
Source: Wikipédia
Le musée Carnegie d'histoire naturelle (en anglais, Carnegie Museum of Natural History), situé à Pittsburgh en Pennsylvanie, a été fondé par l’industriel de la sidérurgie Andrew Carnegie en 1896. C'est un centre de recherche de réputation internationale et l'un des cinq plus grands musées d'histoire naturelle des États-Unis. Le Musée dispose d'une superficie de 10 700 m2 divisée en 20 galeries, avec une bibliothèque et des bureaux. Il abrite 22 millions de spécimens, dont environ 10 000 sont exposés en même temps, et dont près d'un million sont consultables sur des bases de données en ligne. En 2008, le Musée a réalisé 386 300 entrées et accueilli 63 000 groupes scolaires.
- Nom original: Carnegie Museum of Natural History
- Nom abrégé: CM
- Localisation: Pittsburgh (Pennsylvanie - États-Unis)
- Adresse: 4400 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, États-Unis
- Date de création: 1896
- Site internet:
- Type d'institution: Musée d'histoire naturelle
- Collections accessibles au public: Oui
Source: The Paleobiology Database
Collections(s) répertoriées dans ce musée: 50
Voir la carte ci-contre pour la localisation de ces collections.

Original caption: 'Figure 16. Summary of pneumatic features of the...

Original caption: 'Figure 12. Furcula of the theropod Aerosteon...

A size comparison of the theropod dinosaur genus Allosaurus. Showing...

A scale diagram showing the titanosaur Andesaurus compared to some...

A size comparison of three femurs (thigh bones) that were assigned to...

Left: Postcranial skeleton of Anzu wyliei gen. et sp. nov. as...

Teeth from Morocco and Niger referred to Carcharodontosaurus. Teeth...

A hypothetical scale diagram showing the holotype specimen of the...

Skeletal reconstruction and postcranial anatomy of Asfaltovenator...

Cranial anatomy of Asfaltovenator vialidadi, MPEF PV 3440. (A)...

Skull of Bajadasaurus pronuspinax gen. et sp. nov (MMCh-PV 75)

Size diagram comparing estimated adult size and Macroelongatoolithus...

Caihong juji holotype specimen (PMoL-B00175). Photographs of the slab...

Endocasts of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus. Endocast (from UCRC PV12)...

Size comparison of the Cretaceous brachiosaurid Cedarosaurus...

Size comparison of ''Changmiania''

Size comparison of the Jurassic North American ornithopod dinosaur...

Skeletal reconstruction of Eoneophron infernalis, known elements in...

Galeamopus hayi (formerly Diplodocus) type specimen (HMNS 175,...

Juvenile Gorgosaurus TMP 2009.12.14 preserving stomach contents....

Size comparison between the small troodontid Hesperornithoides and a...

Ampelognathus: 'Grapevine jaw' Late Jurassic, North America

Line diagram featuring the holotype (UCMP 276000) of Imperobator...

Outline of Irisosaurus yimenensis displaying the preserved material....

The holotype skeleton of Kamuysaurus japonicus gen. et sp. nov. (b)...

Selected skull elements of Kamuysaurus japonicus gen. et sp. nov. (a)...

Skeletal reconstruction and exemplar skeletal remains of Lingwulong...

natural silicone cast of the holotype of Lycorhinus angustidens (UCRC...

Skeletal reconstructions and postcranial elements of Utah...

Skull reconstructions and selected cranial elements of Lythronax...

Representative taxa from the latest Campanian–Maastrichtian faunas...

A scale diagram showing four different Mamenchisaurus species, M....

Minimocursor: 'Smallest runner' Late Jurassic, Asia

Dorsal vertebrae series of the holotype specimen of Morelladon...

Femur, tibia, and proximal tarsals of Nankangia (GMNH F10003).

Skull of Nigersaurus taqueti and head posture in...

A scale diagram of the fragmentary titanosaur Paralititan stromeri...

Parksosaurus scale diagram,
• Parksosaurus scaled to ~2.5m...

A scale diagram showing the giant titanosaur Patagotitan mayorum,...

Size comparison of ''Plateosaurus''

Representative bones of Pulanesaura eocollum. (a) anterior-to-middle...

A restoration of Rinconsaurus compared to a human ,
• Based...

Sinocalliopteryx gigas (CAGS-IG-T1), partial skeleton. A, B; skull;...

Skull reconstruction of Spiclypeus shipporum gen et sp. nov. (CMN...

Skeletal reconstruction of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus

A diagram showing the pachycephalosaur Stegoceras validum compared to...

Skull reconstructions and selected cranial elements of Teratophoneus...

A scale diagram comparing three parksosaurid dinsosaur genera,...

Skeletal diagram featuring the skull holotype of the ankylosaur...

Skull of Tyrannosaurus rex, type specimen (CM 9380) at the Carnegie...

Yingshanosaurus: 'Golden Hills lizard' Late Jurassic, Asia

Baminornis: 'Fujian Province bird' Late Jurassic, Asia