Chadititan calvoi nearly complete right femur of MPCN-Pv 1038 in (A)...

Figure 1-2) Lost holotype teeth of Carcharodontosaurus saharicus

Skeletal diagram of ''Comahuesaurus''

Chimère monstrueuse naturalisée (Chimaera monstrosa)

Skeletons of Bonatitan and Austroraptor at the Museo Argentino de...

Baminornis: 'Fujian Province bird' Late Jurassic, Asia
L01-HY999, the holotype left femur of Archaeocursor asiaticus...
Type locality and geological setting of Archaeocursor asiaticus (A)...

Size comparison of the holotype specimen (L01-HY999) of Archaeocursor...

Skeletal diagram of Archaeocursor asiaticus showing known fossil...

Archaeocursor: 'Old runner' Early Jurassic, Asia

Life reconstruction of Archaeocursor asiaticus

Jingiella: 'Jing' Late Jurassic, Asia

Life reconstruction of Jingiella dongxingensis

Skeletal diagram of Jingiella dongxingensis showing known fossil...

Specimens of Galleonosaurus dorisae n. gen. n. sp. from the Flat...
Skull of Huanansaurus ganzhouensis (HGM41HIII-0443).

Fossils of Massospondylus harriesi (18), Aetonyx palustris (19–23),...
Life reconstruction of an individual of MPCN-PV 738, referred to cf....

Lower leg of Hortalotarsus (posterior view), from Seeley, 1894