Les Apatosaurinae (apatosaurinés en français) forment une sous-famille éteinte de grands sauropodes de la famille des diplodocidés qui vécurent en Amérique du Nord au Jurassique supérieur (Kimméridgien et Tithonien), soit il y a environ entre 157 et 145 Ma (millions d'années). Leurs restes fossiles ont été découverts dans les états de l'ouest et du centre des États-Unis.
Ce taxon contient avec certitude les genres Apatosaurus et Brontosaurus avec au moins 5 espèces. Les genres Atlantosaurus et Amphicoelias pourraient aussi en faire partie.
Cladogramme selon Tschopp et al., 2015 :
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- Attibution: ?
- Statut: Valide
- Environnement de découverte: terrestrial
- Mode de vie: terrestrial
- Mode de locomotion: actively mobile
- Vision: ?
- Alimentation: herbivore
- Mode de reprodution: oviparous, dispersal=direct/internal,mobile
- Classification: Diplodocidae >> Flagellicaudata >> Diplodocimorpha >> Diplodocoidea >> Neosauropoda >> Eusauropoda >> Gravisauria >> Sauropoda >> Saurischia >> Dinosauria
- Période: ?
- Descendance(s):
- Genres: Apatosaurus Brontosaurus Elosaurus Eobrontosaurus Titanosaurus Ouvrir - Fermer
- Découverte(s): 242 occcurrences
Ouvrir - FermerArgentine
- Languedoc-Roussillon
- Aude
- Formation Grès des Estous
- Formation Marnes Rouges Inférieures
- Aude
- Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées
- Aude
- Formation Marnes Rouges Inférieures
- Titanosauridae identifié comme Hypselosaurus priscus30925
- Formation Marnes Rouges Inférieures
- Aude
- Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur
- Var
- Formation ?
- Titanosauridae identifié comme Hypselosaurus priscus17127
- Formation ?
- Var
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Languedoc-Roussillon
- Gujarat
- Kheda
- Formation Lameta
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus ? n. sp. rahioliensis10153
- Formation Lameta
- Kheda
- Madhya Pradesh
- Maharashtra
- Gujarat
- ?
- ?
- Formation Lubur Sandstone
- Titanosauria identifié comme cf. Titanosaurus sp.43455
- Formation Lubur Sandstone
- ?
- ?
- Savannakhet
- ?
- Formation Grès supérieurs
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus sp.23712
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus falloti23712
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus sp.23712
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus falloti23712
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus n. sp. falloti23712
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus sp.42222
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus falloti23712
- Formation Grès supérieurs
- ?
- Savannakhet
- Tahoua
- ?
- Formation Dukamaje
- Titanosauria identifié comme Titanosaurus sp.13028
- Formation Dukamaje
- ?
- Tahoua
- Centro
- Lisboa
- ?
- Formation Lourinhã
- Lourinhasaurus alenquerensis identifié comme Apatosaurus alenquerensis13143
- Formation Lourinhã
- ?
- Hunedoara
- ?
- Formation Densuş-Ciula
- Magyarosaurus dacus identifié comme Titanosaurus n. sp. dacus32943
- Formation Densuş-Ciula
- ?
- Hunedoara
- Arizona
- Navajo
- Formation Morrison
- Apatosaurus15179
- Formation Morrison
- Navajo
- Colorado
- Maryland
- Prince George's
- Formation Severn
- Ornithomimosauria identifié comme Coelosaurus sp.85047
- Formation Severn
- Prince George's
- Montana
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Slope
- Formation Hell Creek
- Thescelosaurus66240
- Formation Hell Creek
- Slope
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Montague
- Formation Travis Peak
- Ornithomimosauria identifié comme Coelosaurus sp.85047
- Formation Travis Peak
- Montague
- Utah
- Wyoming
- Albany
- Formation Morrison
- Apatosaurus69484
- Apatosaurus10618
- Apatosaurus13281
- Apatosaurus15179
- Apatosaurus15179
- Apatosaurus10618
- Apatosaurus85332
- Apatosaurus14966
- Apatosaurus13281
- Apatosaurus46207
- Apatosaurus65427
- Apatosaurus15179
- Apatosaurus15177
- Apatosaurus15179
- Apatosaurus louisae52605
- Brontosaurus excelsus7814
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus85332
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus13281
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus46207
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus46207
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus46207
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus46207
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus46207
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus46207
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Apatosaurus excelsus46207
- Brontosaurus excelsus identifié comme Brontosaurus n. sp. amplus7816
- Brontosaurus parvus55026
- Brontosaurus parvus identifié comme n. gen. Elosaurus n. sp. parvus13855
- Brontosaurus yahnahpin identifié comme Apatosaurus n. sp. yahnahpin14073
- Brontosaurus yahnahpin identifié comme Apatosaurus yahnahpin85332
- Camarasaurus grandis identifié comme Apatosaurus n. sp. grandis7811
- Macronaria identifié comme Apatosaurus n. sp. minimus18091
- Formation Morrison
- Big Horn
- Carbon
- Crook
- Formation Morrison
- Nanosaurus identifié comme Othnielosaurus sp.44147
- Formation Morrison
- Hot Springs
- Formation Morrison
- Apatosaurus19240
- Formation Morrison
- Johnson
- Niobrara
- Washakie
- Albany
- Arizona
- Soriano
- ?
- Formation Asencio
- Neuquensaurus australis identifié comme Titanosaurus australis16890
- Formation Asencio
- ?
- Soriano
Afrique du Sud
- Eastern Cape
- Herschel
- Lady Grey
- Formation Elliot
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme Euskelosaurus browni25375
- Formation Elliot
- Wodehouse
- Free State
- Bethlehem
- Formation Elliot
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Formation Elliot
- Clocolan
- Clocolon
- Formation Elliot
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Formation Elliot
- Fouriesburg
- Formation Elliot
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Formation Elliot
- Ladybrand
- Formation Elliot
- Winburg
- Formation Elliot
- Sauropodomorpha identifié comme cf. Euskelosaurus sp.25375
- Formation Elliot
- Bethlehem
- Limpopo
- Eastern Cape
- Historique des modifications:
- 2025-02-01: Champ(s) mis à jour : Rang Nom accepté
- 2024-09-07: Création d'une famille à partir des données de pbdb
La base comprend 122 publication(s).
Source: The Paleobiology Database
- ↑1 A. Windhausen. 1914. I. Geología. Contribución al conocimiento geológico de los territorios del Río Negro y Neuquén con un estudio de la región petrolífera de la parte central del Neuquén (Cerro Lotena y Convunco) [I. Geology. Contribution to the geological knowledge of the territories of Río Negro and Neuquén with a study of the oil-bearing region of the central part of Neuquén (Cerro Lotena and Convunco)]. Anales del Ministerio de Agricultura. Sección Geología, Mineralogía y Minería 10(1):1-60
- ↑1 2 F. v. Huene. 1929. Terrestrische Oberkreide in Uruguay [The terrestrial Upper Cretaceous in Uruguay]. Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Abteilung B 1929:107-112
- ↑1 2 R. Lydekker. 1893. Contributions to a knowledge of the fossil vertebrates of Argentina. I. — The dinosaurs of Patagonia. Anales del Museo de La Plata. Paleontología Argentina 2:1-16
- ↑1 2 J. E. Powell. 2003. Revision of South American titanosaurid dinosaurs: palaeobiological, palaeobiogeographical and phylogenetic aspects. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum Launceston 111:1-173
- ↑1 2 3 4 F. v. Huene. 1929. Los sauriquios y ornitisquios del Cretáceo argentino. Anales del Museo de La Plata, serie 2 3:1-196
- ↑1 C. M. Sternberg. 1926. Notes on the Edmonton Formation of Alberta. Canadian Field-Naturalist 40:102-104 (https://doi.org/10.5962/p.338660)
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D. B. Brinkman. 1990. Paleontology of the Judith River Formation (Campanian) of Dinosaur National Park, Alberta, Canada: evidence from vertebrate microfossil locality. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 78:37-54
- ↑1 D. A. Eberth, D. B. Brinkman, and P. A. Johnston. 1988. Bonebed 31. In D. A. Eberth (ed.), Palaeoecology of Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation at Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 48th Annual Meeting, Field Trip "B" (October 12, 1988). Occasional Paper of theTyrrell Museum of Palaeontology 7:23-26
- ↑1 W. A. Parks. 1926. Thescelosaurus warreni, a new species of orthopodous dinosaur from the Edmonton Formation of Alberta. University of Toronto Studies, Geology Series 21:1-42
- ↑1 D. C. Evans, P. M. Barrett, and K. L. Seymour. 2012. Revised identification of a reported Iguanodon-grade ornithopod tooth from the Scollard Formation, Alberta, Canada. Cretaceous Research 33(1):11-14 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2011.07.002)
- ↑1 C. M. Sternberg. 1940. Thescelosaurus edmontonensis, n. sp., and classification of the Hypsilophodontidae. Journal of Paleontology 14(5):481-494
- ↑1 C. M. Brown, C. A. Boyd, and A. P. Russell. 2011. A new basal ornithopod dinosaur (Frenchman Formation, Saskatchewan, Canada), and implications for late Maastrichtian ornithischian diversity in North America. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 163(4):1157-1198 (https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00735.x)
- ↑1 F. Torcida Fernández-Baldor. 1996. Registro de dinosaurios en el sureste de la provincia de Burgos [Register of dinosaurs in the southeast of Burgos province]. Zubía 14:89-104
- ↑1 F. Knoll, R. C. Ridgely, and F. Ortega, J. L. Sanz, L. M. Witmer. 2013. Neurocranial osteology and neuroanatomy of a Late Cretaceous titanosaurian sauropod from Spain (Ampelosaurus sp.). PLoS ONE 8(1):e54991:1-11 (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0054991)
- ↑1 Y. Laurent. 2003. Les faunes de vertébrés continentaux du Maastrichtien supérieur d'Europe: systématique et biodiversité [The continental vertebrate faunas of the upper Maastrichtian of Europe: systematics and biodiversity]. Strata, Série 2 41:1-81
- ↑1 2 R. Cousin, G. Breton, and R. Fournier, J.-P. Watte. 1989. Dinosaur egg-laying and nesting: the case of an upper Maastrichtian site at Rennes-le-Château (Aude, France). Historical Biology 2:157-167 (https://doi.org/10.1080/08912968909386498)
- ↑1 J. Le Loeuff. 1995. Ampelosaurus atacis (nov, gen., nov. sp.), un nouveau Titanosauridae (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) du Crétacé supérieur de la Haute Vallée de l'Aude (France) [Ampelosaurus atacis (nov, gen., nov. sp.), a new titanosaurid (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Upper Aude Valley (France)]. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris, Série IIa 321:693-699
- ↑1 2 3 P. Clottes and C. Raynaud. 1983. Le gisement à dinosauriens de Campagne-sur-Aude–Esperaza. Observations préliminaires. Premiers résultats [The dinosaur locality at Campagne-sur-Aude–Esperaza. Preliminary observations. First results]. Bulletin de la Société d'Études Scientifiques de l'Aude 83:5-14
- ↑1 2 H. K. Erben, J. Hoefs, and K. H. Wedepohl. 1979. Paleobiological and isotopic studies of eggshells from a declining dinosaur species. Palaeontology 5(4):380-414 (https://doi.org/10.1017/s0094837300016900)
- ↑1 2 3 R. Dughi and F. Sirugue. 1960. Les Dinosaures vivaient en Basse-Provence au Maestrichtien (Bégudien) [The dinosaurs that lived in Basse-Provence in the Maastrichtian (Begudian)]. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris 251(21):2387-2389
- ↑1 A. F. d. Lapparent. 1947. Les dinosauriens du Crétacé Supérieur du Midi de la France [The dinosaurs of the Upper Cretaceous of the south of France]. Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Série 56:1-54
- ↑1 P. Matheron. 1869. Notice sur les reptiles fossiles des dépôts fluvio-lacustres crétacés du bassin à lignite de Fuveau [Notice on the fossil reptiles from the Cretaceous fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the lignitic Fuveau Basin]. Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Marseille 1868–1869:345-379
- ↑1 P. Gervais. 1873. Vertèbre de l'Hypselosaurus priscus, trouvée a Pugère (Bouches-du-Rhône) [Vertebra of Hypselosaurus priscus, found at Pugère (Bouches-du-Rhône)]. Journal de Zoologie 2:469-471
- ↑1 2 A. F. d. Lapparent. 1957. Les oeufs de Dinosauriens fossiles de Rousset (Bouches-du-Rhône) [The fossil dinosaur eggs from Rousset (Bouches-du-Rhône)]. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris 245:546-549
- ↑1 M. J. Benton and P. S. Spencer. 1995. Fossil Reptiles of Great Britain. Chapman & Hall, London (https://doi.org/10.1097/00006842-199501000-00008)
- ↑1 U. B. Mathur and S. Srivastava. 1987. Dinosaur teeth from Lameta Group (Upper Cretaceous) of Kheda district, Gujarat. Journal of the Geological Society of India 29:554-566
- ↑1 W. E. Swinton. 1947. New discoveries of Titanosaurus indicus Lyd. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 11 14:112-123 (https://doi.org/10.1080/00222934708654616)
- ↑1 A. K. Srivastava and R. S. Mankar. 2013. A dinosaurian ulna from a new locality of Lameta succession, Salbardi area, districts Amravati, Maharashtra and Betul, Madhya Pradesh. Current Science 105(7):900-901
- ↑1 V. V. Kapur and A. Khosla. 2019. Faunal elements from the Deccan volcano-sedimentary sequences of India: a reappraisal of biostratigraphic, palaeoecologic, and palaeobiogeographic aspects. Geological Journal 54(5):2797-2828 (https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3379)
- ↑1 R. Lydekker. 1877. Notices of new and other Vertebrata from Indian Tertiary and Secondary rocks. Records of the Geological Survey of India 10(1):30-43
- ↑1 2 C. A. Matley. 1921. On the stratigraphy, fossils and geological relationships of the Lameta beds of Jubbulpore. Records of the Geological Survey of India 53(2):142-169
- ↑1 2 C. A. Matley. 1931. Recent discoveries of dinosaurs in India. Geological Magazine 48:274-282 (https://doi.org/10.1017/s0016756800087239)
- ↑1 D. M. Mohabey. 2001. Indian dinosaur eggs: a review. Journal of the Geological Society of India 58(6):479-508
- ↑1 R. Lydekker. 1879. Fossil Reptilia and Batrachia. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Palaeontologia Indica, Series IV. Indian Pretertiary Vertebrata 1(3):1-36
- ↑1 S. L. Jain and S. Bandyopadhyay. 1997. New titanosaurid (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from the Late Cretaceous of central India. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(1):114-136 (https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.1997.10010958)
- ↑1 K. N. Prasad. 1968. Some observations on the Cretaceous dinosaurs of India. Cretaceous-Tertiary Formations of South India. Geological Society of India Memoir 2:248-255
- ↑1 J. M. Harris and D. A. Russell. 1986. Preliminary notes on the occurrence of dinosaurs in the Turkana Grits of northern Kenya.
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 J.-H. Hoffet. 1942. Description de quelques ossements de Titanosauriens du Sénonien du Bas-Laos [Description of some titanosaurian bones from the Senonian of Lower Laos]. Comptes Rendus des Séances du Conseil des Recherches Scientifiques de l'Indochine 1942(1):49-57
- ↑1 J.-H. Hoffett. 1937. Sur le Crétacé du Bas-Laos [On the Cretaceous of Lower Laos]. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Académie des Sciences 204:1439-1441
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 J. W. Kitching and M. A. Raath. 1984. Fossils from the Elliot and Clarens Formations (Karoo Sequence) of the northeastern Cape, Orange Free State and Lesotho, and a suggested biozonation based on tetrapods. Palaeontologia Africana 25:111-125
- ↑1 P. Ellenberger. 1970. Les niveaux paléontologiques de première apparition des mammifères primoridaux en Afrique du Sud et leur ichnologie. Establissement de zones stratigraphiques detaillees dans le Stormberg du Lesotho (Afrique du Sud) (Trias Supérieur à Jurassique) [The paleontological levels of the first appearance of primordial mammals in southern Africa and their ichnology. Establishment of detailed stratigraphic zones in the Stormberg of Lesotho (southern Africa) (Upper Triassic to Jurassic). In: S. H. Haughton (ed.), Second Symposium on Gondwana Stratigraphy and Paleontology, International Union of Geological Sciences. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria
- ↑1 2 C. Depéret. 1896. Note sur les dinosauriens sauropodes & théropodes du Crétacé supérieur de Madagascar [Note on the sauropod and theropod dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of Madagascar]. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 3e série 24:176-194
- ↑1 A. Thevenin. 1907. Paléontologie de Madagascar. IV. — Dinosauriens [Paleontology of Madagascar. IV. — Dinosaurs]. Annales de Paléontologie 2:121-136
- ↑1 M. Collignon. 1968. Le Crétacé Supérieur de Madagascar [The Upper Cretaceous of Madagascar]. Cretaceous-Tertiary Formations of South India. Geological Society of India Memoir 2:320-334
- ↑1 J. Greigert, F. Joulia, and A. F. de Lapparent. 1954. Répartition strtigraphique des gisements de Vertébrés dans le Crétacé du Niger [Stratigraphic arrangement of vertebrate localities in the Cretaceous of Niger]. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Académie des Sciences 249:433-435
- ↑1 2 3 4 A. F. d. Lapparent and G. Zbyszewski. 1957. Les dinosauriens du Portugal [The dinosaurs of Portugal]. Mémoires des Services Géologiques du Portugal, nouvelle série 2:1-63
- ↑1 B. F. Nopcsa. 1915. Die dinosaurier der Siebenbürgischen landesteile Ungarns [Dinosaurs of the Transylvanian regions of Hungary]. Mitteilungen aus den Jahrbuch der Königlich Ungarnischen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 23:1-24
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J. R. Foster. 2003. Paleoecological analysis of the vertebrate fauna of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), Rocky Mountain region, U.S.A. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 23:1-95
- ↑1 2 M. Hanson and P. J. Makovicky. 2013. A new specimen of Torvoaurus tanneri originally collected by Elmer Riggs. Historical Biology 26(6):775-784 (https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2013.853056)
- ↑1 2 K. Carpenter. 1998. Vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Morrison Formation near Cañon City, Colorado. Modern Geology 23:407-426
- ↑1 C. W. Gilmore. 1914. Osteology of the armored Dinosauria in the United States National Museum, with special reference to the genus Stegosaurus. United States National Museum Bulletin 89:1-136 (https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.63658)
- ↑1 R. T. Bakker. 1998. Dinosaur mid-life crisis: the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition in Wyoming and Colorado. Lower and Middle Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 14:67-77
- ↑1 A. L. Koch, F. Frost, and K. Trujillo. 2006. Palaeontological discoveries at Curecanti National Recreation Area and Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Colorado. Paleontology and Geology of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 36:35-38
- ↑1 B. L. Bartleson and J. A. Jensen. 1988. The oldest (?) Morrison Formation dinosaur, Gunnison, Colorado. Rocky Mountain Geologist 3:129-139
- ↑1 2 O. C. Marsh. 1877. Notice of new dinosaurian reptiles from the Jurassic formation. American Journal of Science and Arts 14:514-516 (https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.s3-14.84.514)
- ↑1 2 3 J. H. Ostrom and J. S. McIntosh. 1999. Marsh's Dinosaurs: The Collections from Como Bluff. Yale University Press, New Haven
- ↑1 P. M. Galton. 2010. Species of plated dinosaur Stegosaurus (Morrison Formation, Late Jurassic) of western USA: new type species designation needed. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 103:187-198 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-010-0022-4)
- ↑1 O. C. Marsh. 1879. Principal characters of American Jurassic dinosaurs. Part II. American Journal of Science, Series 3 17:86-92 (https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.s3-17.97.86)
- ↑1 O. C. Marsh. 1877. Notice of a new and gigantic dinosaur. American Journal of Science and Arts 14:87-88 (https://doi.org/10.2475/ajs.s3-14.79.87)
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 J. R. Foster and J. E. Peterson. 2016. First report of Apatosaurus (Diplodocidae: Apatosaurinae) from the Cleveland-Lloyd Quarry in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Utah: abundance, distribution, paleoecology, and taphonomy of an endemic North American sauropod clade. Palaeoworld 25:431-443 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2015.11.006)
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 C. E. Turner and F. Peterson. 1999. Biostratigraphy of dinosaurs in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of the Western Interior, U.S.A. Vertebrate Paleontology in Utah, Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99-1:77-114
- ↑1 J. R. Foster, R. K. Hunt-Foster, and M. A. Gorman, KC Trujillo, C. A. Suarez, J. B. McHugh, J. E. Peterson, J. P. Warnock, H. E. Schoenstein. 2018. Paleontology, taphonomy, and sedimentology of the Mygatt-Moore Quarry, a large dinosaur bonebed in the Morrison Formation, western Colorado—implications for Upper Jurassic dinosaur preservation modes. Geology of the Intermountain West 5:23-93 (https://doi.org/10.31711/giw.v5.pp23-93)
- ↑1 E. S. Riggs. 1903. The vertebral column of Brontosaurus. Science 17(427):393-394 (https://doi.org/10.1126/science.17.427.393)
- ↑1 J. R. Foster, J. B. McHugh, and J. E. Peterson, M. F. Leschin. 2016. Major bonebeds in mudrocks of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), northern Colorado Plateau of Utah and Colorado. Geology of the Intermountain West 3:33-66 (https://doi.org/10.31711/giw.v3.pp33-66)
- ↑1 B. Britt. 1991. Theropods of Dry Mesa Quarry (Morrison Formation, Late Jurassic), Colorado, with emphasis on the osteology of Torvosaurus tanneri. BYU Geology Studies 37:1-72
- ↑1 K. Carpenter. 1979. Vertebrate fauna of the Laramie Formation (Maestrichtian), Weld County, Colorado. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 17(1):37-49
- ↑1 2 D. B. Weishampel and L. Young. 1996. Dinosaurs of the East Coast (https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1502-3931.1996.tb01654.x)
- ↑1 W. G. Joyce, T. R. Lyson, and S. Williams. 2016. New cranial material of Gilmoremys lancensis (Testudines, Trionychidae) from the Hell Creek Formation of southeastern Montana, U.S.A. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36(6):e1225748:1-10 (https://doi.org/10.1080/02724634.2016.1225748)
- ↑1 2 3 4 5 6 UCMP Database. 2005. UCMP collections database. University of California Museum of Paleontology
- ↑1 C. A. Boyd, C. M. Brown, and R. D. Scheetz, J. A. Clarke. 2009. Taxonomic revision of the basal neornithischian taxa Thescelosaurus and Bugenasaura. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29(3):758-770 (https://doi.org/10.1671/039.029.0328)
- ↑1 L. E. Wilson. 2008. Comparative taphonomy and paleoecological reconstruction of two microvertebrate accumulations from the Late Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation (Maastrichtian), eastern Montana. Palaios 23:289-297 (https://doi.org/10.2110/palo.2007.p07-006r)
- ↑1 W. J. Morris. 1976. Hypsilophodont dinosaurs: a new species and comments on their systematics. in Churcher, C.S. (ed.), Athlon: Essays in Honor of Loris Shano Russell. Royal Ontario Museum Special Publication
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